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Clan Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Clan Development

Clan Peace

Learning About Clan Peace Will Help You Value Peace in This Societal Level

19th April 2021

“Clan Peace” is an article designed to help you understand the concept of living peacefully within a clan. It elucidates the significance and value of peace within this social structure. As it is commonly understood, in Africa, a clan is considered the next step from a family because it comprises multiple families that are biologically related. With this in mind, let’s delve further into the topic.


Clan Peace refers to harmony within a clan, also known as intra-clan peace. It is a precursor to Inter-Clan Peace, which is the peace between different clans. Achieving peace at every level of society is crucial, although history shows it’s not always attainable. In the South Sudanese context, Family Peace can foster Clan Peace, as a clan is essentially an extension of a family.

A clan consists of multiple families connected by biological ancestry. However, individuals may choose to leave their biological clans and join others that are not related by blood, often attracted by the peace and harmony found there.

Clans that have experienced internal conflicts may see members disperse to other clans or sub-tribes. Hence, peace is vital, and while we can promote it, it must begin with us. Just as families have peaceful individuals, so do clans.

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This isn’t a universal rule, but rather my personal viewpoint. Peace is undeniably crucial, yet the real challenge lies in how to achieve it. The difficulty arises because not all humans are inherently peaceful, despite our social nature.

This fact complicates the establishment of a single method or rule to foster peace within a clan, given the diversity and uniqueness of individuals. However, there are methods to cultivate and sustain peace within a group.

As mentioned before, every clan has its peacemakers. These individuals are the pillars of tranquility and strive to instill peace within the clan. Yet, peace is often fleeting, as violence is an intrinsic part of human nature. It seems we are designed in a way that often leaves us grappling with understanding.


Leadership can be a powerful tool for fostering peace within a clan. It involves clan leadership that holds authority over all its members. The leaders should be both loved and respected by the majority of the clan members.

Historically in Africa, clan leaders often wielded spiritual powers to guide their clans. They employed these powers for the clan’s benefit. Moreover, these leaders were attuned to the needs of their people and endeavored to unite the clan for the common good.


As previously mentioned, the spiritual realm plays a crucial role in fostering and sustaining peace within a clan. This role may be indigenous or adopted; if it succeeds in uniting people peacefully, it is beneficial. Here, I am delving into my authentic self, so let’s set aside foreign religious concepts for a moment.

We humans do not fully comprehend the spiritual realm. Yet, many claim to understand it completely, which is why we often appear foolish and archaic. Our belief systems, which are mere human constructs, frequently make us seem absurd.

Nonetheless, the reality of the spiritual realm cannot be denied, even though individuals perceive it in their own distinct ways, shaped by experiences and cultural backgrounds. This is the reason Africa had its unique religious systems, now largely forgotten, having been condemned as evil and satanic.

But who has made such claims? What defines the satanic? Do we know what Satan looks like? Is it justifiable to label one human perspective as evil and another as sacred? Who granted us the authority to scorn anyone made in God’s image? The questions are endless. In truth, no religious tradition, including Islam and Christianity, has all the answers to life’s profound questions.


Peace is crucial at every level of human society, from clans to families and tribes. It is vital because it fosters unity within a clan, often linked through a biological patriarch, promoting harmony among its members.

However, life is complex, and the presence of violent individuals can lead to conflict within a clan. Such violence and conflict are detrimental to both the clan and broader human societies, highlighting the constant need to advocate for peace. While peace is a positive force, violence and conflict are negative.

Yet, it’s interesting to note that positive and negative elements are fundamental to life and the entire physical universe. For instance, in atomic particles, there are protons and electrons, which are positive and negative, respectively, with neutrons existing as a neutral entity between them.


At last, the article is complete. If you’ve read from start to finish, well done! If not, I urge you to read it in its entirety and then revisit this section for my concluding thoughts. My parting advice is to recognize that within every clan, there are both peaceful and violent individuals.

This implies that living in peace with every clan isn’t always possible. There’s a season for everything under the sun. In times of peace, we should strive to coexist harmoniously with everyone within our sphere. When others choose violence, that is their prerogative.

We should focus on our role and allow others to handle what they are responsible for. This is counsel worth considering; despising those who are violent doesn’t remedy their aggression. They are as they are, just as we are as we are.

If you’re inclined to discuss your thoughts on this article, please use the comments section below. Alternatively, you can click the WhatsApp button to chat with me about it. Many thanks for your time reading this piece. May God bless you and ensure your safety during and beyond the pandemic. Shalom!


2 thoughts on “Clan Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Clan Development

  1. Thanks, Patrick for this. God bless you too!

  2. Wow, this is indeed very enlightening. God bless you too

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