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Nature: What It Is and Its Importance for Personal Development


Learning About Your Nature Is to Discover Your True Self

Nature is an article designed to aid in comprehending the essence of nature, the methods to understand it, the necessity of such understanding, and its significance. This article will guide you through understanding the nature of God, your own nature, the nature of others, and the nature of all creation. It may seem overwhelming, but the following content will elucidate these concepts.


In this article, I define ‘nature’ as the inherent state of being oneself, not shaped by nurture or upbringing. Indeed, we are products of both nature and nurture, yet nature often has the practical precedence. Research indicates that even proponents of nurture may be influenced by innate tendencies rather than empirical evidence.

If our natural state did not define us, it would be reasonable to assume uniformity in appearance, thoughts, words, and actions among all humans. However, even identical twins exhibit distinct personalities. They may share appearances, but their thoughts, speech, and behaviors differ, along with their individual preferences and unique fingerprints, assuming the accuracy of scientific claims.

Every entity in existence, from humans to the divine, possesses a distinct nature. Comprehending the true nature of beings is crucial for profound understanding. A meaningful life stems from recognizing our human nature, not from concealing ourselves behind religious or atheistic beliefs. It’s important to note that religion and divinity are not synonymous.

Humans possess a unique nature, distinct from other animals. Despite our shared human capabilities, individual natures result in diverse personality traits. These traits are innate, not fabricated. My personality exists independently of my education; learning merely enhances or diminishes our inherent qualities.

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There are numerous methods for us to comprehend nature, which in this context, refers to understanding our human nature, not the environment. We can gain insight into ourselves by reflecting on our past and present thoughts, words, and actions. These aspects can reveal much about who we are. Seeking feedback from others can also contribute to our self-understanding.

However, others may misconstrue our true selves. Therefore, a reliable method to understand our identity is to consider what God has articulated about humanity in the Bible. These approaches help us discern our natural selves. This understanding can be achieved through solitude, by contemplating God’s words to previous generations for a broader perspective, and through inquiry.

Yet, it is believed that God possesses a deeper knowledge of us than we or others might have. By praying for divine guidance, we can learn to value and love ourselves, which is essential before extending that appreciation and love to others. Self-exploration is the key to discovering our true essence, focusing on who we are now rather than who we aspire to be in the future. We exist as we are, without the need for becoming.


Understanding ourselves individually is crucial for leading meaningful lives. It enables us to appreciate and love ourselves as we are. However, not everyone experiences this self-awareness. Some people are inclined to view themselves through the lens of others’ opinions and judgments, often leading to false and unproductive self-assessments. True self-understanding makes life significant to us.

Self-understanding is necessary to comprehend God, other humans, and the rest of creation. It allows us to forgive ourselves for our individual wrongdoings. Forgiveness is a sign of self-understanding, which in turn fosters understanding towards others.

By understanding God as He is, we achieve peace with Him. By understanding ourselves as individuals, we find peace within. By understanding others as they are, we maintain peace with them. And by understanding the world as it is, we live in harmony with it. Thus, comprehending the nature of God, ourselves, others, and creation is essential.


Understanding human nature could lead to a life of peace and harmony with ourselves and the world. However, does this understanding always result in individual peace and harmony with creation? While we cannot eliminate conflict, comprehending our human nature and the nature of the surrounding creation can help reduce it.

This is the rationale behind the study of natural sciences, which explores energy and matter, the fundamental components of our physical universe. Yet, this knowledge is incomplete, as the spiritual aspects of these physical properties remain unknown to humanity, even in the 21st century.

The inability to recognize the existence of something does not prove its non-existence. The spiritual realm does exist, and one day, we may be able to study and harness its forces in a laboratory setting.

Understanding the nature of God is crucial to knowing God, highlighting the importance of comprehending nature, be it divine or human. Grasping our nature can aid in reducing self-inflicted conflicts, fostering personal peace. Similarly, understanding others can help decrease interpersonal conflicts, making the understanding of human nature immensely significant.


We have reached the conclusion of this article. It has explored the concept of nature, our understanding of human nature, the reasons why self-understanding is necessary, and the significance of such understanding. My parting thought is that history has taught us that despite possessing vast knowledge, we remain human. Essentially, our nature shapes our thoughts, words, and actions.

If you consider yourself a good person, continue in your ways. If you find yourself on the wrong path, strive to comprehend the implications of your actions and make changes to your thoughts, words, and deeds where possible. However, if you struggle to change aspects of your life, accepting yourself as you are may be the best course of action. After all, if God created you this way, why attempt to alter what you did not create?

I trust this article has been beneficial to you on a personal level. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below; your feedback and contributions are highly valued. Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask, and I will assist you to the best of my ability. I pray for God’s blessings upon you and your loved ones, for safety during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!


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