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Spiritual vs Physical: Your Personal Development Skills

Spiritual vs Physical: Your Personal Development Skills

Why Is It Important to Know about Spiritual vs Physical?

“Spiritual vs Physical (Personal Development)” is an insightful article designed to guide you through the nuances of the spiritual and physical realms. It aims to enlighten you on how to differentiate and draw lessons from both dimensions to enhance your self-awareness and growth. Now, let’s delve deeply into this exploration.

What’s Physical?

One might think the answer to this question is straightforward, but let’s examine it further. Our conclusion could be correct or incorrect.

In the context of this article, ‘physical’ pertains to material objects. These are entities that we can detect, measure, and examine in a tangible manner. They include items that may be visible or invisible to the unaided human eye, indicating that the physical world encompasses both seen and unseen elements.

Why is the Physical World Important?

The physical world holds great significance for us as it is through our physical interactions that we connect with it. Utilizing all five senses, we detect, assess, and utilize the physical realm. Consequently, our knowledge of the physical is more extensive than that of the spiritual. We often rely on physical entities to grasp the concept of the spiritual world.

Even the tiniest particles remain within the physical domain. However, delving deeper into their composition leads us to a realm beyond our current comprehension—the spiritual world. This realm exists outside the scope of contemporary science. For further insights into this world, please refer to the information below.

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What’s Spiritual?

The spiritual realm is considered the antithesis of the physical world. It represents the most minute aspect of existence, imperceptible and immeasurable by physical means and instruments. However, it is believed to be discernible and quantifiable through spiritual methods.

Why is the Spiritual World Important?

The spiritual realm holds significance for us as we are inherently a part of it. We exist as spiritual entities, whether we are aware of it or not.

How can we be certain that we are spiritual beings? This understanding comes from various indications. A fundamental principle is that everything with a beginning must have a cause. The origin of all existence is God, who has declared that we are spiritual beings, just as He is.

God is the primary indicator, having disclosed the existence of the spiritual realm. Therefore, recognizing our spiritual nature necessitates an understanding of the spiritual world that surrounds us.

Historically, some individuals have interacted with the spiritual realm, as mentioned earlier. But is it possible for us to engage with the spiritual world in the present day? To do so effectively, we must first acquire the knowledge, which demands dedication and time.

How Do We Detect and Measure the Spiritual World?

Just as we can only detect and measure the physical world physically, we can only perceive and understand the spiritual world spiritually. But then, how do we perceive and understand the spiritual realm? How do we acquire the spiritual tools to do so?

It is challenging to perceive and understand the spiritual world because it is often disregarded, especially in our age of scientific knowledge. Spiritual matters are considered pure ignorance because spiritual tools transcend our natural senses and scientific instruments.

However, just as ancient remedies are still employed today, the old methods for perceiving and understanding the spiritual world may also be valuable.

Prayer is one such tool. Another is appeasement or sacrifices. Whether directed towards God, gods, or demons, these practices appear to produce miraculous results.

God responds to prayers. God acts when sacrifices are made, or when other rituals are correctly executed. The forces of light are active when certain spiritual tools are utilized, just as the forces of darkness are engaged through certain rituals.

What’s the point of this article?

In this article, I aim to impart my deepest understanding of both the spiritual and physical realms, and how we can identify and quantify them using appropriate tools and techniques. The spiritual realm can be gauged with spiritual instruments, whereas the physical realm is measurable with scientific tools developed over time.

The absence of scientific methods to detect and measure the spiritual realm does not equate to its non-existence. To dismiss the spiritual world is to embrace ignorance.

Consider that our world harbors phenomena that transcend natural science. If an elder in Africa performs a ritual that summons rain during a dry season and it succeeds, what does that indicate about the spiritual realm?

Is there a reality to all spiritual beliefs?

My Final Words of Wisdom

Balance is essential, as we don’t possess complete knowledge, nor should we. However, this doesn’t imply we lack understanding of both the physical and spiritual realms.

If someone adopts an extreme stance, it’s best to respect their nature. Extremism, whether in spirituality or secularism, can lead to unforeseen consequences. Excessive spirituality may devolve into dogmatism, while excessive secularism can foster malevolence and ignorance.

Thus, balance is necessary, but perhaps it’s shaped by our individual natures. Not every reader may concur with the notion of balance.

Our human nature prevails, influencing our agreement or disagreement based on our intrinsic dispositions and past experiences.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you. More content like this can be found at, and for updates, follow me on Facebook at Blessings to you.

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