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Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts

Understanding Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts Is Key to Resolving Them

31st January 2022

Cultural and intercultural conflicts represent two distinct types of disputes occurring at different societal levels. Cultural conflict, also referred to as intracultural conflict, occurs within a group of people who share the same culture. Conversely, intercultural conflict arises between two or more groups of people from different cultures. This article explores both types of conflicts to enhance our understanding of them.

What Is a Cultural Conflict?

This conflict arises within a group of people who share the same cultural heritage and ancestry. Known as intra-cultural conflict, it stems from within a tribe or group that speaks the same language and resides on ancestral land, synonymous with tribal conflict.

Cultural conflicts can arise for various reasons, varying by time and place, but often, human nature is the common denominator driving conflict and unrest. The presence of aggressive individuals and troublemakers tends to escalate conflicts.

Conflicts may originate within an individual before becoming interpersonal. Such personal conflicts can escalate to societal levels, affecting families, clans, tribes, and potentially leading to national or international disputes. However, the focus here is on conflicts within a tribe sharing the same culture.

Cultures may be religious or secular, indigenous or imported. In today’s technologically advanced world, the West is not confined to its geographical boundaries but is part of a global village. Consequently, Western ideologies and cultures can permeate the East, while Eastern philosophies and cultures can influence the West.

Although Africa is now a blend of various influences, it retains distinct African ideologies and worldviews, which now coexist with Western and Eastern perspectives. Similarly, African and Eastern ideologies have become integrated into Western daily life, contributing to the concept of a global village.

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What Is an Inter-Cultural Conflict?

Inter-cultural conflict arises between groups of people from different cultures and beliefs, also known as inter-communal violence or inter-tribal conflicts. These conflicting groups may reside within the same region or country, or across neighboring countries.

When tribes from adjacent nations are involved, their disputes can escalate into international tensions or conflicts. This stems from the human propensity for discord and strife, reflecting the inherent flaws in human nature that many believe necessitate a savior. Consequently, history has a tendency to recur perpetually.

What Causes a Cultural Conflict?

The root of human conflict is often attributed to our nature. We tend to mask our flaws with justifications like religion, natural resources, and political power. Greed, ambition, and desire are inherent in our nature, suggesting that our issues are deeply ingrained within us.

Many religions acknowledge human frailties and the tendency to stray from what is considered right. Humans often commit acts that are wrong, sinful, and evil by nature. It is understood that making mistakes is part of being human.

It is believed that God is aware of our nature and is kind and forgiving to an extent. However, when sin persists, it is said that He may send plagues or disasters, whether natural or man-made. Whether cultural conflicts are a form of divine retribution for sin is uncertain, but it appears to be a consideration.

What Causes an Inter-Cultural Conflict?

There are numerous causes of human conflict at any level within a society. For instance, personal conflicts can escalate to affect families, clans, tribes, and even nations, potentially becoming international issues. This indicates that a single individual can spark inter-cultural or inter-tribal conflicts.

I firmly believe that human ego and sinfulness are at the root of all conflicts, including inter-cultural ones. This stems from our incorrect perceptions of other tribes and their cultures. Therefore, I propose that we view people as God views them, regardless of whether they are individuals or groups.

Our self-perception is not always accurate, nor is our perception of others. However, seeing ourselves and others through God’s perspective gives us a broader understanding of their importance and the significance of living in peace and harmony with every human being. This divine viewpoint is untainted by religious misinterpretations of God’s true nature, as God transcends religion.

While we may attribute intercultural conflicts to factors like natural resources, political power, or malevolent ambitions, these negative traits are inherent to our human nature. We are not all created alike, nor should we be. While many humans are prone to violence and aggression, there are those among us who cherish peace and harmony.

How Do People Handle Both Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts?

There are multiple approaches to addressing and resolving disharmony and conflict among groups from diverse cultures, traditions, and worldviews. Conflict often stems from an individual’s errors and way of life, just as peaceful coexistence can result from an individual’s peaceful actions and language.

