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The Creator: Who He Is and How to Know Him for Your Self-Discovery Reasons

The Creator

Knowing the Creator Won’t Make You Religious…

12th July 2021

The “Creator” is an article designed to guide you in understanding who the Creator is, how to recognize Him, and what actions to take with this knowledge. It also explains why it’s crucial to have a personal understanding of Him. While the article is not religious, it certainly has a spiritual essence. Now, let’s delve into the details.


The Creator, also known as God, is the originator of all entities, whether they are visible or invisible, spiritual or physical, known or unknown, benevolent or malevolent, large or small. Despite the multitude of gods present in human history, there exists only one Creator who transcends all, permeates all, and exists for all. This is the deity under discussion in this article.

If indeed there is one true God, why then do different cultures have varied names and perceptions of Him? This question is as significant as it is reflective. It is impossible for every individual to perceive or understand God identically; these are human limitations, not divine ones. Our perception of God is shaped by numerous factors.

These factors encompass our experiences, cultural backgrounds, environments, and the religious teachings we encounter. No person is born with an innate understanding of God; rather, we are nurtured into such awareness by our culture. The perspectives of our predecessors on the Creator have been passed down to us and have shaped our own.

However, this does not preclude us from critically evaluating and questioning these inherited views. Influenced by the aforementioned factors, we are still capable of developing our own theories, beliefs, and doctrines about God, informed by the societal exposure we have inherited.

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The Creator has revealed Himself to humanity in various ways. Beyond the accounts we find in the Bible, the Quran, the Bhagavad Gita, and numerous other texts, God communicates with us daily in diverse manners. He speaks through creation itself, which the psalmist suggests is the best way to understand the Creator.

The stars above speak of the Creator’s power, wisdom, and knowledge. And what of the other humans we observe? Or ourselves as individuals? Can we not see God in each one of us? And what about the other creatures around us? Indeed, God also communicates with us in our hearts and through visions. I distinguish visions from dreams, as dreams are merely the actions and replays of our brain’s activities, whereas visions are imparted to us by the Creator, even in our sleep.

While many of us may never experience a vision while awake, some have had one or more. Having had a vision at least twice in my life, I am certain of the spiritual realm’s reality. Those deemed mad claim to see and hear things beyond our perception.

We may think they are insane, yet they are not deceitful about their experiences; they are witnesses to them. Similarly, visions can occur both in sleep and wakefulness, though they often visit us in our slumber. How can we differentiate between a dream and a vision? One way to discern is when a vision, unlike a common dream, materializes, or when it encompasses thoughts we have never consciously considered while awake.


Upon discovering the Creator, individuals react differently based on their inherent nature. Some of us develop such a profound love that we spend our lives in worship and gratitude. Others prefer to distance themselves, blaming Him for their hardships. Personally, I yearn to understand Him more deeply.

I believe God’s goodness is so overwhelming that once we truly know Him, adoration comes naturally. Perhaps it’s my nature to see Him in this light. To me, He is more than a deity; He is a father and a friend, distinct from the image portrayed by organized religion. The personal experience of knowing Him is unique, as He reveals His nature to each individual in a different way.

God is not merely a judge awaiting our next mistake. Rather, He guides our lives, aware of our desires and needs, having designed us with these inclinations. The longing for a beautiful human being, for instance, does not surprise Him; He understands its origin. However, religious institutions often project human interpretations, citing scriptures to validate their beliefs, doctrines, and rituals, which may not necessarily reflect God’s perspective.

Consider this: I believe that certain connections between people are preordained by a higher power, existing long before we entered this world. However, this perspective is purely my own. Others may see things differently, and that’s perfectly acceptable to me. Personally, I cannot engage in casual sexual relationships unless I believe it aligns with God’s intention. Even if I were to accept such an arrangement, I trust that if it isn’t meant to be, circumstances would prevent it from happening as planned. This unwavering faith in the Creator guides my choices, recognizing that His wisdom surpasses our understanding.

Now, let’s explore the concept of ownership. What if you were someone else’s exclusive partner? What if you were married? In that context, I endorse intimacy between married couples. It’s a source of joy and fulfillment, free from the stress of secrecy. After all, those who know you recognize your commitment to each other. This perspective aligns with scriptural teachings. However, as humans, we don’t always adhere to moral guidelines. Whether I encourage people to engage in intimate relationships with their loved ones or not, they will follow their desires. Why? Because we’re inherently human.

Yet, there’s a crucial distinction: coercion. Forcing someone into a sexual encounter is entirely different. Such actions cause harm, affecting both individuals and, in some way, displeasing God. He doesn’t want us to carry guilt from such experiences. But when two consenting adults willingly agree, it’s a different matter. Still, religious communities may condemn such choices even before God does.


For me, understanding the Creator is intertwined with understanding myself. I define my identity through His perspective, for who has greater knowledge of me than He? This underscores the significance of knowing the Creator to me. He is the source of life and all that exists within it. He is the Creator of everything but Himself. He guides my life, as Paul said, “In Him, we live, move, and have our being.”

Recognizing the Creator also means recognizing that other people are His craftsmanship. He created them and loves them just as He created and loves me. This highlights the importance of knowing God as He truly is. If He indeed created everyone, then I have no right to hate or mistreat His creations, akin to myself. What would the Creator do to those who harm His work?

I hope you now understand the importance of knowing the Creator as He truly is. It is irrelevant to me what others believe or think about the Creator; their beliefs do not need to align with mine for them to be considered good or to qualify as God’s creations. They are already His creations, just as they are. Knowing Him implies that I should also inherently know and love His work, which includes people. I should also cherish His other creations, such as microbes, worms, insects, reptiles, amphibians, fish, birds, and animals.

Understanding the Creator as He truly is leads us to relate to His creation in a way that was not innate to us before. It means we now perceive things as He does. He is the Creator, and all things, visible and invisible, spiritual and physical, are His work, His creation. The Creator is not a created entity; thus, we cannot see, touch, smell, taste, or hear Him with our physical senses. We come to know Him internally.


My final piece of advice is that the Creator is not as our cultures and religious traditions have depicted Him. He is God. He knows you thoroughly, more than anyone else ever could. This means He is not merely a judge waiting to punish you for your mistakes with His hammer of justice.

Rather, He is a caring father. He created you with everything that you are, be it female, male, or transgender. He loves you just as you are. However, this does not grant the liberty to act carelessly with your mind or body, particularly when your conscience cautions you. This is one of the ways God communicates, beyond His written and Living Word.

If your conscience advises against an action, heed its warning. If it tells you that an outfit is inappropriate because it reveals too much, choose not to wear it. Wearing such clothes might lead to constant self-consciousness in public, causing others to question your self-confidence. I hope this article about the Creator has been enlightening for you. Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section. I pray for God’s blessings and protection over you during and after the global pandemic. Shalom!


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