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Having Faith Won’t Make You Religious

Faith is an article designed to elucidate the concept of faith, the methods to acquire it, its applications, and its significance in believing in oneself, others, or something beyond oneself. This article delves into what is arguably the most misconstrued word in the English language. With this introduction, let us delve into the insights this article offers by reading further.


Faith is a state of trust and reliance on someone or something that is considered trustworthy. It is a confidence in the truth of something, not merely a wish or hope for the future. Faith often relates to what is known to the believer. For instance, in religion, faith is not founded on abstract concepts, as God is not an abstraction but a real entity that has been encountered by people historically.

From personal experience, I can assert that the supernatural realm is more tangible than the physical world we perceive with our senses. I have experienced it and am certain of God’s existence; thus, my faith in Him is concrete. When I proclaim, “God is good,” it is not a hope for the future but a recognition of His present goodness, which I know to be true. My trust in God assures me that He will not fail me. In Him, I live, move, and exist (Romans 17:28).

God grants me life and sustenance daily, monthly, and yearly. Everything I possess is from Him, as He governs all worldly events, including those of COVID-19. God is sovereign. However, this might seem purely religious. The perspective changes when considering that religion and God are distinct; religion is a belief system that can be true or false, whereas God’s existence is independent of human belief.

Faith can be placed in ourselves, in God, in others, and in various beings or objects. Just as a man trusts his chair enough to sit and lean on it with ease, I trust that someone will read this article and find their life improved as a result. My faith extends to God, to myself, to certain humans, and to certain things. I have faith in my wife’s ability to care for our children when I’m absent. Similarly, she trusts that I will remain faithful to her until I come home.

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It can be confidently stated that some individuals are inherently endowed with faith from birth, particularly manifesting as resilience and hope in the face of adversity. Faith, as described in the Bible, is the hope for things not yet seen. Often, those who perish in times of drought and famine are lacking in faith and hope. This suggests that our mindset is a crucial determinant in the struggle between life and death. When the mind surrenders, the body follows, leading to demise. In contemporary times, it is observed that people fall ill without any medical ailments. Researching this phenomenon will validate its truth.

Observing someone faint due to distressing news can be startling. I am grateful that I am not prone to such reactions, as I believe death is merely a passage to another existence—a realm that remains indescribable, despite the numerous descriptions in holy texts. When my mother passed away in April 1996, I was either thirteen or fourteen—I’m uncertain of my birth year, whether it was 1983 or 1984, but it is marked by the events surrounding my birth.

As a child, I did not cry at her passing. This was because I had already seen many succumb to illness and starvation. From a young age, I understood that death is an integral part of life; we are born to eventually die. I am grateful for my mother’s role in giving birth to me and raising me. Some might view my lack of tears as callous, but I see it as early maturity. However, this does not mean I wasn’t deeply grieving. Concern arose when I spent days without food, drink, or conversation, save for my own thoughts.

Eighteen years later, in 2014, my father passed away in my absence—an event you can read about at the end of my first novel, “Life Cure.” I never cried again. When my wife heard the news of his death over the phone, she fainted. Her elder brother buried my father in our absence. Her mother had passed away about three months before my father, marking a deeply sorrowful time for our family.

Yet, faith, to me, is innate. It wasn’t acquired when I embraced Christianity; I was born with it. I converted to Christianity a year after my mother’s death in 1997. I remember actions from as far back as six years old, around 1988/89—a lengthy tale detailed in my book, “Journeying with God Part I.”

We gain or develop faith naturally, as well as through others, suggesting that faith can stem from nature or nurture. Innate faith feels more authentic than that acquired from others because it’s an integral part of our being. It’s not shaped by religious influence but by an internal epiphany that enlightens us about the world and its contents. This intrinsic knowledge drives scientists to investigate and unveil new realms and entities within the physical universe. You might ponder:

Is there such a phenomenon as innate faith? Do we recognize God by nature, or is it a societal fabrication? It appears that all our knowledge stems from experience, which, in turn, is influenced by our surroundings. However, revelatory knowledge isn’t found; it’s imparted to us. It’s of a supernatural essence, and this is the concept I’m addressing.


In this context, faith pertains to what is personally known to us. As mentioned before, faith, as I understand it, is not rooted in mere imagination or wishful thinking. Instead, faith is grounded in knowledge. We demonstrate trust and confidence in what we believe and trust through faith.

This could refer to a person or an object. The object of our faith might be visible to our naked eyes or not yet seen in the physical world. We employ faith to signify trust. Just as I previously used a chair as an example, we exercise faith by depending on what we know to be dependable.

However, there are times when we may regard something as dependable when it is not. This also pertains to our judgment and perception. We place our trust in God, who created us and orchestrated all that will ever occur in our lives. This does not imply that we should not make and execute plans because God has preordained our life events. In fact, the contrary is true.


Faith is indeed significant; our trust in what we believe is crucial. However, misplaced faith can lead to regret. This experience is also valuable as it teaches us to place our trust and faith wisely in the future. Persisting in the same errors while expecting different outcomes is irrational.

We learn from past mistakes, a process known as learning from history. Our past experiences enhance our present, and our present actions shape our future. Trusting in a being that is more powerful, knowledgeable, and reliable than any other is paramount. This entity is the Creator of all, encompassing both good and evil.

Trusting and relying on God is essential. We must have reasons for our faith in God, and indeed, there are many. Just as we understand the purpose and composition of robots we create, God knows us intimately. While the world may judge us by our exterior, God evaluates us from within.

My faith and trust in God ensure that I am confident He will fulfill His promises, not just hoping, praying, and wishing for a positive outcome someday. My life gains meaning from the certainty that I exist for a purpose: to lead a meaningful life. Even if this is considered another form of religion, or simply hope, whether true or not, it impacts me positively, and that is the significance of faith. As mentioned before, those who perish in times of adversity are often those who lack faith in anything.

Faith in God instills hope, aiding individuals in dealing with challenging circumstances, including serious illnesses like the coronavirus disease. Many who have recovered from COVID-19 are those who held onto their belief in something. If not in God, they were convinced or believed that it was not yet their time to depart, and indeed, they survived. I believe there are many more who could share their experiences with us on this platform soon. Hence, having faith in something is crucial; it stands in stark contrast to fear and despair.


Here are my concluding thoughts and insights for you, dear reader. As discussed in this article, faith is the trust and reliance on someone or something. Faith can be acquired in various ways, often at birth or through others. Regardless of how faith reaches us, it’s crucial to preserve it, particularly our faith and trust in God.

Currently, we all place our faith in something or someone. This could be in the realm of scientific knowledge and its application. It might reside within ourselves, in God, in other people, or in anything else we trust and depend upon. It’s not true that faith is solely tied to religion.

I hope this article has imparted a thing or two to you. Would you be willing to take a moment to share your views on faith in the comments below? Your feedback is greatly valued and will contribute to the enhancement of my future writings. I pray for God’s blessings upon you and for your protection from the pandemic. Peace be with you!


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