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Self-Publishing: What It Is and Its Importance for Career Development


Mastering These Self-Publishing Tips and Tricks Will Create the Best Career for You

28th June 2021

Self-publishing is a subject aimed at guiding you through the understanding of self-publishing, its mechanisms, its uses, and the importance of mastering it for your career. Indeed, there has never been a better time to be an author. Technology is a blessing for those who leverage it fully. Bearing this in mind, let us explore the article further below.


Self-publishing, also known as indie publishing, doesn’t necessarily mean going it alone. While some opt to handle everything independently, others choose to enlist help for tasks they prefer not to do themselves.

Some self-publishers engage a small publishing firm, funding the entire process from editing to marketing. Despite this, they retain the self-publishing label. However, I view this as akin to traditional publishing since the work is essentially done by others.

To me, self-publishing isn’t just about covering the costs; it’s about being actively involved in the process. Opinions on this vary, reflecting the diverse interpretations and reasons behind self-publishing.

Nearly nine years into my self-publishing journey, which began in March 2012, I still undertake most tasks, including writing, editing, designing, publishing, marketing, and managing sales transactions. Eventually, I recognized the value in hiring professionals for specialized tasks like interior design, cover art, blurb writing, and certain marketing strategies.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide


Self-publishing is suitable for entrepreneurs and business managers. It’s not necessary to hold a degree in these fields to run a self-publishing business, but passion is essential. Self-publishing isn’t for every author; it’s best suited for those who enjoy hands-on work. If you’re not fond of doing things on your own, this business might not be for you.

For those who are passionate, self-publishing operates similarly to any other serious business—it requires dedication and effort to achieve the desired outcomes. It’s not a simple task; patience and resilience are key qualities needed for a self-published author.

The process involves writing and revising, editing and re-editing, and multiple rounds of proofreading before deciding to publish. It’s essential to practice this process repeatedly to recognize the right moment to publish your work on your chosen book publishing platform.

Here’s how the process unfolds: You craft your manuscript and refine it as much as possible. You design the interior and the covers. Next, you upload your book to Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing platform and await its release for readers to discover. However, there’s more to it. You must also establish your self-publishing business account to ensure you receive payment when your book is purchased.

My self-publishing series provides all the resources necessary to transition from writing to earning. Occasionally, I offer the books for free for a minimum of 5 days within a 90-day period, as permitted by Amazon’s KDP. You have the option to acquire the 10 books immediately or wait for the free promotion period. Nevertheless, I recommend investing in them to bypass the errors I encountered during my initial foray into self-publishing.

Since the 29th of November, 2012, Amazon has been remitting a certain sum to me at the end of each month. Although my sales volume hasn’t been high, I’ve accrued over $1,000 to date. Others, even those who began publishing after me, have earned hundreds of thousands of dollars. Success in this field isn’t a matter of luck; it’s influenced by various factors.


Self-publishing can be tailored to suit your needs. You might choose to handle all aspects yourself, as I did, or you could opt to hire professionals to manage the process. While I offer self-publishing services for a fee, the essence of self-publishing is to deliver your words to readers through books, which can be in digital or print formats, or both.

Self-publishing serves as a channel to publish and market your book, allowing those who appreciate your writing style to access and enjoy your work. It’s an ideal way to disseminate your knowledge and writing experience. For me, apart from public speaking, writing is my preferred mode of expression. If you’re reading this, you’ve become my reader, and although we may never meet in person, the connection through my writing is real.

This illustrates the synergy of writing and self-publishing. My preference for self-publishing stems from my desire to manage tasks independently. I consider myself more of a doer than a leader; I prefer to take action rather than delegate. This inclination is reinforced by my introverted nature and the fact that most people in my immediate circle show little interest in books or lack knowledge about book production.

Handling the publishing process myself becomes the viable option, especially when considering the prohibitive costs of hiring overseas assistance for editing, proofreading, designing, formatting, or publishing. Self-publishing opens up the possibility of reaching millions of readers, particularly through platforms like Amazon, predominantly in the US or UK. It offers a significant opportunity to share your insights globally and achieve a sense of accomplishment.


Reflecting on the discussions about self-publishing, its significance for us as self-published authors becomes clear. For those aspiring to self-publish, the advantages it offers are numerous. Self-publishing can provide superior author royalties compared to traditional publishing, provided that’s how you view it.

Some may argue that the lack of an advance makes self-publishing less appealing. However, as previously mentioned, self-publishing isn’t suitable for every author. If autonomy is what you seek, then self-publishing is the way to go, as I have chosen. Many self-published authors will tell you with pride that they cherish the entire process, which fosters creativity over time.

In addition to better royalties and control, self-publishing grants you full ownership of your work. You become both the author and the publisher. Eventually, you might even establish your own publishing house after years of learning through trial and error, becoming an expert in the field. The sense of fulfillment that self-publishing brings is one of its long-term benefits.

Personally, the sense of accomplishment is immense. There’s nothing more satisfying than completing a project that you started weeks or months prior. Seeing my book go live brings a sense of completion. I feel victorious, knowing that the self-publishing journey involves correcting numerous mistakes and errors before the book can be published. This represents a significant personal triumph and satisfaction.


Now that you understand self-publishing, its mechanics, personal benefits, and significance, you might wonder if you’re ready to publish a book. Before you embark on this journey, consider these final insights and guidance. Self-publishing isn’t suitable for every author or writer. You might excel as a freelance writer, creating content for clients who compensate you. Alternatively, you could assist others in publishing their work for a fee.

It’s crucial to identify your true vocation and hone it. Don’t coerce yourself into a role that doesn’t fit you. If you encounter an insurmountable obstacle, don’t fall for the myth that nothing is impossible. Indeed, for humans, many things are unattainable. And since you are not omnipotent, some feats may be beyond your reach.

I trust that this information on Self-Publishing has been beneficial to you. Feel free to share your thoughts about this article with other readers in the comments section; your insights are highly valued. Your perspectives are also deeply appreciated by me. May you remain safe and well during and beyond the current global health crisis. Peace be with you.


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