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Beliefs: What They Are and Their Importance for Personal Development


You Don’t Need to Be Religious in Order to Have Beliefs in Anything!

5th July 2021

“Beliefs” is an article designed to guide you through understanding the nature of beliefs, their origins, their applications, and their significance in personal growth. This article will navigate you through various types of beliefs, aiding you in identifying your own. With this introduction, let us delve into the discussion that follows.


In this article, beliefs are defined as convictions we hold to be true. If we accept stories as true, then they become our beliefs. Similarly, if we accept doctrines, teachings, and certain traditional practices as truthful, they too form part of our beliefs. Sometimes, our belief may be blind, or it may be based on some facts that lend it credibility.

Blind faith is the negative aspect of belief, characterized by accepting stories and teachings as true without any verification of their reality or fiction. In contrast, positive faith is grounded in facts about the subject of belief. Often, we believe in something because trusted individuals like parents, guardians, and relatives do, even before we have personal knowledge of it.

Therefore, faith and belief are intertwined. We often believe blindly in things that may not be real or true. For instance, we believe in life after death, but can we truly know? From a human perspective, it’s impossible to know what we will look like after death. While there are narratives of an afterlife, they blur the distinction between fiction and faith.

However, there are beliefs we hold because we can substantiate them, which represents the positive side of belief. When we understand what we believe in, we possess true faith, not mere blind faith. For instance, we can believe in ourselves, in others, and in things we know to be real. This does not mean we should disregard the testimonies of others regarding things we cannot verify ourselves.

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How do we form our beliefs and belief systems, such as religion and others? Our beliefs often originate from those who preceded us, like parents, guardians, relatives, neighbors, friends, colleagues, and coworkers. They are passed down from our ancestors through generations.

We can also acquire new beliefs through various means, including the internet, world travel, meeting people with different beliefs and faiths, and by observing or listening to others. As mentioned earlier, some beliefs may not be based on reality but rather on fiction. Nonetheless, I believe every belief holds a unique place in our lives, both individually and collectively.

Beliefs are also imparted in schools and through books. We can craft our own personal beliefs from past experiences and observations of nature. This allows us to interpret things through our own perspective, irrespective of societal beliefs, particularly in an era that values personal freedom of thought and exploration. These instances represent just a fraction of the myriad ways beliefs can be integrated into our systems, and this article cannot possibly cover the topic exhaustively.


Understanding the common origins of our beliefs leads to the question of their application. The use of beliefs varies depending on their nature. For instance, religious beliefs often serve to sustain hope and adherence to the teachings and promises of the religious system.

For example, adherents may maintain hope for a pain-free paradise or the end of death, reflecting a desire for a world free from such fears. These beliefs hold a unique place in human societies, offering hope for the future.

When it comes to self-belief or trust in others, this too fuels our hope and trust that assistance will arrive when needed. Faith in something or someone is a fundamental aspect of human nature. It’s believed that even animals exhibit a form of hope and trust.

For instance, a baby monkey naturally trusts its mother more than anyone else, mirroring the way human mothers are often perceived as more nurturing and caring than fathers. This instinctive behavior suggests that emotional responses are inherent, particularly in women, linking womanhood intrinsically with motherhood. This natural aspect of being a woman is not something to be ashamed of.

I hold personal beliefs distinct from societal norms. I am convinced that if something is meant to happen to me, it is predestined, and no action of mine can prevent its occurrence. To me, this signifies the essence of humanity, allowing God to reign supreme. Indeed, God plays a role in shaping my nature, mindset, thoughts, words, and deeds. As I am not a robot, I make choices and carry out my plans. However, this does not imply that I have complete control over life’s events.

Consider our breathing: is it within our control? Individuals can pass away without being ill. People have been known to suddenly collapse and die, even before the advent of the coronavirus, without any physical ailments. This suggests that life and death are beyond our control; otherwise, with all the technology and knowledge available, no one would die in the Western world today.

Yet, the reality remains unchanged even in 2021. People continue to die when their time arrives. I firmly believe that life is not ours to command, indicating that the events within it are also beyond our grasp. We must place our trust and dependence on the one who grants, sustains, and reclaims life at will, who can take it in any manner, without illness or pain.

In the past, in our villages, elders would age gracefully, and when their time came, they seemed to know. They would gather their offspring, impart their wisdom, and then peacefully pass away. It appeared as though they had some control over their demise. This is what we refer to as a true natural death, devoid of pain or illness. My hope and prayer is to age similarly and experience such a tranquil end.

I hold the belief that my lifespan is neither longer than intended nor shorter than what is predetermined by a higher power. This belief may be true or not, but it serves a purpose for me. It shapes my identity in some manner. My belief is not rooted in any particular religion but is a reflection of my personality. In my village, beliefs vary widely.

Many villagers hold the view that we can assist the divine by doing our part to avert or halt harm or death. But is this notion valid? I have yet to see someone avert harm or death solely through their efforts. It appears we tend to fault the victims when their best efforts fail to protect them. Ultimately, it seems that no one can prevent death or harm.


Beliefs are so integral to our existence that the thought of them vanishing into the ether is unfathomable. As previously mentioned, beliefs instill hope, be it illusory or genuine. They provide the strength and resilience needed to withstand life’s current hardships in anticipation of a brighter future. Owing to these affirmative aspects, it’s preferable for beliefs to remain with us for the foreseeable future.

Without beliefs, the motivation to study diligently for exams to achieve desired grades would falter. Without beliefs, triumphing over life’s battles, whether personal or shared, would be unattainable. In the absence of beliefs, life would indeed be devoid of meaning, akin to a futile pursuit of victory. Hence, beliefs are crucial to us in countless ways that extend beyond the scope of this brief discourse.


Now that you understand what beliefs are, how they are formed, why we adopt them, and their significance in our human communities and societies, what comes next? Action. Reflect on what you have gleaned from this article and consider how you will apply it in your life. Remember, practice leads to perfection.

The purpose of writing this article was to illustrate that beliefs are integral to our makeup as humans and animals alike; they are inextricable from us. While the term ‘belief’ is often associated with religion, it actually pertains more to spirituality and reality. We place our belief in ourselves or in something or someone else.

It is my hope that this article on Beliefs has been beneficial to you on a personal level. I would be grateful if you would share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your time and support are highly valued. May God bless you and protect you during and beyond this global pandemic. Shalom!


1 thought on “Beliefs: What They Are and Their Importance for Personal Development

  1. […] we look at your beliefs. Can you separate your beliefs from those of the society in which you live? Do you know that the […]

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