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Theism versus Atheism

Theism versus Atheism

“Theism versus Atheism” is an article designed to assist you in exploring your true self in terms of beliefs, preferences, and aversions. It is intended for both theists and atheists to understand where their perspectives converge and diverge. With this in mind, let us examine these two contrasting viewpoints in greater detail below.

Theism: What It Is, And Why It Is Important

A theist is an individual who believes in the existence of a God or gods, whereas an atheist does not hold a belief in a God or gods. Therefore, theism refers to the belief or doctrine that a God or gods exist. For theists, the belief in God is as crucial as life itself, signifying that life has a purpose that transcends human existence, with God as the creator of life. They believe that God governs everything in this world, encompassing both good and evil.

For a theist, there are:

  • God and Satan
  • Angels and demons
  • Good and evil
  • Life and death
  • Heaven and hell
  • Eternal life and eternal death
  • Truth and lies
  • Right and wrong
  • Spirits and souls

A believer understands that life has a purpose, which calls for living responsibly even during our earthly existence. They hold the view that our deeds are noted and that we will ultimately be held accountable for our thoughts, words, and actions.

Furthermore, a believer perceives God as benevolent and compassionate, acknowledging that God offers forgiveness when we repent or acknowledge our wrongdoings.

In essence, a believer maintains hope in God, convinced that life is not random but preconceived by a higher intelligence. According to this belief, God was aware of our destined birth and death, including the reasons, long before our existence.

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No human knows the time of their birth or the moment of their death. A believer accepts that they don’t, and can’t, know all the answers to life’s questions, yet they trust in a God who is all-knowing.

For a theist, consciousness is considered supernatural. Life extends beyond the physical realm. The mind transcends brain activity and is seen as a spiritual entity. The brain is merely a physical receiver, a piece of hardware, which interprets signals and instructions from the mind, akin to software. A believer understands that to know everything in this world, one would have to be God, or a god.

This does not imply that a believer should abandon all efforts in their pursuit of knowledge. Instead, it means recognizing the existence of the Creator, who understands all things beyond human comprehension. For believers, God is the cornerstone of life and all its aspects. The hierarchy places God first as the Creator, followed by His creation.

Believers perceive creation in two realms: the physical and the spiritual. The spiritual realm is perceptible only to the inner vision, which includes the mind, soul, and spirit. The physical realm, on the other hand, is observable to our human eyes, though some aspects remain unseen.


  • Having a sense of personal purpose
  • Hope for a better future
  • A reason for life
  • Love for God and oneself
  • Love for other people
  • Love for the rest of God’s creatures


  • Illogical in human thinking
  • Abstract knowledge
  • Foolishness to others
  • Vanity and baseless hopes

Atheism: What It Is, And Why It Is Important

On the other hand, atheism is defined as a belief, or rather a lack of belief, in the existence of God or gods. However, the concept of “lack of belief” in something one does not believe in is not applicable. Belief is binary; one either believes or does not. Not all atheists share the same beliefs. Some are unsure, indifferent, or find it impossible to know whether a God or gods exist.

Others are convinced that there is no God, which is a fundamental aspect of atheism: the absence of belief in any deity. The prefix “a-” in “atheist” signifies “without,” thus, an atheist is someone without a belief in God or gods. Therefore, atheism is a complete belief system, in contrast to theism, which is the belief in the existence of God or gods.

A friend of mine recently remarked, “If there is no Satan and no demons, then there is no God and no angels,” and I believe he had a point. For an atheist, life may seem to be nothing more than chance. Without a creator or evolution, life lacks inherent meaning or purpose. My explanations, particularly regarding atheism, might be biased, but if you’re an atheist, perhaps you could offer a better explanation in the comments section below.

For an atheist, life carries no responsibility if there’s no afterlife, as it implies no accountability. In the absence of a deity or deities, concepts of heaven or hell are irrelevant. Consequently, there is neither the prospect of eternal life nor eternal damnation.

Life, seen as a product of chance, leaves no standard for discerning right from wrong, or good from evil. To an unbeliever, life may seem utterly devoid of meaning. An atheist might argue that the brain and mind are one and the same; without a functioning brain, there is no mind, and thus no existence beyond the physical realm.

Upon death, one is simply dead. For an atheist, there is no enduring soul or spirit. The concept of an afterlife does not exist. If this belief holds true, it suggests life has no purpose, rendering existence meaningless and futile if there is no continuation beyond death. But the question remains, is this indeed the case?

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For an atheist, there are no:

  • God and Satan
  • Angels and demons
  • Good and evil
  • Life and death
  • Heaven and hell
  • Eternal life and eternal death
  • Truth and lies
  • Right and wrong
  • Spirits and souls

An atheist may believe that life inherently lacks meaning, echoing the sentiments of the author of Ecclesiastes. This book questions whether the soul of an animal ascends to heaven or descends to hell, challenging common religious beliefs about animal souls. Many faiths teach that animals, unlike humans, do not possess spirits that would allow them to enter heaven.

For atheists, unanswered questions may suggest that earthly life lacks inherent meaning or purpose. Without meaning or purpose, the concept of God or gods might be seen as human constructs, products of imagination, or wishful thinking. In this view, religious texts like the Bible and the Quran are considered by some to be among the greatest works of fiction, written to convince people of the reality of their narratives, which are seen as purely imaginative.

Atheism Pros

  • Use of Personal freedom
  • Use of logic
  • No indoctrination
  • Use of personal time


  • Self-defined morality
  • Lack of personal destiny
  • Lack of motivation and resilience
  • Lack of belonging and traditions
  • Being condemned by religious groups
  • Lack of correct judgment

You Have Personal Choice

After considering the two contrasting perspectives, it’s time to decide which one resonates more and why. I hold the belief in the existence of a God and gods, identifying as a theist rather than an atheist. Thus, my viewpoint aligns with theism, not atheism. The vastness of the physical world itself serves as evidence for the existence of a divine cause, God.

For an atheist, however, the existence of evil on earth may suggest that life is devoid of meaning, or that there is no God, or if there is, then He is either impotent or indifferent to the suffering of His creations. This is a form of human reasoning that seems logical to us, but its accuracy is debatable.

Believers argue that evil entered this world due to human sin, beginning when Satan tempted our ancestors in the Garden of Eden. Yet, if the narratives found in the Bible, the Quran, and other religious texts are mere fiction, then our belief in their reality would be misguided. What is your stance?

See also: Theism—Wikipedia

My Advice

My suggestion is to delve deeply into your own heart and determine where you feel you belong. While I can’t compel you to think as I do, you have the capacity to think in your own way. Discover the reasons behind your belief or disbelief in a deity. Feel free to share your reasons for believing in the existence of a God or gods, or for your conviction that there are no such beings, in the comments section below. Thank you for reading.

1 thought on “Theism versus Atheism

  1. […] or impossible, they think it’s very easy or simple to tackle. Either extremism is deadly, just as atheism and religious fundamentalism are. There is a need for a […]

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