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Understanding: The Second Key to a Meaningful Life


Understanding Is Your #2 Key to a Meaningful Life

Understanding is an article designed to elucidate the concept of understanding, the methods by which we acquire it, its applications, and its significance in our interpersonal relationships and beyond. This article delves into the second key to leading a meaningful life on Earth and beyond. With that introduction, let’s proceed to read the entire article to begin our exploration.


In this article, ‘understanding’ refers to comprehending what we read, hear, or view. It’s the second key to a meaningful life, with the first being attentive listening. We listen to understand others, whether through video, audio, or text.

Yet, do we grasp the intended meaning of what we read, hear, or watch? Answering these questions is crucial to truly grasp the concept of understanding.

‘Misunderstanding’ is the antithesis of understanding, but often they coexist. When I misunderstand, I may not realize it and believe I fully understand. Is it possible you’re experiencing this as you read? Do you truly grasp the essence of understanding?

Understanding others as we wish to be understood is vital. Communication, in any form, hinges on mutual comprehension between sender and receiver. Without understanding, we fall into misunderstanding. Let’s explore how to achieve the understanding we seek.

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This question may seem complex, but it’s one I often encounter from my readers, both online and offline. They’re essentially asking about the origins of human understanding, right? Let’s tackle this question. Our understanding stems from two primary sources: our innate nature and our upbringing, or nurture.

By nature, some individuals may not pay close attention, leading to poor listening skills or becoming easily distracted, which results in misunderstandings or a failure to comprehend the speaker.

Conversely, there are those who are naturally attentive listeners, which facilitates their understanding of various matters. To some extent, we all possess these traits. The second avenue through which we gain understanding is through our education in comprehension.

Even if we’re not inherently adept at understanding others, we can learn to improve this skill. This is why I write articles like this one, to impart knowledge to you and others through digital means.


Understanding is utilized for gaining knowledge. It enables us to comprehend the information we receive, analyze it, and then apply it for our advantage. You employ your understanding to read this and act upon its suggestions for beneficial use. Whether you grasp the text as intended or not is secondary; what matters is that you understand and utilize it, which is preferable to not doing so.

The desire to be understood naturally increases our desire to understand others. This is a reciprocal process. We aim to comprehend other humans and seek their understanding in return. Misunderstandings are a significant source of conflict, both on a personal and interpersonal level. They lead to disputes within families and between families, as well as among clans.

Misunderstandings were even cited as the cause of the South Sudanese Civil Wars, originating from a simple miscommunication within the SPLM, the ruling political party of the nation at the time. Thus, misunderstandings can escalate to problems at any societal level, causing tribal, national, and international conflicts.

However, with understanding, many, if not all, of these conflicts could be averted before they begin. This is how understanding is used to prevent unnecessary conflicts at any level, whether personal or interpersonal. Hopefully, you can now appreciate a few of the reasons and applications of understanding in our lives. We even use understanding to comprehend ourselves.


Is our human understanding significant? This is a question I often receive, and it makes me ponder what the asker truly seeks to understand. However, I’ve realized that no question is foolish. So, let’s address it. What is the significance of understanding? As illustrated above, understanding’s utility also highlights the importance of comprehending ourselves and others.

If I could fully grasp who I am, I would lead a life filled with meaning, peace, and harmony, both with myself and others. I refer to self-understanding as self-discovery because it involves uncovering our true selves. We cannot create, recreate, alter, or modify our nature. We can only discover and enhance ourselves, which means we must first understand our true selves before we can improve our identities.

When we understand ourselves on an individual level, we are more likely to understand those around us. But how do we begin to understand ourselves? For me, self-understanding comes from reflecting and examining my life from various perspectives, including my past. I consider my previous thoughts, words, and deeds to truly understand who I am today, rather than who I will become tomorrow. Another method to deeply know myself is to consider what God has said about humanity in His scripture.

By understanding ourselves as the Creator does, we can view other humans through the same lens: as God’s creations. Just as we view ourselves, we can perceive others, and even other living beings beyond humanity. We can observe birds, insects, plants, fish, animals, and all creation in the same light: as made by God.


Having explored the concept of understanding, we’ve established that it stems from two sources: nature and nurture. We’ve examined the role of human understanding in learning about ourselves and our environment. This leads to the realization that we must apply this knowledge in our lives, both individually and collectively.

It is my hope that the article on Understanding has been beneficial to you. I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your feedback is greatly valued for this and future articles. May God protect you and your loved ones during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace be with you.


1 thought on “Understanding: The Second Key to a Meaningful Life

  1. […] use it in this article is the fourth key to a meaningful life. It comes after attentive listening, true understanding, and true […]

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