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Computers: What They Are and Why They Matter


Understanding Computers and How They Work Is a Great Potential

24th January 2022

Computers are versatile electronic devices utilized by various individuals for myriad purposes. The words you are reading were typed using a computer. A computer comprises hardware and software components that collaborate to ensure the device functions as intended. This article explores the significance of computers in our contemporary society.

Related: Technology Ultimate Guide

What Are Computers?

Computers serve various functions and purposes. They are electronic devices that facilitate writing, reading, editing, publishing, marketing, and even earning an income online for writers like myself. I utilize them to craft blog articles, books, and booklets. They are also my tools for communication via email, instant messaging, and social media.

We turn to computers for online shopping, gaming, music listening, and much more. They enable us to establish e-Commerce websites to sell digital and physical products and services. They are instrumental in sharing content online and are pivotal in sectors like banking, communication, and manufacturing.

Indeed, computers are versatile electronic devices, beneficial not just for military applications but also for daily life. They are indispensable for performing numerous vital tasks, some of which are not listed in this article. They are essential in fields such as education, healthcare, and agriculture.

How Do Computers Work?

Computers, being machines, operate in a mechanical manner. They consist of both hardware and software components that are essential for their proper functioning. The hardware includes the physical parts you can see and touch, such as the screen, motherboard, keyboard, casing, USB and network ports, as well as internal storage devices and memory chips.

The Central Processing Unit (CPU), or the brain of the computer, performs all the calculations and operations, similar to how the human brain works. It collaborates with the computer’s memory, which comprises two types: Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read-Only Memory (ROM).

Computers operate using electricity and a binary system of digits, 0s and 1s, where 0 represents ‘off’ and 1 represents ‘on’. Thus, when I type this document, each letter is encoded in a specific sequence of 0s and 1s, enabling the machine to type and display the required letters, which you can now see and read.

For instance, typing the letter ‘A’ corresponds to the 4-bit binary number 1010. In machine language, the number 1010 represents ‘A’, regardless of case. This indicates that the machine operates in its own language, distinct from English or Dinka. Consequently, the letter ‘B’ is denoted by 1011, while ‘C’ is 1100, not 1012 as one might expect. The letter ‘D’ is represented by 1101, which seems unusual.

This demonstrates that computers do not comprehend actual alphabets but rather binary digits, which constitute machine language. This is the fundamental operation of machines. Before the advent of Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs), one had to learn coding to operate a computer for any task.

These codes are commands to launch a program for use. However, nowadays, we can simply double-click an icon to open a program. In applications like a word processor, we visually see what we are typing, complemented by user-friendly interfaces featuring quick access toolbars, title bars, menu bars, work areas, and ribbons.

How Do We Use Computers?

We’ve discussed previously the various uses of computers. Let’s recap what we can do with a computer. As a writer, I use a computer to write, edit, publish, market, and establish a payment system to receive earnings when people purchase my books online, either through my website or other platforms like Amazon where my books are listed.

The example above illustrates my use of a computer as a writer. How about you? If you’re reading this, you’re likely using it for learning. Computers are used to read blog articles and posts, in addition to writing and publishing them. I authored and published this piece, and you are using a computer to read it. Similarly, your smartphone is a form of computer.

If you work in healthcare, you utilize a computer or a related device to perform tasks relevant to your field. As mentioned before, a computer is a versatile tool, which means there are various types of computers designed for specific tasks.

I employ a computer to publish books, translate text, interpret speeches at live events, and develop and manage websites. Meanwhile, others may use computers differently, for their unique purposes. Unfortunately, some misuse computers for malicious activities like hacking and stealing personal data and finances. It’s important to avoid such actions.

Why Do We Use Computers?

We utilize technology for various purposes. I employ it to simplify and enhance my life, which I believe is the primary motive behind the creation of diverse technologies: to ease our workload. This concept is a fundamental aspect of natural sciences, isn’t it? Most elementary scientific textbooks include a lesson, unit, or chapter on simplifying work using simple machines.

Similarly, a computer simplifies my tasks. It streamlines my ability to type, edit, publish, market, and receive compensation for my diligent efforts every month. If you’re reading this on a phone or computer, then you’re already aware of what you’re accomplishing with the device.

Machines can be used to acquire information about various subjects, such as places, animals, and objects. With today’s access to the internet’s vast resources, you’d be astonished by the amount of information available. Through this article, I aim to enlighten you about computers and the personal benefits they offer. If you’re reading this, it’s likely you’re already using a computer.

What Is the Importance of Computers?

The significance of computers or computerized devices hinges on their application. For instance, computers are vital to me as they facilitate my typing, editing, publishing, marketing, and earning from my work. The importance of a computer is thus linked to its utility in our tasks.

A computer’s ease in simplifying work underlines its necessity. The value of the activities performed with it elevates the tool’s importance. If learning is crucial and a computer aids in that process, be it offline or online, then the device holds great significance. Hence, the relevance of using a computer correlates with the nature of its use.

If our activities with the computer are significant, so is the tool. It’s a misconception that avid computer users are addicted; our affinity is not for the machines themselves but for the tasks they enable us to perform. While we may appreciate the computers, it’s the importance of our activities with them that truly matters.

In conclusion, computers are indispensable. They are incredibly beneficial in streamlining our work. Within the realm of technology blogging, a computer serves both as an instrument and a career prospect. Learning about computers and utilizing them enhances your self-discovery and development.

My Final Words

At this juncture, you’ve reached the end of the article. You’ve explored the nature of computers, their functioning, and the necessity of their usage. The significance of employing computers to fulfill our tasks has also been covered. In this concluding section, I offer you my final insights and guidance on these topics.

The essence of this article is to apply the knowledge you’ve gained. Perhaps you’ve realized that computers are tools to be leveraged to their fullest potential. I use computers to simplify my tasks, and so can you.

Identify your career path, if you haven’t already, and then master the use of computers and other technologies to achieve both your professional and personal objectives. However, this doesn’t imply that everyone can use a computer, particularly if they are illiterate. Computer usage is intertwined with literacy skills. Yet, not all literate individuals are computer literate. Not everyone is obliged or expected to learn computer skills.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you on a personal level. Would you be willing to share your thoughts on this article in the comments section below? Your feedback would be greatly valued as it will aid in enhancing my writing career. I also pray for God’s blessings upon you for safety and protection during and beyond this devastating global pandemic, just as He watches over me and my loved ones. Shalom!

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