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Thanksgiving for Provision: Without It, We Can’t Be Thankful

Thanksgiving for Provision

Thanksgiving for Provision Is Your #2 Thanksgiving Reason

Thanksgiving for Provision is an article designed to enlighten us on the significance of gratitude for provision, the methods of expressing thankfulness, the reasons behind our gratitude, and the importance of acknowledging God’s provision in life and all it encompasses. It delves into the second most significant rationale for giving thanks.


Being thankful to God encompasses gratitude for all that we possess in this earthly life: our existence and everything within it. It’s fair to say that all we have is a gift from God, and often, we may not even merit it. Life is the primary gift, for without it, our presence here would not be possible, would it? None of us petitioned God for life; we were simply born into it. Even our parents could not foresee what kind of individuals we would become.

Provisions can be classified as people, places, objects, and events. The past brims with elements for which to be grateful. The individuals we’ve encountered, the sights we’ve beheld, the events we’ve experienced, and the locales we’ve explored all serve as reasons for gratitude, for they enrich our understanding. Our past teaches us about ourselves. I am, and will always be, thankful to God for my past, both the joys and the sorrows, for they have imparted valuable lessons.

Life, with all its facets, is a blessing from God, hence the title of this article. Within the grand blessing of life lie numerous other blessings. This is the essence of gratitude for God’s provisions. We show our thanks to God, and to His creations, for they possess an innate sense to recognize our gratitude. In turn, creation rewards us for our thankfulness.

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We can express gratitude to God for the gift of life and all it encompasses in many distinct ways. My method of giving thanks may not suit everyone. You are unique and special, which means you have your own ways of expressing gratitude to God and appreciating His creation. Commonly, gratitude is shown through words and actions. We can vocalize our thanks or demonstrate it through our deeds.

Singing praises for the life and blessings provided by God is a wonderful way to express gratitude. We can also verbally give thanks to God and acknowledge our appreciation for the blessings in our lives. Writing down our gratitude on paper or in a journal is another option. With today’s technology, it’s easier to use our fingers to type words of thanks and share them with others.

Expressing gratitude to God for the gift of life and all it encompasses is a profound way to demonstrate our thankfulness. Throughout history, humans across various cultures have attempted to do so by creating images and objects for worship. Paul observed this as humanity’s effort to seek God and express gratitude, albeit misdirected. This is because God is not a tangible object; He is a spirit, the Father of all spirits, and thus, we must worship Him in truth and spirit.

While we may appreciate creation, we do not worship the created beings but the Creator Himself, who fashioned them as well as us. Our thanks to God for His provisions should be directed not at the gifts, but at the Giver. Although we can be grateful for people, places, events, or things, our gratitude ultimately points to God, who reigns supreme. It is not others who orchestrate the events in our lives, but God; therefore, our thanks are always to God, the orchestrator of all events. He is the perpetual focus of our gratitude.


Expressing gratitude for life and its many gifts is a reflection of our relationship with God. We express this gratitude to acknowledge His blessings and to demonstrate our recognition of His role in all things. Our unworthiness of these gifts only deepens our appreciation. In giving thanks, we not only honor God but also experience a profound connection that benefits us.

Yet, our thankfulness is not an attempt to curry favor with God; it is an innate part of who we are. This is why instructing others in gratitude is not our place; ultimately, each person must come to their own understanding. We are imbued with this disposition from birth, not something learned through education or imitation. While our innate qualities can be refined, it underscores that gratitude is inherent within us.

Attempting to appease or please God with our thanksgiving is not the essence of true religion. This is what I refer to as religiosity, which stands in contrast to spirituality. Although God certainly appreciates our gratitude for His blessings, that is not the primary reason for our thankfulness. We are grateful because of His actions towards us and on our behalf. Without life and all it encompasses, we would not be here to express our gratitude.

We give thanks because it is inherent in our nature, yet we can also enhance this trait by engaging with readings such as this. My hope and prayer are that this article will awaken the spirit of gratitude within you, leading you to smile and feel joy when you think of your parents, guardians, siblings, relatives, friends, and colleagues. There are countless reasons to be grateful. While I cannot list them all in this brief article, I trust it has inspired you to contemplate more deeply on the subject.


If thankfulness soothes and refreshes our souls, it becomes one of life’s most important aspects. Being thankful has a profoundly positive effect on us as individuals. It provides hope and faith, even in harsh and difficult times, making it crucial to practice gratitude whenever possible.

However, life’s realities can make constant thankfulness challenging. Events that cause sadness or depression, such as the loss of loved ones to illness, disaster, or other tragedies, can dampen the spirit of gratitude. In such moments, one may question the presence or benevolence of a higher power.

Human logic might argue that if a divine being exists, such suffering indicates either indifference or impotence. Having endured much, I understand this perspective. While the West may be facing significant hardship for the first time in the 21st century, Africa has long been acquainted with severe trials.

Yet, if I can find reasons to be grateful amidst suffering, then pain should not extinguish gratitude. It’s a natural response to be thankful or not. Many, even in my region, harbor bitterness and resentment due to past afflictions. Instead of gratitude for surviving the ordeals, they succumb to depression and worry. But worry offers no solace; it signifies utter defeat and despair. True strength is born from hope, which depends on its focus. That’s why choosing thankfulness is essential.


You’ve now read my thoughts on giving thanks for life’s provisions. Life itself is a provision that encompasses many others. Without life, we wouldn’t be here, nor could we express gratitude. We give thanks for the people, events, places, and objects that have shaped our past. Our gratitude extends to God and the elements He has introduced into our lives. This sense of thankfulness is innate, yet it can also be cultivated.

I trust that the article ‘Thanksgiving for Provision’ has been beneficial to you. I invite you to share your thoughts about it in the comments section below; your feedback is greatly valued. My prayers are with you and your loved ones for protection and safety during and beyond the global pandemic. These are my heartfelt wishes for you and everyone in your life. Peace be with you.


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