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Helping Others Discover Who They Are

Helping Others Discover Who They Are

Helping Others Discover Who They Are Is Showing Love in a Bleeding World

Helping Others Discover Who They Are is an article designed to guide you in understanding the significance of assisting others, methods to offer help, reasons why it’s necessary to help, and the vital role it plays in aiding individuals to find their own identity. Such assistance is a timeless contribution to humanity.


Assisting others in discovering who they are and guiding them towards their careers involves dedicating our time and ourselves to those eager to learn from us, just as we learn from them. This creates a mutually beneficial situation where both parties gain from shared experiences. In teaching, we also gain substantial knowledge.

Life may seem futile and devoid of meaning to those who have not yet realized their true selves. However, life becomes valuable and significant once we understand and accept ourselves as we are. Those who have read my other article on sharing life’s definite purpose will understand why I firmly know—not just believe—that life is meaningful. I live this meaningful life daily since my journey of self-discovery began.

Understanding the importance of helping others identify their true selves and career paths is crucial. It’s beneficial to know how to assist others in this discovery and to comprehend why it’s essential to do so. Indeed, as we will explore, investing your time in helping others, particularly those open to learning, is far from being a waste.

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How can you assist others in understanding their identity and guide them towards career discovery? There are countless methods to achieve this, as I firmly believe that everyone is a teacher in their own right.

As I’ve discussed in my previous articles, our lives are powerful teaching tools that enable us to impart our knowledge to others simply by the way we live and act naturally. This implies that formal training as a teacher is not a prerequisite for sharing your life’s purpose with others.

I would like to quote this saying again:

You don’t have to tell me what you believe in. Let’s stay together for three months, and I will tell you.


Here’s an insightful quote on beliefs and personalities: “You don’t need to tell me what you believe in. Spend three months with me, and I will tell you.” I concur that a person can discern everything about you if you spend such an extended period with them. This suggests that our lives reflect our souls, minds, spirits, and hearts. One only needs to observe us, and over time, they will understand our beliefs.

We might profess our belief in something, but if our lives don’t reflect that belief, then we truly don’t hold it. This aligns with what James meant when he discussed faith and deeds. However, James isn’t suggesting that deeds come before faith. Instead, he’s stating that deeds are the manifestations and evidence of faith.

Deeds are the blossoms or fruits of faith, visible, tangible, aromatic, audible, and palatable to the world. Our actions will reveal our character to others. Here, ‘the world’ refers to the external environment, not our internal realm. It pertains to the people around us. I’ve authored a series of poems called ‘The World Within,’ which delves into our inner perceptions of the world we inhabit and offers insights into our own lives. You’re invited to explore it.

Our thoughts transfer from our minds to others’, serving as a medium to share our ideas. This form of connection, termed ‘the mastermind,’ facilitates mutual learning as the universe binds us in enigmatic ways. However, this mystery unravels for me through the Bible’s explanation that Christ sustains the universe, not merely the ether.

Our words carry weight, offering a means to impart self-awareness to others. When we speak, others should sense love and tranquility, for our words are intended to disseminate these virtues. The significance of our words lies in their power to either harm or heal.

Words are our most effective tool in aiding others to discover their identities and careers, thereby enhancing their lives and instilling a purpose. As previously mentioned, our actions ultimately define the means by which we assist others in understanding their true selves. This concept needs no repetition, as it has been thoroughly explored earlier.


We show love to the world by dedicating our time and selves to sharing knowledge and experiences, aiding others in understanding themselves better. This is our timeless gift to humanity and the very purpose of our existence. We live to learn, teach, and serve. Even if you don’t formally educate in classrooms, places of worship, or online, your life is a reflection observed by others, offering lessons through your actions.

Indeed, your life is significant. This underscores the importance of self-discovery, to understand who we are beyond life’s challenges and societal perceptions. Society often judges based on outward appearances, leading to a superficial and incomplete understanding of our true selves. We are more than what we appear to be; we are ever-evolving beings. Ultimately, no one can understand us better than we understand ourselves.

There are various methods to assist others in discovering their identity. By reflecting on this, you may devise highly individualized strategies that are personally effective. My approach might seem too broad and ineffective for you, as it depends on your circumstances. That’s why I concentrate on thoughts, words, and deeds; these are broad categories that can be subdivided into smaller, more manageable segments tailored to individual needs.

In South Sudan, our diverse tribes have distinct worldviews. Our perspectives are shaped by both nature and nurture. Our upbringing plays a significant role in how we perceive the world and its inhabitants. However, nature often takes precedence over nurture. Environmental influences are temporary, but our innate characteristics can emerge at any moment. In essence, there are countless ways to aid individuals in finding their true selves and careers, which in turn enables them to lead fulfilling lives amidst the challenges of this imperfect world.


Personal preferences are irrelevant when considering the importance of helping others understand themselves. We assist others constantly, knowingly or not, as it’s inherent to our existence since we are meant to coexist. The universe is interconnected, and our thoughts are often influenced by others, regardless of distance. Nature suggests we can tap into the consciousness of the earliest humans, a connection that persists through the ages.

Thoughts traverse time and space within our physical realm. Words and actions linger indefinitely, accessible through our minds. This profound realization has been the subject of numerous books throughout human history. Understanding the reasons behind aiding others in self-discovery is crucial, and it is far more impactful than doing so inadvertently. After all, we are bound to help each other regardless. This is the essence of the argument presented.

While we continue to assist others with our thoughts, words, and actions, it’s now essential to do so with intention. Personally, I find it rewarding to help you realize your true self. I take no credit for this assistance; my role is merely to remind you of who you inherently are. I don’t have the power to create or redefine you, nor can I do so for myself. My sole purpose is to aid you in focusing on your natural identity. The majority of the effort is yours.

Similarly, when you decide to assist others, remember that the onus is on them. They must take action and embark on the journey of self-discovery, as it is a deeply personal endeavor. Witnessing your students uncover their natural selves is far more gratifying than hoping they become something they’re not destined to be. This realization is profoundly fulfilling and significant. It’s a vocation that imbues my life with purpose. My aspiration is for you to uncover your true self and your vocation, so that your life may radiate with brilliance and glory.


Now, you understand what it means to assist others in self-discovery. We must first understand ourselves before we can guide others. In Christianity, one must embrace the faith before evangelizing. You’ve also learned the methods and reasons for aiding others, as well as the significance of such help. Remember, humans are not meant to be identical; some may misinterpret or undervalue your efforts. Offer help only to those who are receptive to it.

For instance, you continue to read this article because you find the information crucial. Yet, another person might perceive it differently, highlighting individual uniqueness. If someone is not prepared for the journey of self-discovery, don’t be disheartened. Instead, focus on assisting those who are open to it at this moment. This is my parting advice to you. Let us be a source of help to others!

I trust that the article, Helping Others Discover Who They Are, has been beneficial to you. Feel free to share your reflections in the comments section; your support is greatly valued. I pray for your and your loved ones’ health during and beyond this devastating pandemic, by God’s grace. Although I may not know you personally, be assured that God is aware and caring. Thank you for reading. You can also find my videos on YouTube by searching for my channel. Peace be with you!


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