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Social Distancing and Distance Learning: How to Learn and Live in Peace During COVID-19 and Beyond

Social Distancing and Distance Learning

The global impact of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has been catastrophic, sparing no sector, including education. Originating in Wuhan, China, around late December 2019, COVID-19 has necessitated distance learning as a solution.

At the time of writing, the pandemic has led to severe global repercussions, including lockdowns, travel restrictions at all levels, and the requirement of face masks, among others.

This post explores potential methods for continuing education during and beyond the crisis. Are you prepared to embrace distance learning in the COVID-19 era and beyond?

As previously mentioned in my newsletters, I had intentions to enhance my educational pursuits in 2020.

If you have read my other post about how to study online in 2019, then you might already know what we are talking about. Well, this post’s purpose is to help you continue to learn using distance learning methods such as

I’m so excited to be an online student for years because I now know what to do, and I am willing to help others who need a hand. In fact,, one of the best online FREE learning platforms that I ever been studying with since early 2016 has just published my interview with them regarding my personal journey with them.

You might want to consider the student feedback/interview with mentioned above to assist you in making an informed decision about where and why to study online.

Indeed, there are numerous online study platforms, including Google Digital Skills for Africa, GCF Learn Free, among others. However, this post focuses primarily on, although you can find more information about other platforms in my other blog posts.

With that said, what are the benefits distance learning online?

There are many benefits. Look, you study at will, at home, and at your own pace and time. Due to COVID-19, it’s a must to study at home using your phone or computer or you’ll keep waiting until things get back to normal. But who knows when that time is coming back?

It’s good to study online these days because this protects you from possibly contracting the deadly virus along the way to school or back home.

But this mode of study is not good for everyone. Let’s say kids won’t love it at all. Also, in case you are illiterate and you just want to start learning how to read and write in any human language, then this is not for you.

So, who is distance learning for?

This distance learning program is best for people like you, because if you can read this right now, then you are more than qualified to study online. All you need is a smartphone or a computer with an internet connection. I used data bundles in 2016 with Zain Connect, when I started to study online and earned a Diploma and a certificate in IT.

Remember, it’s 100% free because you only pay when you have completed a course, and if you use my affiliate link, you are likely to get a good 20% discount or more when ordering your diploma or certificate.

How about accreditation?

Good question, but I wish you find that out on the website as listed above. What I know is that is a tool for many other course publishers. All the courses on their site are accredited by their creators.

But what I personally look for is self-improvement, not what others think. If you prove to the world that you know how to type faster for example, then accreditation becomes second. You will still get employed or you will employ yourself.

I suggest you get the skills you need and get them now! Our world is changing each day, and after the COVID-19 pandemic, the world will never be the same again. New solutions will be found, but you have to be competitive or else, you will remain behind. Upgrade yourself with free online courses today!

I’m so excited because, with courses, I am now able to do more with computers. Earlier on, I studied for a Diploma in human psychology, a Diploma in ICT, a certificate in the English language, and more.

This time, I really want to focus on computer coding, especially for the Web. I have been building websites (like using the already made templates. But I want to create my own theme templates from scratch, and with’s online free courses, I will be able to do this perfectly, believe me.

Next, it’s now up to you!

What are you waiting for? As I said earlier in this post, if you can read this, then you already have the required internet access, internet speed, and tools. If you need help, kindly contact me or simply write me a comment below.

Take action by signing up for free on now (using my affiliate link). You can also rate this post and give it some stars below. Thanks for reading, see you next time. Please share your thoughts below ?.

Further Reading

1 thought on “Social Distancing and Distance Learning: How to Learn and Live in Peace During COVID-19 and Beyond

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