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Discover Yourself: The Journey into Your Inner Self

Discover Yourself

Mastering The Discover Yourself Tips Will Help You Discover Your Identity Super Fast

22nd February 2021

“Discover Yourself” is an article designed to assist you in understanding the concept of self-discovery amidst a multitude of people. In Africa, we reside in a socialist society where the individual identity often remains obscured. However, you possess an identity that extends beyond mere biometric data like fingerprints. Let’s delve deeper into this subject.


Self-Discovery, as I define it in my writings, is akin to what others might call personal development or growth. However, one cannot develop what does not yet exist. That’s why, before we advance personally or professionally, we must first uncover our natural selves.

Self-discovery involves exploring what’s already present within us, which is vastly different from aspiring to be someone we’re not—a goal that’s certainly unattainable. This is a common misunderstanding among parents who often wish their children to mirror themselves.

Yet, a child is not a replica of their parent. They will never become their parent. Each child is distinct and differs from their parents in countless ways. Even if children bear a striking resemblance to their parents, it doesn’t guarantee they will share the same likes, dislikes, or passions.

In light of this, we can assert that self-discovery is the journey of unveiling one’s authentic self, which often contradicts others’ perceptions. Discovering one’s true self in this world requires time, dedication, experimentation, and mistakes, but it is indeed achievable.

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How do we embark on the journey of self-discovery? There are numerous techniques for this personal quest. Not all methods will resonate with everyone, which is why I will share how I uncovered my true self.

Before proceeding, it’s important to clarify that self-discovery is not a repetitive process that persists throughout life. Contrary to the belief that it’s a lifelong journey, self-discovery occurs definitively. What continues for a lifetime is what I refer to as self-improvement.

We consistently enhance our discovered selves until our time on this earth concludes, but the act of discovering who we are happens just once.


One way to discover your true self is to think about yourself. This technique helps you find out what you love the most in this world. Research shows that all sane humans know who they are from the inside out. They know themselves more than anyone else.

This is the reason why we sometimes remind others that if they are not careful with us we will teach them a lesson. We want to tell the world that we are kinds of people they never know yet. This means we know our inner intentions. We know our thoughts, words, and deeds.


Another technique for self-discovery, as suggested by experts, is to seek other people’s opinions about oneself. It’s important to remember that self-discovery can sometimes overlap with career discovery, even though they may seem distinct and unique.

Asking others for their perspective on you might not be effective for everyone in the journey of self-discovery. This is due to the possibility that people, particularly those who have known you for a long time, may hold incorrect assumptions about you.

Understanding my children individually is my responsibility. However, we often miss the mark because humans are intricate beings that are challenging to fully comprehend. It’s possible to understand someone more than they understand themselves.

Given the complexity of human nature, I believe that you are the best person to explore your own identity thoroughly. You know yourself, or at least you should know yourself better than anyone else, God excepted.


I understand you might be curious. I am prepared to share how I uncovered my true self. This revelation should not be confused with religion, as I do not consider myself religious in any conventional sense.

My Past

Reflection serves as a tool for me to discern who I am by considering who I was the day before. It’s a fundamental aspect of my journey to self-discovery. By examining my past, I understand who I am now, rather than who I aspire to be in the future. I delve into my history to review my thoughts, words, and actions.

My previous thoughts, expressions, and actions reveal my current identity. These are my footprints, akin to how modern humans study ancient animal fossils to learn about bygone eras. This method shifts my focus from the realm of desires to the reality of my history.

I recognize that circumstances invariably shape our thoughts, speech, and behavior. However, when I reflect on my past, I uncover the authentic version of myself. Despite the various changes that life events bring about within me, one element remains unchanged: PEACE.

My Present

Now, a simple technique I’ve discovered is to reflect on my present life after considering my past. This advances my self-discovery to encompass the thoughts, words, and actions that define my current state. This process is not about yearning to be a different version of myself. Often, I realize, much like Paul, that my actions diverge from my desires.

This realization is a powerful tool in understanding who I am. Acknowledging my strengths and weaknesses is a true exploration of my current self, not who I was. It reveals that certain aspects of myself remain unchanged, despite my desires to alter them. My religion may deem my preferences as wrong, but my heart disagrees. This is my authentic self, not the identity imposed by societal expectations or desires.

Embracing this openness allows me to delve into my inner self. It’s an honest introspection, untainted by wishful thinking, for I do not aspire to be; I simply am.

My Future

Reflecting on my past and present, I envision my future self. This is not about desiring to be someone else; it’s about recognizing the continuity of my identity over time. I have been, am, and will continue to be the same person.

Consider this: if I have loved people in the past and continue to do so today, it’s likely that I will love them in the future because it’s an intrinsic part of who I am. My love for women, for instance, is a genuine aspect of my being. Denying this would not alter the inherent truth of my affection. Not all men are inclined to love women, and that’s perfectly natural.

This illustrates why judging individuals based on popular opinion can be problematic. Take, for instance, the church’s historical stance on marriage, which may have pressured individuals to live in ways contrary to their nature.

Jesus taught His disciples that the choice to marry or remain single is a natural one. Understanding this can lead to self-discovery. The Creator, knowing the hearts of men and women, did not explicitly endorse or denounce polygamy, recognizing it as a personal decision that does not impact one’s spiritual salvation.

Your Personal Choice

You possess a mind, a wellspring of knowledge and experience. This grants you the power of choice, a freedom no external force, not even a divine one, can take away. You are a unique individual with the capacity for both good and evil. The path you take is yours alone to decide.

Asking God

I believe that God knows each of us thoroughly, and the ultimate way I’ve found to discover my true self is to seek God’s guidance. My belief in God is unwavering, as I am certain of His existence. This conviction is not about religious practice; it’s about spirituality.

God communicates with us constantly. He speaks through our spirits, through others, through the Bible, and also through dreams and visions.

When I inquire of God about my identity, He imparts thoughts that respond to my inquiries. This method can aid you in self-discovery as well. The Bible contains numerous verses that affirm our existence is intentional.

While these verses were not penned directly to me, they serve as a guide in understanding God’s vision for my life. They are particularly resonant when they align with my innate qualities.


In conclusion, here are my thoughts. Balance is necessary in all aspects, and this is where the final value of the five, openness, becomes essential. This content is not a doctrinal manual dictating what you must or must not do. Rather, it’s information for you to consider and make an informed choice about which self-discovery techniques to employ.

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