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Technology: What It Is and Its Importance for Your Career Development


What Is Technology? Mastering These Technology Skills Will Help You Achieve Your Goals and Live a Meaningful Life

1st March 2021

Technology, particularly Information and Communication Technology (ICT), is an article designed to guide you through understanding what ICT is, its mechanisms, its applications, and its significance in career development. Indeed, ICT is transforming our world positively. But what does it mean for you? How does it function? How can you utilize it effectively? And why should it matter to you? Let’s delve into these questions and uncover the answers.

What Is Technology?

In this context, the term ‘tool’ refers to a versatile instrument, specifically Information and Communication Technology (ICT). This encompasses computers and their applications, mobile devices, the internet, websites, blogs, and much more.

For writers, technology holds a particular significance. It represents the computer or any other electronic device utilized for typing, editing, designing, and interior formatting. It also includes the websites used to publish books, enabling readers to discover and read them.

Technology encompasses social media platforms where authors can share links to their books with readers. It includes the use of email lists, distinct from Gmail, for distributing newsletters. Additionally, it involves creating an author brand and a website to help readers discover you.

Related: Technology Ultimate Guide

For a singer, technology might signify the devices used to record and edit voice or audio files. It could also refer to the software employed to transfer songs onto CDs, USB drives, or DVDs.

For me, technology is indispensable. Without it, creating content would be impossible. Without it, my message of peace would not reach the world. Yet, with technology, I can build a website, establish an email list, compose and publish weekly blog posts, interact with readers and fellow authors, distribute my books globally, and accomplish much more.

How Does Technology Work?

Technology, as a tool, performs wonders for us. While it can be used for ill purposes by some, it is employed for good by many. It’s understood that certain circumstances may compel individuals to act against their better judgment, but this does not justify using technology for harmful or illegal activities.

In response to the question, technology serves as a versatile modern tool in numerous ways. It assists me in typing this post and enables me to publish it for you and others to discover and read. This exemplifies its utility for me as an educator.

Indeed, I write to educate and disseminate knowledge. I am an artist who crafts with words, a true wordsmith. Artists of other disciplines, like singers and designers, might utilize technology differently. However, this is the manner in which technology serves as a tool for me.

You can harness technology in your field of expertise or vocation. For instance, it can be utilized by a financial accountant, a pastor, or a farmer. Yet, the tools you might use can greatly vary from those used by us artists, indicating that technology’s marvels differ based on the application employed.

How Can You Make Use of Technology?

Now that we understand what technology is and its remarkable capabilities in various scenarios, the question arises: how can we utilize it? We can harness technology both individually and collectively. However, my focus is on you as an individual. How can you personally benefit from technology?

This will undoubtedly require your involvement. Perhaps you need to identify who you are and determine your career(s) before employing technology. Nonetheless, the key takeaway is that you should contemplate ways to leverage technology.

Nowadays, many people study computers comprehensively, which I believe is an inefficient use of time and resources. Why? Because a computer is a versatile tool.

You should focus on the aspects that align with your career or talents. It’s impractical to apply everything you learn about computers; instead, you should concentrate on specific areas relevant to your interests.

In Africa, general education is often seen as the sole form of education. However, I believe that specialized education imparts unique knowledge that can be incredibly transformative. Why not concentrate on your strengths? Perhaps the issue is that you’re uncertain about your talents. If that’s the case, consider enrolling in my free course by completing the form on our homepage.

I assure you, uncertainty about your path will persist even if you choose to study computers. It’s crucial to identify and hone your strengths now. It requires reflection and practice, but the effort is worthwhile. For instance, I am a coach, specifically a life coach. This isn’t just an aspiration; it’s my vocation. At the time of writing, I haven’t achieved financial or any other kind of success, but I am certain this is my calling. Despite the abundance of coaches, I sense something lacking in their approach, something I can provide. That’s why I continue to write and share my insights.

What’s The Importance of Technology?

I believed we had already recognized the significance of technology. However, since the same questions persist, let’s revisit the importance of technology as previously discussed.


Taking myself as an example, information technology is crucial for my work as a writer. Freelance writers leverage technology to pitch to and collaborate with numerous clients on platforms like Upwork, among others. It also aids in editing, formatting, designing, and uploading my work for online publication.


This tool has become a staple in modern life, exemplifying the critical role of technology. From mobile phones to social media platforms, information technology has transformed human communication, making it incredibly convenient. Nowadays, we have the ability to communicate through text, voice, or video, all thanks to technological advancements.


Banking is yet another advantage of modern tools. Nowadays, we have access to mobile banking and electronic banking services. Thanks to technology, anyone with such capabilities can pay me, regardless of where they live in the world. Indeed, technology has transformed the world into a global village.


With this platform, you have the ability to read and learn from the provided text. It is designed as an educational tool for you, the reader. You can apply this knowledge in your life, and I also embrace technology to offer both free and paid online courses. Given the current pandemic, online learning has undoubtedly become the safest method.


Teachers utilize the Internet to deliver their preferred courses online. This website is among the teaching methods and tools that I employ. Whether you’re engaging with these blog posts, participating in a course, or downloading an e-book, all these activities contribute to my teaching approach. This is predicated on the belief that reading enables you to acquire new and useful knowledge.

The significance of technology could be discussed extensively, but I believe these examples suffice. Technology is crucial for your personal and professional growth. Maximize its use. Don’t spend all your time on social media; instead, use technology productively, and you’ll see significant improvements in your life.

My Final Words

I’ve already delved into this advice earlier, but here are my concluding thoughts for you, dear reader. First, thank you immensely for reading from start to finish. If you haven’t, I urge you to read the entire post before proceeding. Now, reflect on what you’ve learned about technology from this post. My parting advice is that learning is only complete when it is applied. Indeed, as Napoleon Hill said, knowledge is only potential power. It becomes actual power when you specialize and put it into action.

You may read extensively about technology, but the true benefit comes when you identify your role within it and then plan to apply the knowledge you’ve acquired in that specific field. For instance, if you have a passion for writing, why not begin by enrolling in my free writing courses? I trust that technology has been beneficial to you personally. If so, feel free to use the WhatsApp button below to connect with me directly. God bless you! Shalom!


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