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The Eternity: How to Perceive Life at the Eternity Past and Future

The Eternity

What Are You Doing Now for The Eternity Future?

“The Eternity” is an article designed to teach us the significance of viewing the past, present, and future through the lens of eternity. It guides us in understanding how to perceive things eternally, why we adopt this perspective, and the value of considering life as an everlasting entity. This article promises to offer a perspective on life that may be unexpected.


The concept of eternity signifies something that is everlasting or without end. It encompasses both the past and the future, yet our focus here is on the future aspect of our present lives. Viewing life as an eternal continuum suggests that physical death is not the conclusion of existence. While some may dismiss eternity as mere belief or myth, it’s undeniable that it remains a prevalent conviction in the 21st century.

Take, for instance, the notion that life, akin to a form of energy, cannot be created or annihilated. Neither humans nor divine beings seem capable of extinguishing life, which implies its eternal nature. If life is indeed eternal, it suggests a connection to its Creator, God, and indicates that it has always existed since time immemorial and will persist into the infinite future.

Eternity is characterized by its perpetual nature, whether it pertains to the past, the future, or both. It may refer to the essence of life or beings destined to exist indefinitely. Historically, such concepts have been deemed religious, but in essence, they are spiritual, reflecting the belief in an unending existence.

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How do we perceive eternal life, particularly in the present? We do this both instinctively and deliberately. Instinctively, because the concept of eternity is ingrained in us by God. While I’m uncertain about animals, I am confident that all humans possess an innate sense of eternity. This isn’t taught in schools; it’s a universal aspect of human culture. Even the most primitive cultures understand that upon death, a person’s spirit or their spiritual essence transitions to another realm. This doesn’t mean they’ve simply vanished into thin air; rather, they continue to exist in a different state.

Indeed, when describing someone who has recently passed away in the Nuer language, the phrase “Ci yieedɛ jiɛɛn” is used, signifying that his/her spirit has departed. Similarly, in the Dinka language, the expression “Aci wëi jäl” conveys the same meaning. These phrases suggest that our ancestors understood, even before the advent of Christianity and Islam, that death is akin to sleep, as Jesus mentioned in the Bible.

The physical body may perish, but the spiritual body is believed to be immortal. Indeed, it is said that not even the flames of hell can destroy the spiritual body, thus preventing eternal demise or separation from God. It is proclaimed that those condemned to hell will endure perpetual suffering, signifying an unending existence. Beyond our innate contemplation of eternity, we have the ability to consciously direct our thoughts and emotions towards eternal life. Indeed, our earthly existence is but a minuscule portion of the life that follows after death. This eternal truth is certainly thought-provoking.


The belief in eternal life, according to some, is instilled in our hearts by God. It’s also said that our human spirits inherently know they will exist indefinitely. This belief is reinforced by trusted sources, suggesting two distinct origins of this concept. Eternal life is intertwined with our essence, and attempts to rationalize it away cannot alter this intrinsic truth. Those who deny eternal life, whether in heaven or hell, are often seen as either abnormal or influenced by external forces to hold such views. However, if they are of sound mind, they are aware that their arguments serve only academic discussions rather than reflecting real-life convictions. They engage in debate not to seek truth but to refine their research through the responses they elicit.

Continued dialogue with skeptics provides them with substantial answers, emphasizing the importance of deliberate contemplation on eternity. Such reflection enables one to offer informed responses to inquiries about the afterlife. The fundamental reasons for considering eternity—nature and nurture—imply that all humans, regardless of religious affiliation, are aware of their eternal nature. This awareness predates the arrival of Islam in Africa and the establishment of organized religions in the East and West, suggesting that the concept of eternity is a divine implantation within humanity.


Considering eternal life is indeed significant. Whether we consciously ponder it or not, our inherent nature compels us to consider both eternity past and future. This natural inclination underscores the importance of deliberate reflection on eternity.

The desire for eternity, or the lack thereof, which implies the nonexistence of a deity, ultimately leads to the same conclusion: we are innately designed to contemplate eternity. Attempts to secularize expressions of surprise do not alter the intrinsic knowledge of a higher power within our spirits, which are believed to be connected to this entity. Earthly challenges may prompt some to reject the notion of a deity, and by extension, eternal life, as they are intertwined.

Regardless of worldly suffering, the human spirit instinctively seeks assistance from the fundamental source of existence. This is evident in the spontaneous exclamations we utter. Many of our actions are reflexive, including those driven by eternal instincts, occurring naturally because we are spiritual entities. While the modern world may overlook this truth, it resonates within us, serving as a profound affirmation of our spiritual essence and our yearning for the eternal hereafter.


I assume you have read the content above. If not, please take a moment to do so, even if it means skimming through it. Now, let’s consider my final words of advice and wisdom to you. We have explored the concept of eternity, how to contemplate it, why it warrants our attention, and its significance. What will you do with this profound knowledge? Do you accept the notion that we are essentially spiritual beings?

I am eager to learn whether this article has enlightened you or reinforced what you already knew. It seems natural to be aware of eternity, yet this article may have deepened your understanding, prompting more deliberate reflection from now on.

I hope that ‘The Eternity’ as an article has been beneficial to you. I invite you to take a moment and share your thoughts in the comments section below. Your feedback is valuable to me for enhancing this article or creating a superior one in the future. I wish you and your loved ones well during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!


1 thought on “The Eternity: How to Perceive Life at the Eternity Past and Future

  1. […] will look at this in the next article, the eternity. Because we can see or imagine a future, we can live or be in a future life while we are still […]

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