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International Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for International Relations

International Peace

Understanding International Peace Will Help You Become a Better Diplomat for Your Country

7th June 2021

The “International Peace” is an article designed to inform readers about the significance of peace among nations, the methods to achieve and sustain it, and its importance for diplomatic relations, regardless of geographical proximity. This article stands out as it approaches the subject in a distinctive manner. Now, let’s delve into the details below.


International peace refers to the tranquility existing between two or more nations, which may or may not share borders. Such peace often stems from maintaining positive internal and international relations.

Peace and harmony among nations, regardless of proximity, is termed international peace. Conversely, disputes between two or more nations are known as international conflicts.

Throughout human history, peace and conflict have coexisted, seemingly intertwined. Conflict often precipitates the pursuit of peace, suggesting that good is recognized in contrast to evil. Despite this, peace remains a vital pursuit. Let’s explore how individuals seek and sustain international peace.

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Personal, family, clan, tribal, and national interests often take precedence in matters of peace, whether locally or internationally. As numerous factors can incite war and conflict, there are equally diverse methods to foster peace and harmony between nations. Given human nature’s inherent self-interest, personal gain typically outweighs the pursuit of peace. The primary question is, what are the interests at stake? Why should we seek peace with neighboring countries if there is no benefit to be gained?

Indeed, peace is advantageous on its own, but most individuals, particularly leaders, tend to prioritize their personal benefits. This is a common human behavior. I would likely do the same if I were in such a position. If peace with a neighboring country allows for the utilization of their resources for my nation’s development, then that serves as a strong incentive for peace. If mutual benefits can be derived from peace, then it is worth pursuing. However, if the benefits are one-sided, it is not uncommon for neighboring countries to maintain strained relations.

For peace to prevail between nations, it is essential to have peace-loving individuals at the borders. The nature of the people residing at these borders can either foster peace or incite conflict. If the border communities are violent and aggressive, it will be challenging for a country to maintain peaceful relations with its neighbors. Similarly, if the border inhabitants on the opposing side are also hostile, achieving peace becomes a difficult, if not impossible, task. Therefore, it is crucial to have peaceful communities along all borders, both within a country and in neighboring states, to ensure a harmonious existence. Additionally, there must be law and order in every bordering nation to address violations in a fair and just manner.


Just as having peaceful citizens and effective laws is crucial within a country, the same applies to maintaining peace between nations. Firstly, there must be peace-loving individuals, particularly at the borders, and secondly, justice and law enforcement must be proactive. This is why I reminisce about the past in Africa when law and order prevailed.

In those times, peace was upheld due to respect for the law and the spiritual realm. However, Africa has changed; it will never be as it once was. The imported systems of religion and law no longer command fear. Law and order are absent because, although Africans retain their intrinsic nature, their world has transformed.

Does this imply that modern methods to sustain international peace are nonexistent? Not at all. There are methods, some of which I’ve already outlined. The key strategies for preserving peace between nations involve fostering peaceful communities and upholding the law. Those inclined towards violence should be held accountable by the law.

However, this approach does not always succeed. One reason is that individuals, being human, can be tempted to manipulate the law for personal gain. This often occurs because there is a lack of fear or respect for the foreign legal systems now implemented in Africa, regardless of our acceptance.

Monarchy, rather than democracy, is argued to be the superior system for governing Africa, as history seems to support. This is attributed to a shared identity among Africans; despite each person’s uniqueness, there is a commonality that binds them and defines their African identity.

Diving briefly into the realm of politics, it’s important to note that the concept of democracy is not even fully realized in the USA. The term ‘democracy’ is political in nature. The Nuer people have an insightful perspective on politics and governance, referring to it as “Politdekac,” which translates to the ‘politeness of lies.’


Peace between nations is crucial for a multitude of reasons. You might wonder about the significance of international peace, a question I often encounter from my readers. To satisfy this curiosity, I’ve decided to pen this article and address the inquiry.

So, what makes peace between two or more countries so vital? One reason is the mutual benefits in trade, resources, and even cultural exchanges like intermarriages, fostering unity as though the nations were one. This exemplifies the value of peace. Additionally, peaceful nations may form alliances to confront common threats or adversaries.

Even distant countries can maintain amicable relations, with peace serving as the bond regardless of proximity. Beyond commerce, such nations can enjoy shared benefits like educational exchanges. For instance, peace between Rwanda and South Sudan could enable students to pursue studies in Rwanda. Similarly, peaceful relations with Egypt, England, the USA, and other nations can open doors for South Sudanese to study abroad.


Here are my final thoughts and advice for you: the necessity of balance. You’ve read my perspectives on what it means to have peace among nations, how to achieve and sustain that peace, and most importantly, why peace is essential. Peace is beneficial, yet it’s often undervalued by us humans. As a result, conflict arises unexpectedly, even within our families.

Conflict is also a reality in our personal lives. It appears that conflict and peace coexist in a mysterious symbiosis. This suggests that humans cannot completely eradicate either. Without conflict, peace would not be recognized. Therefore, balance is essential, and that is my point.

Peace will come when it comes, as will conflict. We need not overburden ourselves in any circumstance. Nevertheless, we should strive to seek and uphold peace at our own level. But we shouldn’t exhaust ourselves if success seems distant. Personal peace is paramount. Be peaceful, but only if it’s true to who you are.

Some individuals are inherently violent and take pleasure in it. They find joy in the suffering of others and in inflicting pain and harm. However, that may not describe you. Be authentic. Be true to yourself. I hope the concept of International Peace has been meaningful to you. Would you care to share your thoughts on it in the comments section below?

Your input is greatly valued, and I look forward to your help and support. Your opinions are important to me, as I wish to understand your perspective. I pray for God’s blessings upon you and your loved ones, for safety during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!


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