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Religion versus God

Religion versus God

“Religion versus God” is an article designed to deepen your understanding of your beliefs and the significance of belief in human life on Earth. It aims to elucidate the key distinctions between religion and God. You might be questioning if there are any substantial differences between the two, and this article is set to explore that very question. So, let’s delve into the subject matter further.

What Is Religion, And Why Is It Important?

Religion is essentially a belief system centered around a God or multiple gods, encompassing diverse and sometimes conflicting traditions, teachings, doctrines, and practices. It represents a way of life, shaped by how each religious community perceives the divine. It prescribes moral directives on what is considered right or wrong by the tenets of a God or gods.

From this fundamental description, it’s apparent that religion serves as a means for humans to seek understanding of God, or to make sense of complex natural and supernatural phenomena.

Given the multitude of perspectives on the divine, the world hosts a vast array of religions. However, the presence of numerous differing beliefs does not negate the existence of the subject in question.

Every religion claims its teachings, doctrines, and traditions as the sole truth, leading to widespread confusion about accepting any religion. This has driven many to the conclusion that there is neither God nor gods.

Consequently, numerous individuals have adopted the belief that neither truth nor moral absolutes exist. Some have even determined that there is neither an afterlife nor life beyond death, with a few extending this belief to the point of deeming life entirely devoid of meaning.

Throughout history, religious disparities have sparked numerous wars, predominantly fueled by conflicting religious beliefs and teachings, although human nature itself often underlies these conflicts. Atrocities have been committed in the past, continue in the present, and are likely to persist in the future.

Nonetheless, it’s argued that religion is merely a convenient excuse; the core issue lies with humanity itself, irrespective of religious affiliation. Religion is a framework, and its practitioners are its stewards. Similarly, while money is inherently neutral, its ethical impact depends on the intentions of those who wield it.

Pros of a religion

  • Having a sense of community and identity
  • Organized teachings and doctrines
  • Well defined cultures and practices
  • Living a life of hope and faith in the afterlife
  • Trust and reliance on a divine power

Cons of a religion

  • Getting stuck in the crowd
  • Holding on to old teachings and doctrines
  • Old cultures and practices that don’t work in the modern world
  • Belief in fictional stories as truths
  • Being totally dependent on a God or gods

Next, let’s see who God really is.

Who Is God, And Why Is That Important?

On one hand, God is not merely a religious figure but the Creator of all, both seen and unseen. This concept may seem like another religious doctrine, but to me, it is not. God and religion are distinct entities. God is not confined to Christianity, Islam, or Hinduism. Instead, God exists in everything, works through everything, and is for everyone (Ephesians 4:5-6).

This perspective is known as the universality of religion, and when I refer to it, I do so without any specific religion in mind. However, many people associate anything spiritual with religion, which is not necessarily accurate according to the simplest definition of religion mentioned earlier.

Understanding the key differences between religion and God is crucial for modern individuals. This knowledge can resolve the tension between religious and secular societies, bringing numerous benefits. It fosters a peaceful coexistence with others by dissolving conflicts among people.

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Consider this perspective: if individuals do not believe in God because they were created that way, embracing this understanding can foster love for them as fellow humans. However, holding the belief that faith in God elevates one above non-believers is not inherently divine.

In this context, God transcends all religions. He exists independently, not confined to any religious denomination. Understanding this concept might be easier after reading the story in my book, “Beyond Religion,” which features a fictional South Sudanese character named Kiden.

Understanding God beyond any religious doctrines is the only way to truly live on Earth. It provides a broader perspective on life. Religious views are often narrow and merely human interpretations of God.

The story of the five blind men who went to ‘see’ an elephant illustrates this well. Each man touched a different part of the elephant and concluded that the elephant was just like the part they experienced.

Consider someone who touched an elephant’s tail; he might say that an elephant resembles a large stick. Another who touched the ear would have a different description, and others will undoubtedly report their varied and often conflicting observations.

This analogy applies when discussing God. Each religion may hold a fragment of information about the same deity, but none possess the complete picture. Despite this, many religious teachings, which may seem foolish or absurd, are fervently believed by people as if they are incapable of independent thought.

Often, believers are instructed or even commanded not to think for themselves about what is right or wrong in the world, deemed as evil by their religious guides. You may have been led to believe that you are no longer merely flesh and bones. If that’s the case, reconsider. You are still a human being, just like everyone else.

Pros of God

  • Separating God from gods and from religious views distorted by human cultures
  • Having a comprehensive understanding of God
  • Love for all humans and other God’s creatures

Cons of God

  • Controversial topics about God and gods
  • Different understandings of the same God and gods
  • Conflict between theists and atheists

You Have a Personal Choice

Having seen my perspective on God and religion, you’re faced with a choice. You may agree or disagree with me. Perhaps you believe that God and religion are inseparable. The decision is yours, and I appreciate that. It’s enriching when readers hold views different from mine, especially when they can articulate or justify their stance with logical or thoughtful reasoning.

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For instance, if one believes that God and religion are synonymous, could they explain their reasoning? If they concur with this perspective (perhaps already holding this belief), what is their rationale? It’s not necessary to be religious to hold a personal opinion, nor is it required to study religion to express thoughts on the subject.

Finally, My Advice

Here’s my counsel for you, dear reader. I believe that balance is necessary in all aspects of life, including our understanding of religion. We don’t possess complete knowledge about everything, and this includes the concept of God or gods. I’m not certain of God’s existence; my belief is based on certain reasons that suggest there is a God, amidst many false ones.

It’s perfectly acceptable if someone disagrees with me. We can remain friends regardless. Neither of us has all the answers, right? This is the essence of maturity. It means not clinging to beliefs and doctrines we don’t fully grasp. It acknowledges our humanity.

Maturity allows us to overlook minor issues and focus on the larger picture. We perceive life in its simplicity. We strive for peaceful coexistence with people, birds, animals, fish, plants, and all of God’s creatures. Thinking broadly leads to fewer relationship conflicts.

Thank you for reading. I’m eager to hear your thoughts in the comments below. Share your perspectives with me and other readers. May God bless you abundantly and keep you safe during these challenging times.

1 thought on “Religion versus God

  1. […] or about you, or who are you to Him? This doesn’t mean you have to be religious at all, because religion and God are two opposite […]

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