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Mindset: What It Is and Its Importance for Self-Discovery


Your Mindset Is Your Most Important Asset

Mindset is an article designed to educate you about what a mindset is, the methods to uncover it, the ways we utilize our mindset, and the significance of understanding mindset in our increasingly perplexing and illusory world. In this article, you will delve into and comprehend the most crucial yet often undervalued asset on earth—your mind. With that introduction, let’s proceed with the content below.

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In this article, I use ‘mindset’ to denote the programming of the human or animal mind. The mind, often considered the center of humanity, synonymous with the soul or heart, refers to the ‘software’ aspect of a human or animal. While some argue that animals possess souls but lack spirits, I view this as mere human conjecture. Even a Biblical author pondered this notion in his time.

Everyone possesses a mindset, serving a specific purpose. A mindset comprises a set of rules and principles guiding one’s actions. For instance, one may choose to sleep early and rise early, while another may prefer to sleep late and wake up later in the day. Beliefs about the existence of God or gods also reflect individual mindsets.

The mind is both an asset and a tool, capable of using us or being used by us. Our mindsets are innate survival and intelligence mechanisms, embodying both positive and negative aspects. They are an integral part of our being. The mind is a spiritual entity, whereas the brain is a physical organ that collaborates with the mind. While we cannot observe or analyze the mind’s non-physical attributes, we can study the brain’s physical properties.


In essence, how do our minds become what they are today? Knowledge suggests that our existence in this world stems from birth or from external influences that have profoundly shaped our lives. Thus, we recognize that our mindsets are shaped by nature or nurture.

We often discover that our thinking mirrors that of our parents, a biological inheritance. However, nurture can also mold our mindsets to various extents, influenced by our individual personalities. Our reactions to the world’s challenges are uniquely ours, as are our responses to mindsets and peer pressure.

Despite the world’s challenges, we eventually emerge based on our inherent nature. For instance, some individuals abstain from milk or meat, not due to upbringing but because their innate disposition guides them otherwise. This is what I term a ‘born-mindset,’ distinct from a ‘made-mindset.’

In the realm of born-mindsets, actions are instinctive, not instructed. Some infants naturally refuse their mother’s milk. This exemplifies a born-mindset.

Observably, some people are naturally introverted, others extroverted. This is another manifestation of a born-mindset. People consume food in amounts that are right for them, which is a testament to our unique wiring as humans, highlighting our individuality and special nature.

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We utilize our minds for thinking, speaking, and performing various actions, whether benevolent or malevolent. However, the question at hand delves deeper than mere usage of our minds. It probes into how we employ our conditioned minds, those that have been configured in a specific manner. If you now grasp the question more clearly, let’s confront it directly, shall we? Indeed, we deploy our mindsets based on the configurations instilled within them.

As previously discussed, these settings may stem from nature or nurture, yet I believe nature takes precedence. Numerous examples provided earlier illustrate the preprogramming of our minds. The initial step is to recognize our mindsets before attempting to enhance them. At times improvement is possible, at other times it is not. Undoubtedly, our mindset is an element of our human nature, which is immutable in any form. We may recalibrate our human minds, but a complete overhaul is unfeasible unless it is mere pretense.

“But the Bible suggests that we can transform our minds. What do you mean by claiming that we cannot change our minds?” one might inquire. I have pondered this question thoroughly, having asked it myself on multiple occasions. However, I have realized, rather than merely believed, that altering our inherent nature or mindset is impossible. This implies that even our faith is inherently predisposed. We are born with the propensity to believe, to embody goodness or wickedness. The concept of recreation is nonexistent in reality. It may exist in the belief systems of those who have been convinced of its reality, yet it has never manifested in my experience.

Our mindsets guide our decision-making, for better or worse. They help us plan our subsequent actions and pass judgments, whether just or unjust. My mindset is certainly a facet of my personality. Given that thoughts, words, and deeds are manifestations of the mind, the significance of your mindset is paramount, and we shall elaborate further on this topic. Indeed, our mindsets define our identity. Our lifestyle and behaviors are shaped by the programming of our minds.


The significance of our mindset is paramount. If the mind governs the body, then its use is as crucial as life itself. Can we direct our minds towards what matters most? Possibly, but only if we’re inherently inclined to do so. This implies that we are not the embodiment of our aspirations or desires. We are, in essence, who we already are. Consider the adage, “what should be isn’t always what is.” This is derived from one of the 50 profound sayings born from life’s experiences, suggesting that reality often extends beyond what we’re taught.

Understanding that we don’t command our mindset—it commands us—is vital. The desire to master our thoughts is common; we lament past errors and yearn to have acted differently. We hope for a better tomorrow. These aspirations, while not inherently negative, remain just that—hopes. Desiring intelligence doesn’t make it so; we cannot become clever simply by wishing it. The essence of the message is clear, isn’t it?

Understanding the underlying factors of our mindsets is crucial. Regardless of our education on the subject, we inherently remain who we are. Thus, the most effective way to manage our minds is to first comprehend our inherent and cultural predispositions. With this understanding, we can properly value and utilize our attributes. Our mindsets are pivotal as they shape our identity. Delving into and examining our mindsets is essential for their enhancement.

Reflecting on our history and current state is vital to identify our genuine mindsets, distinguishing them from our desires. Our mindsets influence our responses to circumstances and events. However, it’s important to remember that situations can alter our emotions and impact our thoughts and actions. For instance, we cannot expect a person who is hungry to exhibit politeness.

Yet, once we emerge from such circumstances, we typically return to our authentic selves. This suggests that the effects of nurture or experience are transient. They are not everlasting; they merely occur. It is equally important to understand how we think and behave, both in times of scarcity and abundance.


Having delved into the concept of mindset, its acquisition, application, and significance, it’s crucial to bear in mind several key points. These are my parting words of counsel for you, the reader, offering insight and direction. My writings anticipate diverse and sometimes opposing perspectives from others, highlighting our distinct and varied human nature, including our mindsets.

The central point I wish to underscore is the importance of mindset. Yet, it’s essential to acknowledge that our identity is shaped by both nature and nurture. While we may aspire to be someone else, we must embrace our natural selves. Resist letting society impose a negative identity on you. Whenever possible, explore your mindset and diligently work towards enhancing it for the better.

I trust that the article ‘Mindset’ has been beneficial to you on a personal level. If so, I invite you to share your reflections in the comments section below. Your feedback is greatly valued. Blessings to you!


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