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Top 10 Self-Publishing Skills

Mastering these top 10 self-publishing skills will help you succeed in self-publishing

22nd March 2021

“The Top 10 Self-Publishing Skills” is an article designed to assist you in identifying key skills that, once mastered, can significantly enhance your success in the self-publishing sector. Self-publishing has emerged as a formidable business, establishing itself as a fresh industry that traditional publishers can no longer overlook. With this in mind, let us explore the top 10 self-publishing skills outlined below.

Skill #1: Writing Skills

The foremost skill required for self-publishing is the ability to write and continue improving your writing. Beginning to write doesn’t ensure that one will continue it indefinitely. A common error is striving for perfection, which is unattainable in human endeavors.

In this discussion, I aim to emphasize writing as an essential skill for self-publishing in the digital age. Learning comes through practice; no one can instruct you in writing until you begin the process yourself. This stark truth applies not just to writing but to all professions. Indeed, practice is the path to mastery.

Skill #2: Editing Skills

Mastering editing skills is the second essential ability for publishing a book. Many authors believe they lack the natural aptitude for this task, yet editing is an integral part of writing, whether for publication or pleasure.

When aiming to publish, it’s crucial to self-edit before considering a professional editor. This process is a learning curve, where making mistakes is part of improving. It may seem like progress is slow, but persistence will enhance your editing skills.

If self-editing feels overwhelming, it’s possible to hire a professional editor for a fee. However, regardless of financial resources, it’s advisable to thoroughly edit your manuscript before submitting it for publication.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

Skill #3: Interior Design Skills

The third essential skill in the top 10 for self-publishing is book interior design, particularly when you undertake the publishing process yourself. It’s important to remember that self-publishing doesn’t necessarily mean handling every task alone; you can employ professionals for various services, from editing to interior design.

Each publishing platform may have different requirements for book interior design. For instance, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) has specific interior design guidelines that differ from those of the Smashwords platform.

On KDP, you’re allowed to upload your book in any Word format, which the system will then convert into the Kindle eBook format. However, Smashwords is more restrictive, only accepting certain Word document formats, specifically (.rtf) and (.doc). It’s crucial to adhere to the correct format to avoid complications with the platform.

The genre of your book also dictates the approach to interior design. Ensure you’re aware of the genre your book falls under before commencing the interior design. For a comprehensive guide on the essentials of book interior design, refer to the complete post I have written on the topic.

Skill #4: Cover Design Skills

Cover design ranks fourth in the top 10 self-publishing skills. You can utilize tools like KDP’s Online Cover Creator, Canva, and BookBrush to create your covers.

Starting from scratch is always an option, and with time, you can improve. However, if you don’t excel after a considerable effort, it might be wise to delegate this task to someone with the requisite talent and focus on your writing.

Not everyone is naturally a designer or editor, but you won’t know unless you try. Persist until you’re certain that it’s not your forte. The key message of this article is to encourage learning to do it yourself.

Self-publishing doesn’t necessarily entail handling every aspect alone, but giving it a try is essential. Some authors manage the entire process themselves with near-perfect results, leading to sales of thousands of book copies monthly and annually.

Skill #5: Computing Skills

This section is about the advantages of using a computer to type your book, as opposed to relying solely on pen, ink, and paper. While traditional tools are still viable, ultimately, your manuscript will need to be entered into a word processing program. This skill is fundamental, and its placement here is intentional.

Being a proficient writer doesn’t necessarily require computer skills. However, to keep pace with the modern world, mastering the use of a computer is essential. The computer is the most versatile tool ever created in human history, yet many fail to harness its full potential.

For writers, particularly indie authors or self-publishers, computer literacy extends beyond mere typing and editing. Mastery of a computer involves a commitment to learning—typing, editing, formatting, interior design, and uploading your final manuscript to your chosen publishing platform are all critical skills.

Skill #6: Web Design Skills

For authors, owning a personal website is among the top strategies for digital marketing today. If someone else designs it for you, that’s perfectly fine, especially if you’re willing to pay for the service. However, as creators, there’s a unique satisfaction in doing things on our own. Indeed, self-published authors embody entrepreneurship in its truest form.

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Initially, I handled everything on my own because I couldn’t afford to hire someone to assist with the book cover and interior designs. I taught myself how to do it, and I continue to do so after eight years of self-publishing.

However, if you have the budget, opt for a professional designer. If not, take the time to learn and do it yourself. Start designing your website now and enhance it later when you have the means.

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Skill #7: Mailing List Skills

An effective author website includes a mailing list feature. This entails creating a reader magnet or a book that your audience will enjoy, and offering it in exchange for their email addresses. These email addresses become a resource for you to distribute additional news and marketing content.

If your readers appreciate your work, they will be eager to learn about your upcoming book releases and make purchases. They may also share your newsletter within their network, potentially expanding your mailing list. This method is one of the most effective for engaging with genuine readers who may provide feedback.

Many successful independent authors, such as Mark Dawson, recommend an author mailing list as one of the essential tools for an author, in addition to professionalism and a well-designed author website. I have previously written an article about utilizing a mailing list, which you can access here.

Skill #8: SEO Skills

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a method employed by web designers, content creators, and marketers to enhance the visibility of their websites on major search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing. You can discover more about SEO in this post. Being tech-savvy is not a prerequisite for implementing effective SEO on your author’s website.

If you’re a hands-on learner, you can dive in and set up your author website for SEO success. There is a variety of tools available, both free and paid, that can help improve your website’s SEO. One such tool is Yoast SEO, which offers both a free and a premium version.

Skill #9: SMM Skills

Social Media Marketing (SMM) is a burgeoning trend in digital marketing. It can be utilized to promote your website, books, and various other products and services. As an independent author, the onus of marketing your books lies primarily with you. Mastering these tips and tricks is crucial for thriving in the self-publishing arena.

This is the ninth step among the top ten self-publishing skills essential for an indie author. It’s advisable to familiarize yourself with these fundamental skills even before deciding to pursue a career as an indie author or writer.

In addition to writing and publishing your books, you can also undertake writing assignments for others and earn a fee for every exceptional piece you create. For more insights into freelance writing, consider exploring further resources.

Skill #10: Communication Skills

As a self-published author, mastering communication skills is crucial. Communication forms the core of digital marketing and, frankly, all marketing types. It’s necessary to convey your message across the platforms at your disposal.

This entails using persuasive language to draw attention to your book, allowing people to discover it and decide if it appeals to them. While you can’t compel a purchase, you certainly can influence their decision. Effective communication is, therefore, vital for an author.

Whether it’s through social media, blog posts, email lists, or any other channel, communication is key. To enhance your communication skills, consider enrolling in online courses offered by platforms like Google Digital Skills for Africa or

Yet, it’s essential that any skill you wish to acquire is aligned with your interests. Pursuing something solely based on admiration isn’t the most strategic approach to career development. Opt for a career that genuinely interests you, which will ultimately save time, money, and resources.

My Final Words

We’ve reached the conclusion of this extensive article. Indeed, it’s a lengthy read with 1,900 words, but I trust you’ve found the top 10 self-publishing skills valuable. My key message is to encourage you to review this material repeatedly until you fully grasp its contents.

After reading, I urge you to apply the knowledge gained. Dedicate time to mastering the skills outlined in this post. It would bring me great joy to learn that you’re successfully publishing your books, generating sales, and earning from them. Feel free to share your experiences in the comments section below, or connect with me directly using the WhatsApp button. Wishing you a prosperous journey in self-publishing!


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