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Inter-Tribal Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Social Development

Inter-Tribal Peace

Mastering These Inter-Tribal Peace Lessons Will Pay Dividends

24th May 2021

The “Inter-Tribal Peace” is an article designed to guide you through understanding its essence, the methods to achieve and sustain it, and the significance of maintaining peace among tribes. In Africa, a tribe represents a fundamental component of society. Multiple tribes constitute a country or a nation. With this in mind, the article delves into these topics.


Inter-Tribal Peace refers to the tranquility established between two or more tribes. It can be termed national peace when it encompasses all tribes within a nation. Such tribal peace and harmony can foster broader peace across regions, states, counties, or entire countries, often due to historical or political reasons unique to each country’s administrative divisions.

This peaceful coexistence is centered on calmness and harmony, potentially yielding numerous benefits for nations and communities alike. It may arise from peace at personal, family, clan, and tribal levels, progressing through interpersonal, inter-family, inter-clan, to inter-tribal peace. These forms and layers of peace within a society are often known by various names.

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Understanding the significance of peace among tribes, we ponder how to initiate or establish such harmony. Does peace among tribes emerge naturally? What steps are necessary to foster and sustain peace at the tribal level? These questions are crucial for grasping the process of peacebuilding in society.

Reflecting on African history provides insight into our progress in the pursuit of peace and harmony. Historically, numerous methods existed to cultivate peace among tribes within kingdoms, long before Arab and English influences. These methods were well-suited to African communities and societies.

Comparing historical practices with contemporary methods of peacekeeping between tribes and nations reveals differences. In my previous articles, I noted that traditional African practices were intertwined with religion and spirituality, implying that leadership was considered as sacred as the gods. Consequently, people adhered to state laws out of reverence for the spiritual realm, believed to coexist with the physical world.

Such beliefs enabled peaceful coexistence among tribes within a society. However, when foreign ideologies deemed these values malevolent, they were discarded, complicating adherence to any laws and elevating personal freedom over societal structure.


Maintaining peace between two tribes, once achieved, can be approached in various unique ways tailored to the specific situation and needs. Just as individuals can foster peace or conflict between tribes and nations, they also possess the means to preserve peace within their communities.

What, then, are some common strategies for sustaining peace among tribes in a country like South Sudan? Initiatives such as job creation for the youth can be particularly effective, especially if conflicts stem from their idleness. Engaging young people in constructive activities can divert their attention from tribal conflicts.

Peace is fundamentally a personal endeavor. Every member of society has a crucial role in cultivating peace and harmony. Leadership, whether traditional or contemporary, plays a significant role in upholding peace among tribes or groups. However, this does not diminish the responsibilities of individuals, families, clans, and tribes. Authorities must guide the nation towards peace.

A government has numerous responsibilities to ensure peace among its tribes. Ensuring security is paramount, as is the establishment and enforcement of laws that protect the rights of all citizens, not just the leaders.

The law and justice system should address those who wrong others or incite tribal conflicts. When laws are impartial and people are judged by their actions, peace is likely to endure, as individuals will not seek personal vengeance. Effective laws are necessary to maintain order. This respect for a well-implemented legal system is why I hold the old African systems in high regard.


Peace is crucial at all levels of society. Tribes form the foundation of regions, states, counties, payams, and even bomas, which have been the governmental divisions in South Sudan since 2005. The smallest administrative unit is the boma. However, each governance level is equally important. Thus, peace among two or more tribes leads to national tranquility.

Take, for instance, harmony between the Nuer and the Dinka tribes in the Upper Nile Region; it results in numerous developmental advantages for that area. Such progress can be individual or communal, contributing to national or regional growth.

Peaceful regions enable inhabitants to engage in trade, fostering economic stability. Individuals can cultivate land and rear cattle without fear for their safety or that of their livestock.

There are countless reasons why intertribal peace is vital. The few mentioned here merely scratch the surface. Peace among tribes often translates to national peace, which can extend to harmonious relations with neighboring nations.


As we conclude this article on Inter-Tribal Peace, your key takeaways are prepared. You’ve explored the concept of Inter-Tribal Peace, strategies to foster and sustain it, and its significance within a nation. However, it’s common knowledge that not all humans desire peace by nature.

So, if some are inclined towards creating chaos and conflict, what should our approach to peace be? Our path forward is to coexist peacefully with others to the best of our ability. This reminds us that while we cannot compel others to adopt our ways, we should not conform to theirs if it contradicts our values. Here, it’s crucial to assert personal freedom confidently and decisively.

The essence of this article is to encourage living in peace with everyone as far as possible. It’s my duty to remain peaceful with myself, even against the world’s tide, and it’s your responsibility to seek peace with others, regardless of their stance.

I hope you found value in the insights on Inter-Tribal Peace. I invite you to share your reflections in the comments section. Your feedback is greatly valued and will aid in enhancing my efforts towards advocating peace and harmony, both within and with others. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones during the global pandemic and beyond. Peace be with you!


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