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Free Pack: A Free 7 Day Writer’s Training

Free 7 Day Writer's Training

Take The Free Pack Course Now!

Welcome to Free Pack, a complimentary 7-day writer’s training post. After extensive development, we are proud to present another exceptional free product. I am excited to announce the inaugural free e-course available on to all of you. It has been my aspiration to establish a professional e-learning environment for my students, and this vision is becoming a reality by the end of this year, 2018.

For those interested in a writing career, this 7-day writer’s training post is an ideal chance to hone your skills. The course covers writing fundamentals, including grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure, and guides you in developing your unique writing style and tailoring your work for various audiences.

By the course’s conclusion, you will possess the knowledge and skills to write effectively and with professionalism. Whether your goal is personal expression or professional writing, this course serves as an excellent foundation.

Moreover, this e-course is entirely free and available to anyone with internet access. Don’t hesitate—enroll now and begin your path to becoming a proficient and self-assured writer!

What is it for?

Certainly, I can elaborate further on this subject. As previously mentioned, this course focuses on instructing writers in the fundamentals of self-publishing. This encompasses a range of topics from preparing your manuscript for publication to promoting your book post-release. The course is tailored for newcomers to self-publishing, yet it also serves as an invaluable guide for those with some experience who wish to deepen their understanding of the process.

Self-publishing is remarkable in that it empowers writers to steer their own professional paths. Writers are no longer reliant on traditional publishers for recognition; they can independently publish their works and connect with a global audience. Naturally, this autonomy brings the responsibility of managing all aspects, including editing, cover design, distribution, and marketing. This course is designed to assist you in overcoming these hurdles, equipping you with the necessary tools for success.

If you’re a writer contemplating self-publishing, this course is well worth considering. It’s beneficial for both beginners and those aspiring to enhance their self-publishing endeavors. Don’t hesitate—enroll now and embark on the journey to becoming a triumphant self-published author!

Read Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide for more information on this topic.

This e-course, delivered directly to your email, offers valuable insights into self-publishing. It covers the entire process, from writing and editing to publishing and marketing books in different formats. Having achieved considerable success in self-publishing over the past two years, I am eager to share my experiences with you. This course is designed to guide you towards your self-publishing aspirations and pave your way to success. Prepare to dive deep into the world of self-publishing!

Is that good?

I definitely agree with your sentiment. Self-publishing can be a challenging and daunting process, especially for those who are just starting out and don’t have access to the resources and knowledge that more experienced authors possess. I can only imagine how much easier it would have been for you if you had access to a comprehensive course like the one that is now available from one of the world’s bestselling authors.

It’s great to hear that you are taking advantage of the opportunity to learn from successful authors like Walter Akolo and Mark Dawson. Studying under experts in your field is always a wise move, as it can help you gain valuable insights and avoid common pitfalls.

Your commitment to self-publishing is commendable, and I am confident that your efforts will ultimately be rewarded. With appropriate resources and guidance, you have the potential to accomplish your objectives and establish yourself as a successful author. Continue the excellent work!

Course Content

Our course is crafted to foster your learning and development. To ensure your comfort with the content, we’ve divided it into seven concise articles, delivered directly to your inbox. You’ll receive one article daily over a week, from April 16th to April 22nd, 2018. Recognizing the demands of a busy life, we’ve made each piece brief and digestible.

Each article spans just 1-2 pages, allowing for swift reading and better retention. But our goal extends beyond reading; we encourage you to apply what you learn. Hence, every article concludes with a call to action, enhancing the likelihood of long-term memory retention.

We’re advocates of learning by doing, which is the cornerstone of this course. It’s designed to prompt action and facilitate your growth. Enroll now and embark on your path to personal and professional advancement!

Plans after Free Pack

Upon completing the Free Pack, it is highly recommended to consider the Bronze Pack upgrade. With a one-time payment of only \$20.00, you’ll gain 7-day access to the course. The Bronze Pack elevates the lessons from the Free Pack, offering best practices in real-world writing and editing. This course will teach you to implement the principles learned in the Free Pack into your own writing endeavors.

Additionally, you’ll acquire a more profound comprehension of the writing and editing process, learning how to polish your work to excellence. The Bronze Pack has been meticulously designed by our experts to equip you with the necessary guidance and tools to enhance your writing abilities.

Suitable for both experienced professionals and novices, this course is set to elevate your writing capabilities. Investing in the Bronze Pack is a wise choice with long-term benefits, endowing you with skills and knowledge that will serve your writing for years ahead. Seize this chance to advance your writing craft and reach new creative heights. Opt for the Bronze Pack now and embark on the path to becoming an accomplished writer.

If you’re aiming to elevate your writing career, consider becoming an authorpreneur. For such a venture, we offer the ultimate course for a one-time fee of $30.00. Named the Silver Pack, this final installment in our author training series is crafted to navigate you through the intricacies of book publishing and digital marketing, providing the necessary skills to thrive in the competitive writing industry.

The Silver Pack encompasses a comprehensive collection of articles and resources to bolster your online presence. Covering everything from website creation to SEO and SEM, we ensure you possess the expertise and tools to cultivate a successful author brand. Additionally, we delve into blogging, teaching you to craft captivating content that draws readers and encourages their return. Moreover, recognizing the pivotal role of social media for an authorpreneur, we’ve incorporated a segment dedicated to social media best practices.

From Facebook to Twitter to Instagram, we demonstrate how to effectively utilize each platform to connect with your followers and expand your audience. If you’re prepared to advance in your writing career and become an authorpreneur, sign up for the Silver Pack course now. With our extensive resources and professional advice, you’re on the path to success.


To wrap up this announcement, if you’re interested, please click here to register immediately. The registration process is swift and straightforward, bringing you closer to becoming part of our incredible learning community. Should you know anyone else who might be interested in joining, feel free to share this post with them via social media or email. We are committed to making knowledge accessible to all, and we would deeply value your assistance in sharing this opportunity.

If you’ve signed up for weekly updates, this post will be sent to you as well. Our updates aim to keep you informed about the latest community news and events. Additionally, we share useful resources and advice to enhance your skills and help you reach your objectives.

Please look forward to the course beginning on Monday the 16th. We’re excited to welcome you! If you have any questions or concerns before then, feel free to contact us. We’re dedicated to assisting and supporting you at every stage. Blessings to you!

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