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Knowledge Is Your #3 Key to a Meaningful Life

This article is designed to guide you in understanding what knowledge entails, how to acquire it, its applications, and its significance in today’s world. You will delve into the third key to a meaningful life, which promises to transform and enhance your life uniquely. With this introduction, let’s discover what insights the article holds for us.


In this article, I would like to employ the term ‘knowledge’ as the third key to a meaningful life. It is defined, in part, as the capacity to understand and comprehend to the best of one’s mental abilities. The first key is attentive listening, followed by understanding. Knowledge follows a thorough understanding of something or someone with which you are well-acquainted.

We can grasp a thing, a person, or a concept. Even situations can be understood, and upon achieving this understanding, we claim to have grasped the essence of the perceived. However, comprehending humans is among the most complex challenges in the world. We may understand each other to a certain degree, but even married couples cannot fully comprehend or know each other as they might believe.

This complexity arises because humans are the most intricate organisms on earth. Our self-understanding is intertwined with our knowledge of God, as John Calvin articulated over a century ago in his work, ‘Biblical Christianity.’ Our self-awareness stems from viewing ourselves through the lens of God, the Creator. Some refer to this as Mother Nature, others as the cosmos, or simply the universe. It is through this lens that we can best understand and know ourselves.

Understanding ourselves as God does allows us to claim self-knowledge. Similarly, when we comprehend other humans and creatures in this manner, we can assert that we have known them properly. This suggests that there are various forms of knowledge, including divine knowledge and worldly knowledge. Divine knowledge is superior as it enlightens us to our place within the entirety of creation, affirming that we are no greater than ants, as Sadhguru expressed.

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Knowledge stems from two primary sources: nature and nurture. We inherit certain traits naturally, which means we may possess characteristics passed down from our parents. For instance, I might dislike something simply because I inherited the trait from my father. However, upbringing can also shape our preferences, teaching us to dislike something or someone not inherently, but through external influence or instruction.

We distinguish between revelation knowledge and discovery knowledge. Revelation knowledge transcends basic natural knowledge; it is the innate understanding that drives us to investigate our interests. It’s the curiosity that propels us to explore Earth and beyond.

Discovery knowledge involves learning about what already exists; it’s external, whereas revelation knowledge is internal. We derive understanding from both within and without, through experiences, trials, and errors, utilizing all our physical senses to gather information from the external world.


What, then, is the purpose of knowledge? Indeed, if knowledge is the key to a meaningful life, then acquiring it is one of the most worthwhile endeavors. Proverbs 4:7 suggests that in all our pursuits, we should seek understanding, implying that true understanding begets true knowledge, which in turn leads to true wisdom.

We will explore the significance of understanding shortly, but let’s consider the application of knowledge. Its use is to attain wisdom, and to gain wisdom is to lead a meaningful life, for without true understanding, life lacks meaning. True knowledge is divine in nature.

To know God as He knows Himself is to know ourselves as He knows us. This extends to knowing others as God knows them, and to understanding and knowing all of creation in the same manner.

The true value of knowledge lies in our ability to appreciate ourselves, God, others, and all of God’s creation. This is the essence of understanding—to be grateful for our lives, whatever they may be. Indeed, life is bleak, even with all the monetary and material wealth in the world, if we do not perceive the world in this divine way. It is evident that many are burdened with depression or stress despite their riches.


Reflecting on the concept of knowledge, we delve into its significance. Is knowledge vital? Our discussion transcends mere scientific knowledge or understanding the world and its properties. We consider understanding from the perspective of the Creator. It’s crucial to distinguish that my reference to God here is not synonymous with religion or religiosity.

God differs from religion. The crucifixion of Jesus Christ underscores the distinction between God and religious practices. While people may inherently possess religious tendencies, God transcends these; He is omnipresent and universal. Knowledge can be categorized as propositional (facts), procedural (skills), and acquaintance (experiences), yet these represent scientific or tangible forms of awareness.

What we aim to comprehend is the essence of knowledge, which surpasses the mere accumulation of facts. This perspective is paramount in appreciating the broader scope of understanding.

Beyond our physical senses lies a realm of knowledge inaccessible through conventional means. Hence, we should engage our ‘sixth sense’ to grasp the true nature of the world. This epitomizes the essence of genuine comprehension, which is spiritual rather than religious, highlighting the profound disparity between spirituality and religiosity.


We have now explored what constitutes knowledge and what does not. Knowledge can be categorized into two types: physical and spiritual. The profound comprehension of ourselves, God, other humans, and the world around us constitutes the knowledge of God. God perceives His creations as inherently good. It is crucial to understand everything as God understands His world and Himself.

You are faced with a choice. Utilize this article to evaluate yourself, God, other humans, and the world around you. Possessing this all-encompassing understanding will lead you to a life filled with meaning, purpose, and peace. May God bless and protect you and your loved ones during and beyond the global pandemic.


3 thoughts on “Knowledge

  1. […] faith as I know is not based on mere imagination or wishful thinking. Rather, faith is based on knowledge. In this way, we use this to show trust and confidence in that which we believe and […]

  2. […] means giving thanks to God for the revealed knowledge. This knowledge is not discovery knowledge. It’s an awareness that comes right from the […]

  3. […] Wisdom as I would like to use it in this article is the fourth key to a meaningful life. It comes after attentive listening, true understanding, and true knowledge. […]

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