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Life Coaching: What It Is and Its Importance for Self-Discovery

Life Coaching

Mastering These Life Coaching Lessons Will Save You Time and Resources

21st June 2021

Life Coaching is an article designed to guide you through understanding its concept, the process of finding a life coach, and the significance of having one for your journey of self-discovery. It’s true that we must first understand ourselves before we can improve. We need to recognize our origins, our current position, and our future aspirations. With this in mind, let’s delve deeper into the lessons that follow.


Life coaching, as I understand it, involves guiding individuals through self-discovery, self-improvement, career exploration, and career advancement. It encompasses any assistance that fosters personal and professional growth. Both personal development and career progression often benefit from some form of life coaching.

If you are drawn to the idea of aiding others in surpassing their current selves, then you may be well-suited to life coaching in your distinct manner. While life coaching can be studied academically, its effective practice requires genuine passion. When we recognize a need in others, we can address it through coaching. Indeed, life coaching is an ongoing journey.

Related: Life Coaching Ultimate Guide


To find a life coach, a good one, you can search both online and offline. Today’s world is both digital and physical, giving us access to individuals in the real world and the virtual realm of computers and devices like mobile phones. This is likely why you are reading this online or in print media.

Before seeking a life coach, however, consider yourself as your primary guide. You understand yourself better than anyone else, except perhaps for a divine perspective. Others may have some insight into who you are, but they do not possess the full picture. Reflect on your current state, your past, and where you aspire to be in the future.

Next, contemplate how the world perceives you. ‘The world’ refers to those in your life—parents, guardians, friends, colleagues, and others. Their perceptions can offer insights, but it’s important not to become preoccupied with them.

Prior to engaging a life coach, immerse yourself in literature that resonates with your character. Fiction invites you to explore diverse worlds and perspectives, while motivational works encourage self-discovery and personal growth. These resources can profoundly influence your life.

After these considerations, seek assistance from those aligned with your life’s purpose. If you’re uncertain about your current position, there are individuals who can help you clarify it. As mentioned, you can connect with these advisors both in person and online, though some may require a fee for their services.


Life coaching is effective in various ways for different individuals, and for diverse reasons. For some, simply reading articles like this one is sufficient to kickstart their journey, but not everyone responds the same way. Others might prefer watching a video of me speaking these words rather than reading them, whether it’s online or in a book.

For certain individuals, neither reading nor watching is adequate; they desire a personal interaction. This diversity is due to the multitude of learning methods available, as each person absorbs information uniquely. Some need to experiment on their own before they can truly grasp the lessons being taught.

As previously mentioned, life coaching’s impact varies from person to person and for various reasons. However, it does have an effect. For others, it may not work at all, perhaps because the advice given doesn’t resonate with them. This can make it challenging, if not impossible, for coaches to effect real and meaningful change in these individuals’ lives.

The personality of the coachee is crucial in this context. We cannot help someone change their life without their active participation in the process. We can only fix our own lives. As coaches, our role is to steer individuals towards solutions for their issues and problems, enabling them to discover answers within themselves.


Life coaching holds significance for both coaches and clients, as each party benefits to varying extents. As a coach, I gain insights from my clients, just as they learn from me. Together, we enrich each other’s lives through shared experiences, which is mutually beneficial.

The method of coaching is secondary to the act itself. Whether I’m coaching through articles, books, live events, or direct interactions, the process is reciprocal—I too am coached. Feedback from readers like you is invaluable, aiding my growth in one way or another.

Your current engagement with this content, be it a website post or a book excerpt, is less important than the application of the lessons imparted. Action is the essence, surpassing mere theoretical knowledge. Learning is commendable, but the true value lies in applying that knowledge, particularly when it serves your personal growth.


We’ve reached the conclusion of this article, and I trust you found it enjoyable. Here are some key takeaways. I presume you’ve read it thoroughly from start to finish. If that’s the case, my hat’s off to you! If not, I recommend doing so before proceeding beyond this sentence.

The essential message here is that practice leads to perfection. Learning without application is not the most effective approach, although it may prove beneficial in the future. I urge you to self-coach before seeking guidance from others, as I believe you are your own best life coach.

I hope this Life Coaching article has been of personal benefit to you. Would you kindly spare a moment to share your thoughts with me and others in the comments section below? Your feedback and support would be greatly valued. I pray for God’s blessings and protection over you and your loved ones during and beyond this global pandemic. Peace be with you!


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