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The Future

The Future

What Are You Doing Now for The Future to Prevent Tomorrow’s Regrets?

“The Future” is an article designed to teach us the significance of contemplating and existing in the future at the current moment. It guides us on how to be part of the future, why we should strive to be there, and the importance of such an endeavor. The article introduces a valuable technique that can help you view current challenges as historical events, potentially enhancing your confidence and positivity in unprecedented ways. But what exactly is the future?


This concept refers to the moments that follow the present. It encompasses the next minute, second, or even microsecond. Typically, today is considered the present, while tomorrow and beyond are viewed as the future. Yesterday is invariably the past. In this article, however, anything beyond the current moment is considered the future.

We can only speculate about it since the future is unknown to us. A minute is a small unit of time, and a second is even smaller, composed of microseconds that are too rapid to be noticed in conventional timekeeping.

The focus of this article is on such a future and how to live in it as though it has already arrived. Sometimes, I regard my entire life as if it were already over, as time swiftly passes by. Tomorrow turns into today, which then becomes yesterday. Adopting a future-oriented perspective prompts me to ponder questions of significant personal importance, some of which we will explore in this article.

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How can we live in the future while existing in the present? It’s because our minds can journey not just to the imminent future but also to the eternal one. We’ll explore this concept in the next article, ‘Eternity.’ Since we can envision it, we can lead a fulfilling life in the here and now. As you read this, you can imagine what will occur after you’ve finished.

We can inhabit the future only in our thoughts, not physically, until it becomes our present reality. If we’re still around, we’ll experience it. This foresight is what drives us to devise and implement plans. It prompted me to write this article on Sunday, January 17, 2021, with the intention of publishing it on December 20, 2021. Isn’t it remarkable that I was living in that future moment?

If you’re reading this on my website, you’re aware that I was in this present moment in the past as I composed these words. This is an illustration of how we can exist in the future at this instant. It implies that we can envision that future and act upon it, even though the future remains uncertain.

It signifies our faith in someone who governs the future, and that entity is not us, but God. We may not know or influence events in that realm, but God orchestrates them through supernatural means, utilizing natural laws and instruments. It’s been said, “If you can imagine it, we can create it,” offering another perspective on the future. Our thoughts, speech, and deeds regarding that future are telling. They demonstrate how we live in anticipation of a promising future: through our mindset, expressions, and actions.


Is there any clear reason why we should embody or live out the future in the present moment? Indeed, there are numerous reasons, and these reasons are significant, as we will explore. Envisioning a better future in the present involves planning to improve ourselves, our careers, and our callings.

I have been reminded that a career is what one does for remuneration, whereas a calling is what one lives for. The distinction between these two concepts is clear to me. My discussions have often centered on careers rather than callings. However, I believe it is my calling to share my experiences and knowledge, with the hope and trust that it will be beneficial to you in some way.

Looking towards the future can inform how we shape our present, influenced by our perspective. Viewing the future with regret can taint the present with discomfort and remorse. Yet, the future remains a mystery, particularly to those lacking hope and faith. Belief in God’s plan for us is a comfort, as He holds the future.

Desiring a future without conscious thought is a natural inclination. This underscores another vital reason to live that future life in the now. However, I propose that it is wiser to consciously aspire to a good life rather than exist without purpose. We can learn to inhabit our future in the immediate present.


The future holds great importance for me; otherwise, I wouldn’t have written this article. It was penned 12 months before publication. Did I know for certain it would be published? I did not, yet I envisioned the future as if it had already unfolded. This underscores the significance of perceiving the future as the present.

The future is unknown, and perhaps it’s best that way. However, I am certain it will unfold. It might be the future of my life or extend far beyond my time. This certainty fuels my writing career, my vocation. I write to impart the life experiences and knowledge I’ve gathered, each in my distinctive style. Writing is my chosen method to share my life and reflections with you.

Viewing life through the lens of the past, we recognize what we should do in the present to minimize future regrets. This, I believe, is life’s purpose, or at least, it provides a sense of purpose. Aware that life will end, I live with this consciousness in the present moment. This perspective is crucial as it prompts me to act as if my deeds are already part of the past.


Reflecting on living in the future and the present moment holds significant meaning. It involves summarizing our past and present experiences. It’s about looking back at our lives and considering what we might have done differently if we had the chance to start over on earth.

Living more than once is a profound concept, central to human philosophy and religion. It’s the experience of living as though we’re leading a good life.

Consider your current life from the perspective of your future self. What actions might you regret tomorrow? What steps can you take to rectify them? Is it possible to cease these actions completely? By doing so, you can assess your past and present by imagining living in the future.

I hope this article has been beneficial in some way. Please feel free to share your thoughts about this article in the comments section below. Your time and feedback are greatly valued. I also extend my best wishes to you and your loved ones during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!


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