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4 Keys to a Meaningful Life: How to Live a Meaningful Life

4 Keys to a Meaningful Life

“4 Keys to a Meaningful Life” is an article that explores the concept of self-enhancement following a successful journey of self-discovery. This excerpt is from a book currently in progress. I invite you to share your thoughts on the idea after reading the article. Now, let’s begin.

To fully comprehend who I am, it’s crucial to understand myself from the perspective of my Creator, His viewpoint. But how do I initially learn about God’s perspective? How can I grasp His nature, thoughts, words, and actions in the context of my self-discovery and self-improvement? Below, we will explore some answers to these pivotal questions.

Key #1: Understanding God His Way for a Meaningful Life.

The initial step in the quest for a meaningful life is to comprehend God as He has made Himself known to us. God has revealed Himself in the scriptures as the sole Creator of all that exists. He is a spiritual entity who fashioned both the unseen spiritual realm and the tangible world, along with all creatures within them, including us.

To truly grasp God, one must understand His essence, His thoughts, His words, and His actions. However, is a specific religion necessary to understand God? The answer is no; it is not required. This is because religion is simply our human approach to God, our conceptualization of Him. Hence, we should not discard the essence while dismissing the superfluous aspects of religion, for God and religion are distinct.

God has made Himself known through various means, such as the holy texts of all religions, dreams, the narratives and experiences of others, and the inner voice present in every human and animal. Indeed, my awareness of God predates my Christian faith; thus, God is neither exclusively Christian, Muslim, nor confined to any regional depiction. God is the deity of everyone, omnipresent and operative in all (Ephesians 4:6).

Key #2: Understanding Me God’s Way for a Meaningful Life

I hold certain beliefs about myself based on my experiences, though many of these beliefs may not reflect the truth. Similarly, you might view yourself as merely a combination of chemicals, but this perspective overlooks the fact that there is more to existence than what we can see with our eyes.

Consider the smaller entities like bacteria and viruses; they are invisible to the naked eye, yet they exist and thrive. Extending this thought, I believe in a spiritual dimension. I see myself as both a physical and a spiritual being, which aligns with God’s perspective, the one I consider to be the absolute truth.

Beyond being a mere creature, according to my faith and the teachings of my Creator, I am His child (John 1:12-13). He loves and cares for me. He has declared that everything in this world is His, and as His child, I share in that inheritance (1 Corinthians 3:21). Empowered by God, I share the conviction of the Apostle Paul that through Him, I have the strength to accomplish all that I am tasked with (Philippians 4:13).

To understand myself in the way God sees me means to think, speak, and act in accordance with my identity as God’s child. This belief profoundly influences my life in many positive ways. In my view, there is no other explanation for my existence that is separate from this divine perspective.

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To understand myself in God’s way is to comprehend my nature (identity), my possessions (what I have and own), and my abilities (what I am capable of doing) according to His perspective.

Key #3: Understanding Other Humans God’s Way

The third out of four keys to a meaningful life is to comprehend others through God’s perspective. Just as we must grasp God’s nature before understanding ourselves in His light, we also need to perceive other humans through His lens. This implies that His perspective is the sole flawless way to view things, as He crafted everything in His manner.

To understand other humans in God’s way means recognizing that they were created and are cherished by God, just as He created and cherishes me. Therefore, every person deserves honor and value. Every individual, akin to every creature, exists for a purpose, even if that purpose is not yet known to us.

Indeed, seeing others through God’s eyes instills peace and joy in my heart, even amidst earthly struggles. You, too, can embrace such serenity and significance in life starting today.

I recognize and understand that humans were created in God’s image, which defines their essence. They are God’s creation, as am I, and I comprehend their thoughts, words, and actions, despite their imperfections as noted in Romans 3:23.

Hearing other humans express complaints or disputes about life does not surprise me, as I realize this is a common human behavior. I have no desire to alter any individual, as doing so would be akin to assuming God’s role, or suggesting that God did not create them according to my preferences. We are all distinct from one another, and this diversity serves a purpose. For further insight, one might explore the 10 Best Self-Discovery Tips for Every Human Being.

Key #4: Understanding the Creation God’s Way

God is believed to be the Creator of both the spiritual (invisible) and the physical realms (visible and invisible). The physical realm encompasses both seen and unseen elements, while the spiritual realm is perceptible only to our inner being—our spiritual selves, which we refer to as the mind or psyche by various names. This domain of human science, distinct from natural science, falls under the social sciences. It offers significant insights into human relationships and behavior, underpinned by the belief in the intrinsic value of all creatures. Indeed, all animals hold importance. While they may pose dangers to humans, they are integral to the fabric of creation. Our affection for them persists despite their indifference or hostility towards us, and it is posited that the wildness observed in most animals today mirrors the greater wildness within humans.

All plants hold importance, even those that are poisonous to us. It’s believed that they became toxic as a result of our ancestors’ rebellion against God, introducing a curse into the world through sin. While we may cherish all plants, some are wild, unfriendly, or outright deadly to humans and other animal species.

Similarly, all insects, worms, fish, and microbes serve a beneficial purpose. They form an integral part of God’s creation. I personally find great refreshment in the natural world, though not all humans share this sentiment, which is understandable given our unique natures.

Thank you for considering my perspective on the four keys to a meaningful life. I hope you find it beneficial. If so, I would love to hear from you. Your differing views are also welcome in the comments section below. Feel free to like, comment, share, or rate this post using the available features.

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