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Personal Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Personal Development

Personal Peace

Learn About Personal Peace and Live It

5th April 2021

“Personal Peace” is an article aimed at enlightening you about its essence, the techniques to achieve it, and its importance in establishing a serene personal environment. Peace of mind is advantageous, yet the challenge is how to attain it. Bearing this in mind, let us address it head-on.


Personal peace, often termed intrapersonal peace or inner peace, signifies harmony within oneself. It involves accepting oneself as is, regardless of external appearance or internal thoughts about one’s spirit, soul, and body. This acceptance typically stems from a profound and improved self-understanding.

Self-discovery is a crucial component of achieving genuine personal peace. It isn’t about aspiring to be someone else but rather embracing and exploring the unique qualities and personality traits that constitute your individuality. These are the attributes that distinguish you from others.

In many African societies, where socialism prevails, self-exploration may not be widely promoted. Dr. John Mbiti’s phrase, “I am because we are,” reflects the Zulu concept of ubuntu, which, despite its many positive aspects, appears to overlook personal development.

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We often find ourselves adrift in the vast sea of people’s perceptions and ideas about the world and ourselves. The views and words of our parents, siblings, friends, co-workers, and colleagues seem to shape our identity. But pause for a moment—can they always be correct? Is there a chance that their perspectives might be flawed?


To find the personal peace in question, one must first embark on a journey of self-discovery. Identifying who you truly are is a crucial step. Reading articles on self-discovery can be immensely beneficial in this process.


Self-discovery is a unique process, a journey that might be embarked upon only once in a lifetime. It differs from self-improvement, which can continue throughout one’s life. While the opinions of others can be valuable in the journey of self-discovery, it is important to remember that you understand yourself more profoundly than anyone else, even your parents.


Self-discovery leads to self-improvement, both of which constitute personal development. This is predicated on the notion that you can only develop, improve, or grow what already exists. Such improvement encompasses learning to live in peace with oneself, which is the central theme of this article.

A deeper understanding of oneself can also enhance comprehension of others, contributing significantly to one’s personal peace. Recognizing that anger is not a solution enables one to live harmoniously with oneself and others. Thus, self-improvement is a journey towards achieving peace with oneself and fostering peaceful relationships with others, underscoring that understanding is the cornerstone of a peaceful existence.


Now, you might be curious about my personal methods. Beyond the techniques mentioned earlier, are there additional approaches to achieving a peaceful life? Indeed, there are. You might discover your own methods to strive for peace despite the prevalence of violence in our world.

Avoiding conflict

This is an innate mechanism for me, a practice I’ve been automatically employing since the 1980s to maintain a sense of personal peace. This technique is not simple, and thus might not be suitable for everyone. Each of us is unique, and what serves me well may not have the same effect on others. It could work for you, or it might not, as you are unique and special in your own way. However, one method I use to achieve inner peace is by avoiding conflicts.


If I cannot avoid conflict entirely, another strategy that works for me is to apologize. This means I am the first to say “I’m sorry” or ask for forgiveness, even if I believe I am right. It’s about resolving the conflict, not denying the facts.

Persisting in an argument when success is unattainable seems foolish to me. For some individuals, no matter how well you articulate your position, they will not understand. The more you attempt to justify yourself, the more agitated they become. Therefore, yielding is sometimes the best option for peace.

Quitting isn’t always indicative of failure, despite the common belief that quitters never win. This adage isn’t universally applicable. There are times when quitting is necessary to succeed. In places like South Sudan, where the culture celebrates warriors and victors, not victims, this can be seen as cowardice. Surrendering doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but for some of us, it’s an instinctive choice.


For me, the final measure to achieve personal peace is to distance myself from the source of disturbance. Sometimes, this may involve not engaging in conversation or listening to the other party temporarily, allowing me to recuperate and restore my happiness and peace.

Humans are intricate creatures, and changing them is not feasible, particularly those with inflexible personalities. Some individuals have such set mindsets that they struggle to adapt to new circumstances, complicating peaceful coexistence.

Yet, by blocking out such individuals, I can find tranquility. These people, however, are not without value; they facilitate my adaptation. They remind me that not everyone shares my perspective, nor is there a requirement for them to do so, broadening my understanding of human nature.

The Bible mentions that Jesus was aware of what lies within all individuals. He understood that people’s attitudes could swiftly shift from praise to insult, from blessing to cursing.


You now face a personal decision. You likely understand how to achieve and sustain your inner peace. What I’ve shared encompasses common knowledge and my own experiences. Similarly, you have your own voice.

You may agree or disagree with some of my earlier points. This signifies that personal freedom is a principle I carry with me at all times. I consider myself free, as I presume everyone else to be. I have the liberty to think differently from the majority. I believe that understanding ourselves on a personal level is the key to understanding those around us.

Society’s definition of me does not shape my self-identity, except when it coincides with the truth. However, you might see things differently. You’re at liberty to compare your views with mine. After all, they are your views. So, what is your opinion? Does society define who you are? Why or why not?


In conclusion, these are my words of wisdom for you. Balance is necessary in all aspects of life, contributing to personal peace through various internal and external factors. We should not dismiss sound advice simply because it unsettles us or provokes anger at times.

Here is my final counsel: remain adaptable. Embrace listening, learning, and authenticity. These aren’t strict commandments, as that would be contradictory. I believe no one can be compelled to act against their will, nor should they be. However, it is wise to consider good advice.

Those who offer you sound advice do so out of love and concern. Yet, we must not depend excessively on the opinions, words, or actions of others to the point where we lose touch with our true selves. Personal peace is achieved by discovering and enhancing your true self.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you. If it has, feel free to express your thoughts in the comment section below. You may also use the WhatsApp button to reach out to me for a more personal discussion. God bless you. Shalom!


1 thought on “Personal Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Personal Development

  1. […] as there is personal peace, there is also personal conflict. This is a conflict between one person with himself or herself. […]

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