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National Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for National Development

How And Why To Find And Maintain National Peace In A Country

31st May 2021

“National Peace” is an article designed to guide you through understanding the concept of peace within a nation. It delves into the significance of peace and the methods to achieve and sustain it. While peace is crucial, it is not always present due to various reasons. Now, let’s examine this aspect of societal peace more closely.


National peace refers to the state of tranquility within a nation or country. While some may define a nation as a major tribe with various dialects, like the Dinka, Nuer, and Bari, many recognize South Sudan simultaneously as a nation and a country. Here, a nation equates to a country, making South Sudan our nation. National peace exists when harmony prevails among the tribes and people groups within this nation.

Furthermore, peace within the national army contributes to the nation’s peace. National peace transcends the mere absence of war; it encompasses peace and harmony throughout the country, from region to region, state to state, county to county, Payam to Payam, and boma to boma. Such peaceful existence fosters positive living and promotes development in all sectors of the country.

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Understanding the essence of peace, we must explore how to achieve it. Peace can be found at personal, familial, clan, tribal, and national levels. The question remains: how do we attain peace? Various methods have been discussed in previous articles on the subject.

One approach is to cultivate peaceful individuals within every societal stratum. Naturally, such individuals exist and are instrumental in fostering peace within families, clans, tribes, and nations like South Sudan.

However, these peace advocates are often in the minority and tend not to impose their beliefs aggressively. Their influence is crucial for instilling peace in a country. The greater their numbers, the better the prospects for peace. Conversely, fewer peace-oriented individuals mean slimmer chances for national tranquility.

Peaceful individuals’ thoughts, words, and actions contribute to a peaceful society to varying extents. Indeed, they play a significant role in a country’s quest for lasting peace. Leadership is equally critical in this endeavor.

Leaders must ensure security and the government should enact laws that administer justice fairly. This will deter the inherently wicked and violent, as everyone must face legal consequences for their actions. Thus, law and order are vital for achieving and sustaining peace in a nation.


Now that we have achieved peace through law and order, and thanks to our peaceful and faithful populace, the question arises: how do we maintain it? This challenge extends to every family, clan, tribe, and nation. Peace is highly valued, as we have previously discussed, and is sought after by nearly all humans. However, people have not always lived in peace, a fact that dates back to the conflict between Cain and Abel.

The origin of conflict, according to scripture, began with God and humanity when the first man and woman acted against divine command, leading to their curse and expulsion from Eden. This narrative is present not only in the Bible but also in various African languages, albeit with different interpretations.

Humans act according to their inherent nature, which is why understanding humanity might help us accept our natural state. People’s actions are a reflection of their human nature, and factors such as religion, education, and experience do not significantly alter this.

Peaceful individuals also have a significant role to play. There are those who are inherently good, independent of any religious or moral teachings they may later adopt. Similarly, there are those who are naturally inclined towards evil and violence. This duality is seen as part of divine design, exemplified by the story of Cain and Abel, the first siblings to engage in lethal conflict.

The government possesses the authority to compel those who commit evil to confront their actions here on earth, rather than in an undefined future realm of suffering and despair. Wrongdoers should face immediate consequences, serving as a deterrent to others who might consider similar actions. This also implies the existence of various categories of people.

For instance, accidental homicide is treated differently under the law, and those educated in the nation’s laws should execute their duties competently. The wealthy should not influence justice with bribes, a practice that has persisted throughout history. Justice within a nation fosters peace and harmony. Peace prevails when there is a fear of government or respect for traditional leadership.

Historically in Africa, village elders had their own governance systems that were more effective for Africans than today’s religious and secular systems. Back then, religious institutions and governmental structures operated in unison. If one does not respect the government, they should at least be mindful of the spiritual realm that judges individuals by their deeds.


Indeed, peace is crucial at every societal level. But why is peace so vital? This question has many answers. Peace and harmony within a country foster development, evident in both physical infrastructure and the self-improvement of individuals through education. Personal development is the cornerstone of national progress.

Consider this: if most people in a country have the time to reflect on themselves and their capabilities, would they engage in negative actions like tribal conflicts? National development starts with personal growth.

Since I personally lack the time for idle conversation, I harbor little to no tribal animosity. When individuals are preoccupied with their pursuits, they tend to live in peace and harmony, potentially influencing the entire nation, especially if this lifestyle is widely adopted. However, without peace, positive actions are unlikely.

Peace also brings employment opportunities, engaging the youth in productive activities that benefit themselves, their families, clans, tribes, and the nation. Peace indeed brings benefits, while conflict only brings detriment.


As we conclude this National Peace article, let’s reflect on the key points. For peace to thrive in a nation like South Sudan, several measures are necessary. Firstly, the populace committed to peace must grow. Secondly, effective law and order are essential. Thirdly, providing employment for the youth is crucial to engage them in constructive activities for their benefit and that of their families, clans, tribes, and ultimately, the nation.

However, humans are complex beings, often considered the most challenging to manage on this planet. Conflicts arise because many are inherently wicked, violent, and malevolent. This is not within their control; it’s an intrinsic force within them.

Even stringent law and order cannot subdue such violent tendencies. It might be thought that they are possessed by evil, but is that the case? Why would the majority be so afflicted? Such notions are absurd. They are as they are, perhaps as intended by divine design, a topic that is beyond the purview of this article.

I trust that the National Peace article has been enlightening for you. I invite you to share your perspectives in the comment section below; your feedback is highly valued. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones during the ongoing global pandemic and beyond. Peace be with you.


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