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Peace: What It Is and Its Importance for Social Development


Will Humans Ever Live in Peace Here on Earth?

“Peace” is an article designed to guide you in understanding its meaning, the ways to achieve it, what to do once attained, and its significance globally. The article addresses these crucial questions, and by the end, you will have a deeper understanding and appreciation of peace. Now, let’s delve further into the subject.


Peace signifies a period when humans and animals coexist in unity and harmony, without engaging in violence or causing harm to one another. It represents the absence of war and conflict among individuals or groups. It embodies prosperity, justice, and freedom, bringing along numerous other positive aspects. It is a topic the world often discusses, yet one must ponder whether humans are truly peaceful or capable of sustaining peace over time.

Peace transcends mere conflict avoidance; it encompasses a broader significance. While people might engage in minor disputes or conflicts for justifiable reasons, peace involves resolving such disagreements. It entails local production of goods and food, and the ability to trade products and services without the threat of harm or violence.

It also means having the liberty to express oneself freely, to write or speak one’s thoughts without external dictation, provided it is done peacefully. It includes the freedom to make choices according to one’s preferences, without coercion. It allows for the development of personal beliefs and opinions on any subject, including politics.

However, an excess of anything can be detrimental. Excessive freedom can pose risks both individually and collectively. This is evident in capitalist societies where individuals may exploit public resources for personal advantage. In such contexts, peace does not equate to unrestrained action, particularly when it inflicts harm on others, whether physically, mentally, spiritually, or psychologically.

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How, then, do we achieve peace? There are numerous paths to peace, mirroring the various levels at which conflict exists. Our focus should be on personal peace: how does one find peace within oneself, with God, and with others? This question simplifies the issue to a manageable scope.

Interpersonal peace is also crucial. It encompasses our relationship with God, with one another, and with all of creation, including non-human entities. To summarize, peace exists within oneself, with God, with fellow humans, and with all other creatures and objects.

This interpersonal peace begins with God and radiates outwards to encompass all beings, living and non-living. Remarkably, we can find peace with anything, from our clothing and household items to our very hair, if we first establish peace within ourselves. Yet, this still leaves us pondering the initial inquiry: How do we attain peace? From where does it originate?

Firstly, I can assert that possessing true personal peace is almost an innate quality. One cannot instill peacefulness in someone brimming with inherently opposite traits. It’s a natural attribute for some. Yet, the majority of humans and animals tend toward violence rather than peace, leading to perpetual conflict in the world. Humans have waged wars against each other and other species, driven by the violent tendencies that pervade creation. We even have tales of celestial battles, reflecting our capacity to conceive anything based on our nature and experiences.

Many seem predisposed to aggression and hostility, feeling unfulfilled without causing harm through words or deeds. Conversely, there are those naturally imbued with tranquility. They coexist peacefully with themselves, the divine, their fellow humans, and all of creation, both animate and inanimate. These individuals are the pillars of peace within families, communities, nations, and the world at large.


Indeed, if we possess peace from the outset, we have a foundation for much progress. While peace on Earth may seem an elusive dream, as evidenced by human and animal behavior, it doesn’t imply uniformity in disposition. Some individuals and animals naturally foster peace within a family, which then radiates to a clan, a tribe, and beyond. Peace is not only beneficial but also immensely practical.

Consider the current state of Kenya. Its peace and stability have made it a refuge for many from neighboring nations, despite instances where police have been known to mock or rob refugees stepping out of their camps. Similar situations are reported in Uganda and Ethiopia.

Peace often transcends the mere absence of war and violence. It encompasses the capacity to resolve conflicts before they escalate beyond control, whether these conflicts are internal or with others, including God, people, and other beings. Peace enables us to perform benevolent acts for ourselves and for others, allowing one to reside in their homeland until life’s end.

With peace comes not only physical development but also the growth of the inner self, leading to harmony with our environment. It paves the way for amenities like electricity and other necessities or desires. In a peaceful Juba, one can engage in writing, self-editing, self-publishing, self-marketing, and earning online, rather than relocating to Nairobi for such opportunities.


As previously discussed, peace is crucial for both humans and other creatures on Earth. It appears that all living beings cherish peace, yet many actions threaten it. This paradox suggests that peace and conflict are inherent to life as we know it.

It’s uncertain whether conflict is a divine tool to regulate population sizes for the benefit of species. Death, similarly, might serve to balance the number of living beings, preventing overconsumption of resources. Could conflict then be an integral part of the ecosystems for humans and animals alike? It’s a question worth considering.

Nonetheless, the significance of peace cannot be overstated. Without it, life becomes a perpetual struggle; with it, nearly anything is achievable. However, it raises questions: Do all humans actively strive for the peace they long for? Is it a universal need? And what of those who profit from war—do they ever truly prefer peace, especially in conflict-ridden regions like South Sudan? These are critical considerations when reflecting on the value of peace in our lives.


My concluding advice is that peace is crucial, yet conflict is an inherent part of life. Does this imply we should be content in conflict? Certainly not; no one rejoices in discord. However, it’s an undeniable reality that conflicts are unavoidable on Earth. What then is the wisest counsel? It is to strive for peace, whether on a personal or collective level.

If you are a person of peace, embrace your fleeting existence with serenity and accord with yourself, the divine, fellow humans, and perhaps all beings around you, animate and inanimate. Peace is not just an attribute; it is an integral part of who you are. I trust this article has offered you some insight. Feel free to share your reflections below; your feedback is highly valued. May you and your loved ones be blessed and protected during this global pandemic and beyond. Peace be with you!


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