This underscores the significance of the individual in peacemaking and conflict resolution. My personal contribution is to write about the nature of conflicts, their causes, and the various methods of resolution. While my roles may not be apparent at present, I am confident that they will be appreciated by others in time.

As various articles on peace and harmony suggest, peace can indeed be fostered by peaceful individuals. Additionally, laws exist to ensure peaceful coexistence among tribes and cultural groups within a nation. These are some of the prevalent strategies for restoring peace in a country through conflict resolution among different cultures.

If one person can influence either peace or conflict, it implies that both you and I have roles to play. We can either contribute to conflict or to fostering peace and unity among our communities, even through small individual actions.

It is said that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and this is particularly true for peacebuilding and reconciliation. You have a part in fostering peace. As mentioned, my aim is to highlight the perils of conflict and the benefits of peace and reconciliation, encouraging you to think critically and make informed choices.

What Is the Importance of Handling Both Cultural and Inter-Cultural Conflicts?

The resolution of conflicts at any societal level is crucial for maintaining peace and harmony. As discussed in my book, “The Principles of Conflict Management,” conflict is invariably costly. This underscores the adage that if education seems expensive, one should consider the cost of ignorance.

Conflicts often arise from ignorance, which has two facets. The first is being unaware yet innocent. The second is knowingly engaging in wrongdoing. The former is preferable to the latter.

Peace is more desirable than conflict, yet those who are ignorant tend to favor conflict over peace. This is because they often react vehemently over trivial matters. For instance, in areas where ignorance prevails, infidelity can lead to severe consequences, even death. In contrast, in societies with a strong legal awareness, people are less likely to take the law into their own hands. It’s important to clarify that I refer not to cases of assault but to consensual relationships.

In our country, fatalities still occur due to conflicts arising from relationships between boys and girls. The same boy who might have been infatuated with a girl could end up harming another over her. Such trivial disputes lead to senseless loss of life. It’s not commendable for a man to engage in an affair with another man’s wife, yet it happens. The lack of proper law enforcement often results in people taking justice into their own hands, which is a form of ignorance.

Elsewhere, including in neighboring countries, people no longer resort to violence over romantic disputes because there are laws that govern behavior. If someone is caught in adultery, both the man and the woman are held accountable under the law. The law also dictates the course of action if a woman chooses to leave with another man.

Forcing someone into a relationship is a serious offense and should be dealt with according to the law. However, if there is mutual consent, then the law should decide their fate. In South Sudan, traditionally, a man would pay a fine and the woman would be returned to her husband. Marriages are sealed with dowries, signifying that a wife belongs to her husband once the dowry is paid, and she cannot be claimed by another.

Resolving conflicts within a tribal group that shares the same beliefs, doctrines, teachings, norms, laws, and traditions is crucial. It is equally important to address disputes between tribes with differing cultures, worldviews, and traditions. Achieving peace and harmony among these tribes is essential to prevent conflict.

My Final Words

In concluding this article, it must be acknowledged that not all people are alike. Many individuals can be cruel and difficult to coexist with, often being troublesome and aggressive by nature, favoring conflict over peace, and disputes over harmony.

However, some among us (including you and me) cherish peace and harmony. We are considered the light of the world, the salt of the earth, tasked with neutralizing those inclined towards violence and war. We aim to soothe them in our unique ways. We live in peace with God, ourselves, and others, and this tranquility extends to all of God’s creation surrounding us, as it is inherent to us.

My peaceful disposition did not emerge post-birth; I was born into this world in peace, as were you. Our innate nature is what drives our aversion to conflict and violence, not teachings from religious or secular institutions. Our learning comes directly from the Creator, embodying true knowledge and wisdom from within.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you on a personal level. I invite you to share your thoughts on it in the comments section below. Your insights are eagerly anticipated by myself and other readers. May God bless you and your loved ones abundantly during and beyond this global pandemic. Peace be with you!

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