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Thanksgiving for People and Events: A Reflection on People and History

Thanksgiving for People and Events

Thanksgiving for People and Events Is the Importance of History and the People in Our Past

Thanksgiving for People and Events is an article designed to deepen our comprehension of gratitude. It explores the significance of being thankful for the individuals we’ve encountered and the events we’ve experienced, detailing how and why we should express thankfulness, as well as the value of giving thanks for people and historical events in our lives.


Being grateful involves appreciating the people and events from our past. Not all these individuals may have been kind to us, but their presence in our lives is acknowledged. The events might not have been pleasant, but we have survived them and are here to express gratitude. Even if some memories are painful, we have ample reasons to be thankful for each experience. Everything that occurred did so for a reason, and even if there was no reason, it’s now in the past, correct?

Thanksgiving can be expressed for individuals and events, and also to God, who enables all things in our personal lives. This act of gratitude is personal, not collective. We perform it individually, acknowledging that it’s not possible to personally thank everyone we’ve met. Therefore, we often give thanks in our hearts, particularly for those we cannot meet again, perhaps because they have passed away or live far from us.

It’s heartbreaking to think that many of my childhood friends are now far away, if they are still alive at all. It’s a sad reality that many of my peers, those I’ve known personally since the 1980s, have passed away for various reasons. Some lost their lives in revenge attacks by other community members, while others succumbed to illnesses and diseases. Some perished in the clashes between the government and opposition, which escalated into a politico-ethnic conflict within hours.

While I may not have the chance to encounter many individuals in this world, I am grateful for those I have met during my time on earth. It’s impossible to recall every person I’ve met since childhood by name, yet I can recount many, beginning with my parents, siblings, friends, and colleagues. This article is dedicated to expressing gratitude to God for the people who have graced our lives and the events that have unfolded. We won’t cover the topic exhaustively, but we will highlight the most significant aspects as you continue reading.

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We can show gratitude to those we know, either individually or collectively, should we have the opportunity to meet them again. However, the core message of this article is that appreciation for these individuals and events can still be expressed, even if we are unable to encounter them in person once more on earth, for previously stated reasons. This means that our gratitude for these people and events can be reflected in our deeds and words.

We can utter words of thanks for the people from our past, and we can perform actions that demonstrate our deep appreciation for them, when possible. We can even write about our gratitude for these individuals, and I believe this article is simply my way of expressing my heartfelt thanks to my parents, siblings, relatives, neighbors, friends, colleagues, co-workers, and even to my adversaries from the past and present.

Although my parents and all my siblings have passed away, my gratitude for them endures. I never had the chance to meet or know most of my siblings, but I will always remember Abiel/Biel, my older brother, and Nyakueth, my older sister, because I had the privilege of knowing them personally.

I am deeply thankful for my late mother, Nyareth Deng Kong, and her nurturing love and care. She was a short, dark-skinned, wise, incredibly beautiful, and industrious African woman. Her wisdom and humor are unparalleled in my life. She truly was a gift to me, and her way of life contributed to shaping who I am, beyond the biological traits inherited from her and her ancestors.

Conversely, my father, Maluth/Tut, was a remarkable man whose legendary tales are still recounted among both the Gajaak and Gajook sections of the Nuer Jikany people in eastern South Sudan. A warrior and a diligent man, he stood tall, robust, and brown-skinned. Physically, I am nearly his spitting image. However, our mentalities diverge; I am not the warrior he was. Although I once killed a man-eating leopard in 2003, he had vanquished several before my birth.

Reflecting on my past, I can only offer gratitude to God and those defining moments. Each event has been significant, contributing to my identity beyond my innate nature and personality. These experiences have been a part of the nurturing that has molded my life.

Of course, some events were eventually deadly, such as when my cousin brother, Ruot shot me in the hand. But I can learn something positive from this event, can’t I?

Indeed, we can express gratitude for past events and the individuals involved in various ways, tailored to our circumstances and personal traits. As mentioned before, this can be done through both actions and words.

