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Knowing Your Definite Purpose

Knowing Your Definite Purpose Is Finding Your Reason for Living

Knowing Your Definite Purpose is an article designed to assist you in understanding your purpose, discovering it, utilizing it, and comprehending the significance of having a clear purpose in life to lead a fulfilling existence in a perplexing world. The article invites you to view yourself from a new angle. With this in mind, let’s delve further by reading on.


Answering the question of life’s purpose can seem daunting, but it need not be for several reasons. Understanding your life’s purpose isn’t a lifelong journey of trial and error. While self-improvement is a lengthy process, perhaps even lifelong, recognizing what you want from life lies within you. The issue is that few of us take the time to contemplate our life’s purpose, instead of dwelling on past regrets. Indeed, it is possible to discover your life purpose definitively. In South Sudan, societal norms often dictate our lives, leading us to spend much of our time discussing group interests.

These groups may include family, friends, neighbors, clans, tribes, or political parties. Consequently, we seldom find time for personal introspection. We end up conforming to others’ expectations, adopting their thoughts, words, and actions, rather than pursuing our own desires. Consider what you want your legacy to be. You are aware that your time on earth is finite and that your heart yearns for something, even if others fail to recognize its significance.

That yearning might be for peace and harmony within families, clans, and tribes, or it could involve aiding those suffering physically or mentally. To discover your life’s purpose is to recognize what your heart consistently desires. Your life’s purpose isn’t about what you aspire to become; it’s about embracing who you are naturally. Hence, there’s no need for formal education to understand what you seek from life. All that’s required is to spend time in self-reflection, contemplating the true desires of your heart.

For me, peace is paramount. It’s what I continually seek, as peace equates to a fulfilling and meaningful existence. In solitude, I find freedom, awareness, uniqueness, learning opportunities, and an open mind. These have been my core values and qualities since before I learned to read and write. My life’s purpose is to lead a peaceful life and to guide others towards achieving the same. This motivation underpins my writing career, my sermons, and my teachings.

I share knowledge because I trust it will aid others in their quest for a peaceful existence on earth. Similarly, you have a unique reason for being here. You may currently be the sole surviving child of your parents. I believe you are here for a purpose.

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Contemplating the reason for existence is the initial step towards discerning our life’s purposes. This process should aid in uncovering these purposes, for as mentioned before, we do not become; we already are. Reflecting on our past, including our thoughts, words, and actions, may offer insights into our deepest desires. I hold that self-discovery precedes self-improvement.

Another method to uncover your life’s purpose is to consult those who know you intimately. This could be your parents, if they are alive, or perhaps your older siblings. Relatives and long-standing friends can also contribute, but it’s wise to remember that no one is infallible. They may perceive you through their own lens.

Humans observe from the exterior, yet they cannot see the true essence within, akin to software. A profound way to ascertain your life’s purpose, beyond introspection and seeking others’ perspectives, is to seek divine guidance. God comprehends your innermost self. He understands your life’s purpose far better than any human, yourself included. He created you with intent. Seeking His guidance is the ultimate step in discovering your life’s purpose. However, since God does not communicate as humans do, discerning His response remains a profound personal journey.

Indeed, God communicates in various ways. He reaches out through your heart, particularly when you are open to listening. The moments of silence are often when you can hear God most clearly. What may seem like contemplation about your life’s purpose could be God providing answers. He might also speak through others to guide you, or through dreams and visions. His written Word can offer insights into the meaning of life within its text.

You don’t have to be Bill Gates or Steve Jobs; you don’t need to be them because you are unique. It’s important to recognize that you are not insignificant; you are already someone of value. By uncovering your life’s purpose, you’ll find your true self and the reason you’re here. This discovery requires effort. You must engage in your life’s work and lead a life of significance.


Discovering your life purpose is a transformative moment. You realize that your existence is meaningful and that you are here for a reason. With this knowledge, you pursue careers that resonate with your purpose, engaging in them with enthusiasm and satisfaction. You cease to be swayed by every direction the wind blows. As it is said, “Only a dead fish goes with the flow,” and you will not be passive again.

This realization may lead to conflicts with those who presume to know your values, particularly when they are proven incorrect. They may desire you to conform to roles unsuited for you. Once you live authentically, disagreements arise because you choose to live for yourself, not for others.

Having your own life to live doesn’t mean you ignore sound advice or detach from society. After all, no one is an island. But living authentically may attract adversaries as you pursue a life of peace and joy.

In a society like South Sudan, where conformity is expected, living out your life purpose can be challenging. It may cause friction with those who expect uniformity. Yet, your purpose guides your thoughts, words, and actions. Despite the difficulties, embracing your purpose allows you to lead a life of significance.


Your life’s purpose holds as much significance as life itself, signifying that you are living as you ought to. You understand your true self, not as the world perceives you. You define yourself by the facts that truly represent you, not by mere thoughts and imaginations that may be unreal or incorrect. You recognize that you have at least one purpose to fulfill in life. This purpose could be peacemaking, love for fellow humans and creatures, or anything else your heart desires. My life’s purpose is to live in peace with myself, God, other humans, and all creatures, both living and non-living, always seeking peace of mind.

I am quick to acknowledge any words or actions of mine that may cause harm to others, all in the pursuit of peace. I am the first to apologize to resolve a conflict, if it means bringing peace to someone else’s mind. In a community like ours in South Sudan, this way of life may not be ideal, but it is what I have identified as my heart’s true calling. This realization was not a result of education; it has been a part of me since birth. As a child in the 1980s, I would cry at the sight of my parents arguing over trivial matters. I have detested conflict since I was a mere child. This is the evidence that my life is dedicated to peace and harmony.

I cherish all forms of life and inanimate objects, even harmful insects, believing they often act in self-defense rather than with intent to harm. Understanding one’s life purpose can sharpen focus on that purpose, leading to greater achievements than if one were unaware. Such clarity aids in organizing and planning one’s life. For instance, since identifying my life purpose, I’ve become more organized than ever. My message to people of all ages is peace, which I convey through blogging, this powerful communication medium.

Recognizing your life purpose lends meaning to your existence, so it’s worthwhile to discover it if you haven’t already. This doesn’t imply we control everything in our lives, but it enables us to act where we can and accept what we cannot change. Personally, there are many things I don’t associate with. I refrain from speaking ill of others, as it’s against my nature. Consequently, I cannot engage in government politics, which I perceive as being rooted in deceit to achieve one’s goals.


Finally, I have a message for you: You possess a life that is uniquely yours. It is not without meaning; it has a purpose, and it is your task to discover what that purpose is. Once you find it, embrace it. Act upon it. Simply identifying your life’s purpose is not enough; you must work towards it. If your life is dedicated to peace, you must embody peace before you can advocate for it. However, embodying peace also means you may encounter opposition from those who thrive on conflict. This can be challenging.

Nonetheless, it is crucial to remain focused on your life’s purpose, for it is the very reason you exist. If your purpose is to educate others on subjects that are important to you, then pursue that path! Teach in every way you can, and you will be valued for it. I hope this discussion on Knowing Your Definite Purpose has been beneficial to you. Would you care to share your thoughts on it in the comments below? Your feedback is greatly valued, whether it aligns with my views or not. I pray and hope for your safety during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace be with you!


1 thought on “Knowing Your Definite Purpose

  1. […] feeding your inner being is what I refer to here as nurturing your definite purpose. You can also read more here about knowing your definite purpose, just in case you never read that […]

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