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Learning: What It Is and Why It Matters


Understanding Learning Is Key to Personal Development Skills

This article will examine the concept of human learning. It will investigate the definition of learning and the methods by which we, as humans, gain knowledge. Furthermore, the article will address the motivations for our learning and the importance of the learning process. The goal is to offer a comprehensive understanding of learning’s role in human advancement and development.

What Is Learning?

Learning is the process of acquiring valuable knowledge, which is likely why you’re here—to understand more about learning itself. Nowadays, a multitude of learning methods are accessible. Learning extends beyond the classroom; you can continuously learn new things on your mobile device.

This implies that learning isn’t confined to obtaining papers or certificates in specific subjects. While certificates are important, they aren’t everything. One can obtain a certificate by passing exams in a classroom setting, but the true test is applying that knowledge in the real world.

That’s why I advocate for self-education. Specialized and practical knowledge is what truly matters. In primary and secondary education, all subjects are taught to assist you in identifying your interests. For instance, if you’re passionate about science, mastering mathematics is crucial because it underpins subjects like biology, chemistry, and physics.

Similarly, if you’re inclined towards the arts, then mastering a language is essential. This language could be English or any other language used for instruction in your school, as it will be necessary for writing essays and other extensive papers. As a self-learner and a proponent of self-directed activities, I find satisfaction in self-command rather than being directed by others. This approach has enabled me to learn how to write, self-edit, self-publish, self-market, and even pay myself—all online, utilizing technology. You can achieve the same by enrolling in my free personal and career development courses available on my website.

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How Do We Humans Learn?

Indeed, we employ various methods to learn. Our bodies possess five senses that we utilize to absorb information, whether beneficial or detrimental. These I refer to as the five ways of nourishing our inner selves. We acquire knowledge by reading, listening, and observing. Additionally, we learn through hands-on experience. There are also four recognized learning styles, as discussed in literature.

Humans have numerous learning avenues. We gain knowledge from our parents, friends, and educators. We each have our unique learning preferences. Some of us assimilate information more effectively through reading, while others excel when they watch videos. Then there are those who learn best through tactile experiences, engaging directly with the task at hand.

This diversity in learning preferences is why many online platforms incorporate all four primary learning methods, aiming to engage a broader audience. They offer videos for visual learning, texts for reading, and interactive activities for hands-on experience, catering to various subjects.

Learning also occurs at home and extends beyond formal educational courses. Long before the advent of literacy, we mastered numerous skills, including the acquisition of multiple languages. For instance, I spoke Nuer fluently well before I learned to write it.

Why Do We Humans Learn?

Learning is an integral part of our existence. From the womb, we embark on a journey of discovery, learning vital skills like breastfeeding immediately after birth. As infants, we quickly learn to recognize voices and faces, identifying our mothers within days.

Learning is essential. Without it, we couldn’t eat, sit, walk, or communicate. It’s clear why learning is necessary—it’s inherently good and occurs naturally.

Animals, like dogs, have their own learning methods, and humans have diverse ways of learning too. Typically, human learning begins at home, taught by parents. This familial structure has traditionally involved both a mother and a father to raise children.

However, societal norms have evolved. Nowadays, women may opt to remain unmarried for various reasons. Marriage, once seen as owning or being owned, isn’t always the preferred option, especially for those concerned with human rights. Consequently, some women choose to parent alone, without a male partner.

Single motherhood doesn’t necessarily mean widowhood; it can be a deliberate choice. In contemporary society, this raises questions about the roles of both parents. The absence of one parent could potentially impact future generations adversely.

What Is the Importance of Learning?

To me, learning is crucial, regardless of the place or method. It’s personal growth through continuous learning that enables me to accomplish my current endeavors. Despite not having access to formal education from nursery through secondary school for various reasons, I have thrived.

Being born in a remote village without schools, my education came from the church and my parents. Life’s challenges, including famines, inter-communal, and domestic violence, have shaped me into who I am today.

From this, I infer that character is innate and not solely shaped by experiences. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be the person I am now. Our differences, even when raised in similar environments, are rooted in our unique genes and intrinsic natures.

Indeed, learning is vital. I urge you to persist in learning through reading, observing, and listening to appropriate content. When choosing a path in life, focus on specific knowledge areas to enhance performance and achieve success. While general knowledge is beneficial, it’s impossible to apply everything learned; specialization is key.

My Final Words

As we reach the conclusion of this article, I’d like to leave you with some final thoughts. Learning is beneficial yet challenging. Despite its difficulties, we continue to learn, consciously or unconsciously, which underscores the importance of a learning mindset. My emphasis is on self-learning and self-education.

Consider this: if you have access to the internet, would you use it for learning? Whether it’s through data bundles or Wi-Fi, the method of access is irrelevant. The key is to utilize available resources like the internet and electricity to their fullest. I certainly make the most of them whenever possible.

I trust that you have found this article valuable. I invite you to take a moment to share your reflections in the comment section below. Your insights would be greatly appreciated by myself and other readers. Moreover, I pray for the safety and well-being of you and your loved ones during and beyond the current global pandemic.

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