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Wisdom Is Your #4 Key to a Meaningful Life

Wisdom is an article designed to guide you in understanding the essence of wisdom, the pathways to becoming wise, its applications, and its significance in our increasingly perplexing and challenging world. Through this article, you will grasp the fourth key to a fulfilling life. Recognizing the various forms of wisdom is crucial, and this piece aims to elucidate them. Now, let’s delve into the insights presented in the article.


In this article, I define wisdom as the fourth key to a meaningful life, following attentive listening, true understanding, and genuine knowledge. But what constitutes wisdom? It is the ability to distinguish what is right and beneficial from what is wrong and harmful.

Yet, how do we define right or wrong, good or evil? Who sets these standards? Let’s acknowledge that sometimes what we consider human wisdom is actually foolishness. Take cheating as an example; to the cheater, it may seem wise.

The cheater believes their actions are secret, equating this with wisdom. However, this is not wisdom; it is folly. It is folly because, even if the cheater succeeds, they are not truly undetected. This isn’t about religious fear or guilt; it’s a fundamental aspect of our nature. Cheating is a part of human behavior. To claim I am exempt would be dishonest.

Discerning right from wrong must be seen through the perspective of the One who created all things, for He knows the difference. This raises the question: are humans incapable of distinguishing right from wrong? Are we not accountable for our erroneous choices? These are questions each individual must contemplate.

Similarly, to differentiate good from evil, we must view things as the Creator does. By doing so, we can attain His genuine wisdom, untainted by deceit or foolishness. We may deceive others and ultimately ourselves, but this is futile because a watchful presence rewards individuals according to their actions.

Some may argue that this is a relic of 17th-century thought, deemed obsolete. But is it really? Continuing on, I define true wisdom as the capacity to identify folly through the Creator’s perspective. Yet, despite this knowledge, we often find ourselves committing the very follies we recognize.

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We acquire the ability to be wise through two different means: nature and nurture. However, there are two types of wisdom: divine wisdom and worldly wisdom. We are born with human wisdom, which to God is folly because it is based on a lack of knowledge, an unawareness that life is not solely physical.

Who created us? Why were we created the way we are? Can a potter fault the pot for not being what it was intended to be? These are legitimate human inquiries. This unawareness that life transcends the physical leads us to hide from the truth and instead lie for our own temporary or earthly gains.

Some of us are born with true wisdom. We understand that speaking the truth can lead to our downfall, but we choose this path because it is the right thing to do. However, speaking a harsh truth can also lead to crucifixion; so, is this wisdom or folly?

In this world, speaking a harsh truth can be destructive, leading us to err, and we deem it folly. But in the spiritual realm, which is unrelated to religion, it is considered wisdom. We must recognize that there is one who observes all and rewards or punishes accordingly.

Is this fear or superstition? Let’s consider that.

This suggests that our human wisdom is often folly, not only to ourselves but also to divine beings. Being called a fool is unpleasant, yet we all act foolishly occasionally. It’s likely you’d admit to having done so repeatedly.

Acknowledging our mistakes is wise because it’s only a matter of time before attempts to conceal our foolishness reveal us as fools. Thus, we naturally embody both foolishness and wisdom.

We gain the capacity for wisdom from those we’ve encountered in our past. We acquire knowledge from people we are currently meeting. In the future, we may also learn from others we have yet to meet on earth. As you read this, you might be learning how to acquire wisdom. However, our inherent natures and experiences tend to filter what we learn.


Understanding what we nourish ourselves with is crucial, encompassing both our physical and spiritual beings. The media we consume plays a significant role in how we apply wisdom. We employ wisdom to choose what to listen to, read, and watch, and to understand the reasons behind these choices.

Wisdom is utilized to lead a life of significance. A meaningful life is one of harmony with oneself, with God, with fellow humans, and with all of God’s creation. Wisdom enables us to comprehend ourselves and the world as God does, rather than through mere external appearances.

How do I come to know all this? Could these insights be merely religious assertions or blind faith? Consider this: we use genuine wisdom to understand God as He understands Himself. We come to know ourselves, others, and the entirety of creation as God does.

This profound understanding paves the way for the application of true wisdom, influencing our perspectives and actions. Wisdom guides us to recognize that our earthly existence is purposeful and hopeful, conceived by a thoughtful entity, not arising from mere chance as defined in any language.


Is wisdom truly important? If genuine wisdom entails a correct understanding of all that we know, then indeed, wisdom is paramount. Without it, we may experience pleasure but not joy.

Pleasure differs from joy. While pleasure may arise from sinful acts and deceit, giving a false sense of wisdom, joy comes from doing the right thing at the right moment.

Joy endures. Pleasure is fleeting, but joy can be everlasting. It transcends mere happiness or temporary physical satisfaction. This underscores the significance of true wisdom.

It brings joy because we are confident that our decisions are correct, informed by knowledge and truth, as affirmed by the Word of God. Wisdom protects us from the suffering that comes from its absence. Therefore, wisdom is of utmost importance, isn’t it?

If one views the Bible as outdated, how can they trust its teachings or find them truthful? Consider this. Read the Bible and make your own judgment. I may not believe the stories occurred exactly as written, but can I derive important lessons about wisdom from it? Indeed, I can. And so can you.


By now, you may have grasped the essence of this ability, as discussed in this article, including ways to acquire it, its applications, and the significance of true wisdom. My counsel to you, dear reader, is that we urgently need this capacity for wisdom, and the time is now, not later.

To be truly wise is to perceive through the eyes of God. However, we must acknowledge that such wisdom is not universal. When others lack this wisdom, it is more prudent not to disdain or criticize them, particularly when you and I possess this genuine ability that they lack. We should recognize that our wisdom is not derived from people or our surroundings, but from God.

This ability is innate and nurtured, passed down from those before us who held this wisdom. I trust that the article on Wisdom has been beneficial to you. Would you care to share your thoughts on it in the comments below? Your insights on the articles I contribute to the world are always valued. Moreover, I pray for God’s protection over you and your loved ones during and beyond the global pandemic.


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