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Thanksgiving for Creation: Without It, We Can’t Be Here

Thanksgiving for Creation

Thanksgiving for Creation Is Your #1 Thanksgiving Reason

1st November 2021

Thanksgiving for Creation is an article designed to educate on the significance of gratitude for creation. It delves into the meaning of giving thanks, the methods of expressing gratitude, the reasons behind it, and its importance. The piece also examines the fundamental reason for thankfulness, emphasizing the value of doing so on a personal and individual level.


Expressing gratitude to God for the act of creation encompasses both the spiritual and physical realms. Creation is at once visible and invisible, knowable and unknowable, depending on our perspective. To be thankful for God’s creative work also means to cherish the creation itself.

We hold in high regard what God has crafted. Our love and appreciation extend to the natural world that surrounds us. This passion for plants, insects, birds, reptiles, amphibians, fish, animals, and humans is often innate, a supernatural form of love that transcends human or natural affection. Human love tends to be conditional, based on reasons that are often self-serving or reciprocal.

In contrast, God’s love is unconditional—agape. It is this divine love that enables us to care for animals and objects, not because of any benefit they provide, but because they hold intrinsic value to us. We love them with the love of God within us, recognizing them as fellow creations, and through our love for the Creator, we extend our love and appreciation to them.

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We express gratitude for the world around us in various ways, such as through song. We can sing silently within ourselves or aloud. We may sing solo or together as a choir. Speaking words of love and praise for God’s creations is another form of thanksgiving, demonstrating our appreciation to the world.

Composing these words and melodies is yet another beautiful method to convey our gratitude and affection for creation. The way we treat other forms of life also reflects our care and love for them.

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It’s concerning that many people throw stones at dogs and cats they find resting, which certainly isn’t an act of care or love. This behavior suggests a lack of divine love in some individuals. Those who display animosity towards animals may also harbor ill will towards their fellow humans, revealing a malevolent nature.

Our appreciation for creation can be demonstrated through our care for plants and other living beings. The sense of peace and harmony we experience while walking in forests or bushlands reflects our love for nature. Enjoying and sharing the beauty of the natural world is an expression of this love.


We express gratitude to God for His act of creation and show appreciation for it. Our love for creation stems from being a part of it; without it, we wouldn’t exist. Creation serves as the initial means to understand God, a process known as general revelation. Through it, God may choose to reveal Himself to humanity, as He did to me around 1987/88.

We thank creation as a demonstration of our care, reflecting a virtuous character trait. While not everyone shares or acts on this sentiment, those who are compassionate will resonate with these words. This innate quality is present in us from birth, regardless of religious beliefs. Just as God delights in observing His creations, so do we find joy.

I hold the belief that God manifests Himself to every living being in unique ways. He has revealed Himself across all human cultures, each experiencing a different aspect of His revelation. Even the most marginalized African religions contain elements of God’s revelation, extending beyond the confines of organized religion. My Christian perspective is merely one facet, for God is omnipresent and universal. However, this notion is often considered heretical by humans, as many are taught that their religion is the sole truth and the only path to knowing God.

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Expressing gratitude to God and His creations indicates that we are His affectionate beings, embodying His essence of unconditional love. This trait is not learned; it is innate, bestowed by God Himself.

For those who possess this quality, it is crucial, for it means we will always be grateful to all creatures: humans, animals, birds, fish, insects, plants, and everything that exists.

Every entity, living or inanimate, comprehends this universal language of love, which is divine. When you gaze into a cat’s eyes, it attempts to decipher your language of love, not the confines of human speech.

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The language of love is the love of God. This is why when a man loves a woman, it doesn’t matter if they speak the same language; they will express their love regardless. Being grateful for creation benefits us, as it fosters love that helps reduce or prevent stress and depression, enhancing our well-being.

However, I acknowledge that when we are in physical pain or hunger, we cannot fully appreciate nature. Yet, in admiring creation, we find energy that instills hope and faith for better times ahead.

I believe God delights in our gratitude for His creations, as it is akin to us proclaiming, “You have done it!” and appreciation is universally cherished. God blesses those who are thankful for His creative works. Indeed, creation is magnificent and glorious, and our perception shapes our appreciation. Even scorpions have their beauty, and mosquitoes, despite their reputation, are but tiny, innocent beings.


In conclusion, the article has explored the meaning of gratitude for creation, ways to express it, reasons for its importance, and its significance. While it’s impossible to cover every aspect of gratitude in a brief article, one key takeaway is our unique nature. Some of us are innately attuned to nature, suggesting that self-discovery is crucial before attempting to adopt an unnatural persona. This article is not meant to be judgmental; it simply acknowledges that many of us have an inherent love for the natural world.

For those who share this love of nature, this article likely resonated with you. If not, I’m eager to understand your perspective. What are your reasons for not feeling a need to be thankful for creation? Is it due to life’s challenges, unfriendly creatures, or the notion that caring for non-human entities is foolish?

Your feedback on this article is invaluable. By sharing your thoughts in the comments section, you assist in enhancing future articles. Your insights are greatly appreciated. With heartfelt affection, I hope for our safety during the ongoing global pandemic and the challenging times that may follow, as these are believed to be signs of the end times according to the Bible. Blessings and peace to you!


1 thought on “Thanksgiving for Creation: Without It, We Can’t Be Here

  1. […] be the only way for everyone to do it. You are unique and special, and this means you can thank God and His work of creation in your own unique […]

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