It is often said that actions speak louder than words, yet words hold immense power too. Although there is nothing I can do for my parents and siblings who have passed away, I can honor them through writing. The siblings I learned of were Nyater, Chamtuak, Gatluak, Nyakor, Nyawuor, Tungkuach (from another mother, Nyarek), and a brother who was miscarried before me. This means that the children born to Nyareth and Maluth, with me as the youngest, numbered nine in total, and now I am the sole survivor as I write this, following the death of Biel/Abiel in the Nasir battle of 1989, and Nyakueth’s subsequent passing in Madani/Khartoum, Sudan during my absence.

I divulge this information to illustrate my profound gratitude towards all my siblings.


We express gratitude for people and events from the past to demonstrate our care for those who have been part of our lives, both historically and currently. Primarily, our gratitude is directed towards individuals we have already encountered.

Gratitude is a personal trait, inherent to an individual’s nature. It cannot be instilled in someone unless it is an innate part of their being. Being grateful is virtuous, and we should encourage others to adopt this practice as well.

In expressing thanks for others and past events, we simultaneously express gratitude to God, for it is He who has made all things possible. Offering thanks to God, through words or actions, is commendable. God cherishes a thankful heart and bestows blessings upon those who show genuine gratitude to Him and to others throughout their lives.

Having a grateful disposition is both commendable and spiritual, appreciating everything that has happened to us on a personal level. While gratitude may not come naturally to everyone, it is inherent in us, as previously stated. Our thankfulness stems not only from the belief that God merits it, but also from a genuine, innate sense of gratitude that is an integral part of who we are. We delight in expressing thanks because it aligns with our purpose—to show appreciation to people, events, and God, our Creator.

Reflecting on the reasons for our gratitude towards God, others, and past events is important. At times, I struggle to enumerate all the reasons, as I tend to write spontaneously without prior online research. Many consider this approach unorthodox, but it is my unique method. I prefer to articulate my existing knowledge before seeking external validation. It’s always reassuring to find that my thoughts resonate with information already available on the internet.


Is it truly important to express gratitude to God for the individuals and events He has permitted in our past? I believe it is, as previously explained. There are numerous reasons to be thankful, some of which may not be covered in this brief article. However, being grateful for people and past events is a way to demonstrate that we are neither mean nor selfish.

The essence of being grateful for people and events in our lives is not just the act itself, but doing it with joy and ease. Gratitude is not an obligation; it is a natural part of our existence, as I have repeatedly mentioned before.

Expressing thanks for the people and events in our lives holds great significance for us, for God, and for those to whom we are grateful. Consider gratitude for people and events as a means to show your care and appreciation, even if those individuals are no longer with us. It reflects the quality of our lives to the world around us. It also serves as a reminder of how others might be grateful to us and for us, regardless of our relationship to them. It leads me to ponder about those who may read this article long after I’m gone and what they will think of me. Will they feel gratitude?


The article you’ve read discusses the significance of gratitude towards people and events from our past. There may be various ways to express thankfulness for these influences in our lives. You’ve also learned why it’s important to show gratitude. Now, consider what you’ve taken away from this article. Hopefully, you’ve gained a new insight or two and feel inspired to apply them. Remember, knowledge becomes powerful only when it’s applied.

You won’t gain any benefits from this article unless you take something from it and act on it. For instance, if you’re moved by the concept of expressing gratitude to those in your life, both living and deceased, then take the opportunity to thank them. Say, “Thank you for being a part of my life.” If they are alive, they may reciprocate your gratitude. It’s a mutual exchange. Even if they have passed away, it’s a common belief that the deceased can sense our gratitude, perhaps even more so than the living.

I hope the article ‘Thanksgiving for People and Events’ has been meaningful to you. Feel free to share your reflections in the comments section; your feedback is greatly valued. Your support and encouragement will aid in creating better content for future readers. May you and your loved ones be blessed and remain safe during and beyond the global pandemic. Peace be with you.


1 thought on “Thanksgiving for People and Events: A Reflection on People and History

  1. […] this past article, I talked of thanksgiving for people and events. But in this article, I want to focus my attention […]

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