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Top 10 Technology Skills

Top 10 Technology Skills

Mastering These top 10 technology Skills Will Make You Soar Higher In the Digital Age

29th March 2021

“The Top 10 Technology Skills” is an article designed to inform you about key soft skills that can contribute to success, particularly in the digital realm. It focuses on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills, with an emphasis on computers and their operation. With this introduction, let us explore these ten crucial skills.

Skill #1: Typing Skills

General typing skills are essential, even for those who don’t aspire to become writers or authors. These skills are beneficial in self-publishing; however, my focus here is broader. Learning to type is crucial in our digital era as it holds significant importance and value.

Your typing abilities can also be the foundation of a successful business in South Sudan’s major towns. By charging for typing services separately from printing and photocopying, you can establish a steady source of income. Moreover, typing skills are useful for completing assignments.

Indeed, I acquired typing skills during my first bachelor’s degree in theology, which I pursued in high school from 2010 to 2012. It was then that I realized my potential to write and self-publish books. Thus, mastering the keyboard is a valuable skill that can unlock numerous opportunities.

Related: Technology Ultimate Guide

Skill #2: Editing Skills (texts, videos, pictures and audios)

Learning to use a computer for editing text, videos, pictures, and audio files is a valuable skill. There are both free and paid tools available for these purposes. For instance, I use Microsoft Word to compose posts before uploading them to a content management system (CMS).

Editing skills are applicable to books, blog posts, documents, and assignments. Online proofreading tools and features in word processing software like MS Word can assist in this. Video editing skills can lead to employment opportunities. In South Sudan, many photo studios utilize photo editing software to enhance images before printing.

Proficiency in audio file editing can lead to job opportunities in media houses, such as Eye Radio, providing a means to earn a living. More information about these skills is available online, either free of charge or for a fee. Further learning can pave the way for a new, fulfilling career that also offers financial rewards.

Skill #3: Social Media Skills

The third step in the top 10 technology skills pertains to social media proficiency. I refer to it as ‘social media skills’ because they enable you to chat or communicate with friends and family on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and others. These skills necessitate literacy in an international language such as English, Arabic, French, or Swahili, which are integral to information and communication systems worldwide. Being able to read and write in any of these languages enhances your ability to acquire and utilize these technological abilities, also referred to as soft skills.

Skill #4: Communication Skills

While this may seem related to social media, digital communication encompasses much more. It includes email, live chat, social media messaging, voice calls, video calls, among others. Here, we are discussing communication skills via technology.

We employ technology as a means of communication, and mastering these skills can lead to lucrative job opportunities. Are you aware that speaking into your device in a specific manner can enhance the listener’s experience on the other end? This is a communication skill that could be beneficial to learn.

Skill #5: Web Design and Development Skills

Web design and development ranks among the top 10 technology skills I’ve selected for you in this article. It’s challenging, but mastering it can lead to a lucrative career. My expertise in web design and development comes from hands-on experience with the technology.

The most effective learning method is through action, as it is goal-oriented. Engaging with the material is far superior to merely reading about it without applying the knowledge. The optimal learning strategy is to implement what you’ve learned.

For instance, I hope that after reading this article, you’ll experiment with one of these top 10 technology skills to gauge your aptitude. Testing different areas is a key strategy for uncovering your career path. Exposure is necessary to recognize if a career truly belongs to you.

Skill #6: SEO Skills

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) skills are essential soft skills to master in today’s digital world, especially for those building websites, either for personal projects or for clients. Building websites has become a lucrative business and is a form of freelancing that is likely to remain in demand.

Learning SEO skills opens up job opportunities worldwide for those needing such services. There are platforms that connect freelancers with gigs, enabling people to receive the services they need while service providers can earn money efficiently.

Further information about SEO skills can be found in this post, and for those interested, online courses are available to enhance these skills and capitalize on this business opportunity.

Skill #7: App Design and Development Skills

Much like web design and development, learning to create or design applications is possible. It all hinges on your goals for the application. Nowadays, you can bring almost any app concept to life without delving into complex coding. Exciting, isn’t it? Indeed, and it’s achievable if you’re keen to delve deeper into the subject.

You can craft apps tailored for your own website or for clients who require them, and they will likely compensate you for your efforts. You have the ability to develop apps for consuming digital content and books. Applications can be designed for mobile devices, computers, or even for web use. Essentially, you can create any type of app you envision.

Skill #8: Plug-ins Design and Development Skills

If you’re acquainted with WordPress, you’re aware that plugins are crucial for enhancing the core system’s capabilities. These small software additions can expand a website’s functionality beyond its original scope.

You can develop various plugins, such as for security, shopping carts, and payments, to name a few. Initially, conducting product research to understand customer needs is essential. You can list your plugin on at no cost to gauge user interest. Offering a free trial alongside a PRO version with additional features is also a viable strategy.

Skill #9: Themes Design and Development Skills

Designing and developing WordPress plugins can be both a valuable service and a career path, just as creating WordPress themes can present a business opportunity. Themes are crucial for determining the appearance and ambiance of websites. Utilizing the PHP language to craft such designs can become a promotional avenue in the WordPress community, where web designers can evaluate your work.

You have the option to design for your own websites or to develop themes for the marketplace on, which is the commercial version of this widely-used open-source software for website creation.

However, to capitalize on this potential market, you might need to invest time in learning PHP and other web development languages like CSS and Java. Mastering these skills requires dedication, but they can be highly rewarding when proficiently acquired.

Skill #10: CMS Management Skills

The final tip in the top 10 technology skills list involves mastering Content Management Systems (CMS) like or Numerous CMS tools and platforms are accessible online, yet WordPress stands out as one of the finest.

You can learn to utilize these platforms for creating and managing websites, whether for personal use or for others. More posts about WordPress will follow, but for now, you might be interested in an earlier post I wrote on how to create pages and posts in WordPress. Click here to view that post.

My Final Words

We’ve reached the conclusion of the top 10 technology skills, and I’d like to leave you with these final thoughts on the post. I trust you’ve read it from start to finish. My current advice is that knowledge becomes powerful only when utilized. Review the points in the post, select the ones that resonate with you, and act on them immediately!

This isn’t an order, but rather a piece of advice. Utilizing the information in this post will be beneficial for you. The best course of action is to begin immediately. Procrastinating until tomorrow may lead you to lose focus in the business world, possibly causing you to forget everything. Starting now is the wisest investment for your future.

Having said all this, let’s wrap up this post. However, I’m eager to hear your thoughts in the comments section below. What do you think could be edited or updated? Feel free to reach out to me via the WhatsApp contact provided below. May God bless you and ensure your safety during and beyond the pandemic.


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