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Tribal Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Tribal Improvement

Tribal Peace

Learning These Tribal Peace Facts Will Make You Value Peace within a Tribe

26th April 2021

“Tribal Peace” is an article designed to educate on the concept of peace within a tribe. It outlines methods for achieving and sustaining peace at this societal level and delves into the significance of tribal peace. With this introduction, let us delve further into the article.


Tribal Peace refers to harmony within a tribe, whereas Inter-tribal Peace denotes peace between different tribes, contributing to national peace. Also known as Intra-tribal Peace, Tribal Peace exists when there is tranquility and unity within a tribal society. This level of peace is significant because a tribe comprises various clans and sub-tribes, particularly in South Sudan and across Africa.

Typically, a clan originates from a single biological ancestor, often male. However, individuals from diverse clans with distinct biological grandparents and forebears can also establish or become part of a new clan. As these clans grow in number and size, they may evolve into a tribe. It’s common for tribes to include members from other tribes, not just biological kin from common ancestors.

Human societies, regardless of size, encounter conflicts and disputes due to the inherent mix of good and bad individuals (as exemplified by Cain and Abel). Yet, when such conflicts are reduced, tribal peace prevails, characterized by a peaceful coexistence within the tribe. There are numerous methods to achieve and sustain peace within a tribe, which we will explore in the following sections.

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Since humans do not always coexist peacefully, the question arises: how can we maintain peace within a tribe? The presence of both peaceful and violent individuals in every tribe or group is a reality. It is the peaceful individuals who consistently serve as agents of peace, always thinking, speaking, and acting in ways that foster harmony.

When a tribe has a substantial number of peaceful members, tranquility prevails. Conversely, when there are few peace advocates, conflict and violence often ensue. Therefore, one method to sustain peace in a tribe is to ensure a significant presence of those who cherish peace.

Furthermore, traditional methods of maintaining peace within tribes have existed. However, in contemporary times, these practices are frequently dismissed as outdated or irrelevant, sometimes even considered malevolent or heretical, reflecting the transformation of Africa from what it once was. It leaves one to ponder what the continent might look like a millennium from now.

Historically, Africa possessed its own methods of governance, which were inherently understood by its people and fostered peace and harmony among tribes. This is not to say that conflicts were absent; rather, they were more manageable than those of today.

Spirituality was intertwined with communal living, contributing to peace and harmony within tribes. However, such spiritual practices no longer instill the same fear, allowing individuals to act freely. Fear, when used constructively, could ensure peace and harmony within a tribe.

It is my firm belief that our African forebears were wiser than we are today. They had a profound understanding of human psychology and knew how to influence human behavior to maintain peace and harmony. In the past, each clan and family within a tribe played specific roles for the benefit of the entire tribe. Each individual contributed to their family’s role. Unfortunately, these structures have since deteriorated.


How do we maintain tribal peace? In the same manner we preserve peace in a family or clan, we can uphold peace within a tribe or among multiple tribes. It has been noted that peaceful individuals within a tribe are pivotal for both establishing and sustaining peace.

Modern peacekeeping methods may seem foreign to Africans, as they often lead to more conflicts and violence within tribes and communities. Such methods include living as a nuclear family, which can foster selfishness. This selfishness can spread from an individual to a family, then to a clan, and eventually to a tribe.

What type of society are we shaping today? Are we more educated than our ancestors? What is the nature of this education? We may pose many questions, but who will provide the answers? We must use these questions to reflect on ourselves and our cultures.

We should examine both modern and traditional lifestyles to determine which practices best maintain peace and harmony within a tribe, rather than perpetuating conflicts and violence. However, we must remember that it is the duty of peace advocates to nurture peace in individuals, families, clans, and tribes. Those inherently opposed to peace will invariably cause discord.


The significance of peace within a tribe is paramount. It mirrors the peace found within a clan or family. With harmony reigning in our tribe, we can coexist and accomplish many beneficial and positive deeds.

However, life is not monolithic. It resembles a coin with two faces: one representing good and the other evil. Good is affirmative, while evil is detrimental. Every element contains aspects of good, evil, and neutrality. Life, it appears, encompasses a spectrum. As previously mentioned, both the negative and positive serve as fundamental components of life and the cosmos. It has been suggested that God embodies both good and evil; hence, neither can be entirely eliminated.


Here are my final words of advice and wisdom to you, my dear friend. I trust you have read from the beginning to the end of this article. Congratulations if you have done so. If not, I suggest and recommend that you go back and scan or skim through the text again. This will enhance your understanding of my concluding thoughts below.

Having read the article, you’re likely seeking takeaways, right? The most significant one is that life unfolds in its own way. Despite our desires for peaceful coexistence within our families, clans, and tribes, some individuals do not share this perspective. There are those who derive pleasure from another’s tears, a trait ingrained in their nature, impervious to the effects of education.

So, what should we do? We must pursue peace. We can maintain our tranquility even amidst war, conflict, and violence, even within our own tribes. We are inherently peaceful. This is the peace that Jesus Christ referred to when speaking to His disciples. Strive to live peacefully with everyone within your sphere, but avoid imposing it on others, as this may provoke further animosity.

I hope the article ‘Tribal Peace’ has been beneficial to you on a personal level. Would you like to share your thoughts about it in the comments section below? Your feedback would be greatly valued. You might also consider sending me a WhatsApp message regarding this post. May God bless you and ensure your safety during and beyond the pandemic. Shalom!


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