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Digital Marketing: What It Is and Its Importance for Career Development

Digital Marketing

Understanding digital marketing and how it works will save you time and resources

14th June 2021

Digital Marketing is an article designed to help you comprehend the nature of this marketing form, its functioning, its application, and its significance in professional life. It delves into and elucidates the current digital marketing trends, assisting you in selecting the most suitable ones for your business. With that introduction, let’s dive in.


Digital marketing involves promoting products or services using digital tools and platforms. These tools can range from mobile phones and websites to email accounts and social media applications. Essentially, digital marketing refers to the practice of marketing carried out through digital means.

This field encompasses a variety of strategies, including social media engagement, email campaigns, content creation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Marketing (SEM), display advertising, and Pay Per Click (PPC) or Pay Per Impression (PPI) advertising. All these strategies form integral components of the broader digital landscape and, more specifically, digital marketing.

Marketing itself is the act of raising awareness about an individual, product, or service. It’s about informing people of something that could be beneficial to them. For instance, promoting a new application is a form of marketing aimed at highlighting the app and the team responsible for its development and functionality. Digital marketing, as previously mentioned, is the execution of these promotional activities through digital channels and tools.

Related: Digital Marketing Ultimate Guide


Digital marketing operates in various ways, catering to different individuals based on specific factors and requirements. For instance, an email list can be an effective digital marketing strategy for some when executed properly. Conversely, others may find platforms like Facebook more suitable for promoting their services and products.

Personally, I utilize Amazon for the digital marketing of my books, which has proven to be highly effective. As potential customers search for books or related items, they can discover my book, add it to their cart, or make an instant purchase with a single click, even while I’m asleep.

This exemplifies the essence of digital marketing: set up a system that continues to function independently, whether you’re engaged in other activities or asleep. At this very moment, someone might be perusing my previous article or buying one of my books, and I’m not required to partake in the transaction process, as the digital system manages customer interactions. This underscores the necessity of having a robust digital marketing system.


If this is the mechanism of the marketing world, it indeed sounds promising. But the question remains, how can one harness it effectively? It’s advisable to utilize digital marketing tools and systems tailored to your unique personality, profession, or business. This varies widely among individuals and is also contingent on one’s activities. For instance, if you’re an author involved in writing and publishing books, platforms like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Smashwords, among others, would serve as your marketing tools and services.

Suppose you’re a freelance photographer; in that case, you could leverage platforms like Fiverr, Upwork, and similar sites to market yourself and your offerings. Essentially, there are digital avenues for presenting your value to the world and prospective clients, which is the essence of employing digital marketing in your sphere of life.

You should capitalize on what’s accessible to you, such as email marketing, content marketing, social media platforms, etc. It’s important to note that not every channel and tool is universally effective at all times. Certain digital marketing systems are more conducive for different individuals engaged in various activities. By utilizing what works best for you, you can effectively employ the digital realm to achieve your objectives.


Numerous marketing trends emerge each year, driven by people’s needs and the evolving landscape of technology. However, certain strategies like email marketing and content marketing consistently prove effective.

It’s evident that online sellers recognize the influence of content marketing, leading them to recruit professionals to generate and disseminate content. This trend is fueled by the fact that most consumers conduct research prior to making purchases.

More than just descriptions, product and service pages require additional content. This supplementary information is a component of the digital marketing strategy, facilitating informed decision-making for consumers. They seek comprehensive knowledge about their potential purchases, and content marketing serves to fulfill this requirement.


If you’ve observed the application of digital marketing mentioned earlier, you’re on the right track in understanding why it’s crucial to market ourselves, our brands, products, businesses, and services. Currently, over 3.6 billion people are online, which is a significant number. By employing effective digital marketing strategies, we can reach a substantial portion of this audience and potentially sell valuable offerings to them.

Marketing plays a vital role in both raising awareness and driving conversions. You can focus on building either or both simultaneously. Creating awareness about yourself, your services, and your company is equally crucial. If a large number of people are aware of you and what you offer, they might eventually seek more information, and as they learn more, they could become your customers or clients.

However, marketing is also a skill that requires passion and practice to master. Although I have completed a diploma in digital marketing online, I must apply what I’ve learned to truly understand it. Simply reading this article isn’t sufficient unless you complement it with practical experience.

This means you should apply your knowledge by undertaking activities related to this article. Perhaps you’ll start a blog or begin to build your first email list. Whatever your plan, commit to it and continue until you achieve tangible results in your business and career. NOTE: Affiliate links have been included above. Using them earns me a small commission.


Here are the key points to take away from this article. While the article covers many topics, the essence is that digital marketing can be fruitful when executed properly. You might not be able to apply all the knowledge immediately, but if there’s something that resonates with you, feel free to use it.

Keep in mind that mere knowledge is not yet powerful until it is applied. As you begin to utilize this knowledge in real life, you’ll find that you learn even more than what the article has offered. Here, indeed, actions speak louder than the words on this page.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you. Would you like to share your thoughts on it in the comments below? Your feedback would be greatly valued. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace be with you!


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