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Political and Inter-Political Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

Political and Inter-Political Conflicts

Understanding Political and Inter-Political Conflicts Is Key to Resolving Them

14th March 2022

The article “Political and Inter-Political Conflicts” aims to elucidate the nature of these human conflicts, their origins, resolution strategies, reasons for resolution, and their significance in our societies. It guides you through these topics with the intent of providing education that extends beyond the traditional classroom setting.

What Is a Political Conflict?

Political conflict can arise within a single political party or as a result of governmental or other political disagreements. Politics, being a broad term, encompasses various forms, including personal, interpersonal, familial, inter-familial, clan, inter-clan, tribal, and inter-tribal politics.

The term implies the use of astuteness to achieve personal gain or benefit. It involves persuading someone to act against their own will. If we accept this broad definition of politics, then it is omnipresent, manifesting in all the forms mentioned. In essence, politics is employed to secure an advantage or win over a partner for personal benefit.

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What Is an Inter-Political Conflict?

Inter-political conflict refers to disputes between different political parties or those involving government politics or other political arenas. There are various types and levels of politics that can contribute to such conflicts.

The conflict in Sudan was both political and inter-political, similar to the conflict in South Sudan. These conflicts were characterized by political, racial, ideological, and religious dimensions. The South Sudanese conflict also had tribal elements, making it both a political and inter-political issue simultaneously.

What Causes Political and Inter-Political Conflicts?

The world is rife with various causes of conflict, ranging from personal disputes to international disagreements. Personal conflicts, in particular, seem to be proliferating across all levels and types of discord. Conversely, other forms of conflict can also escalate into personal grievances, as all conflicts are interconnected in some manner.

Take, for instance, an individual who is at peace internally. Should they encounter a person prone to conflict, their tranquility is likely to be disrupted. This is why the Apostle Paul advised, “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all,” acknowledging that constant peace may not always be attainable.

Often, the nature of a conflict is defined by its cause. For instance, a conflict arising primarily from political disagreements is deemed political. If the conflict has both political and tribal roots, as seen in South Sudan and Rwanda, it is classified as inter-political.

Some of the causes of political and inter-political conflicts are:

  • Natural resources (oil, gas, land, etc.)
  • Partner (male versus female conflict)
  • Ideological
  • Racial
  • Religious
  • Identity

How Do We Resolve Political and Inter-Political Conflicts?

Numerous conflict resolution methods have been attempted, yet most have not been successful to date. Even the United Nations Organization (UNO), commonly known as the UN, has not achieved its primary goal of world peace. The complexity of human nature is a significant factor in the UN’s challenges.

Understanding the cause and type of conflict is crucial for resolution. Whether it’s personal, interpersonal, or familial, identifying the root cause is the first step. For personal conflicts, engaging in personal and professional development through reading and courses is advisable.

For interpersonal conflicts, including those of a political nature, it’s beneficial to educate oneself about the causes and types of conflicts. However, knowledge alone may not always suffice in resolving conflicts.

Methods such as win-win and win-lose are common in conflict resolution, along with prevention and withdrawal strategies. Personally, I endeavor to avoid conflicts with myself, God, others, and the rest of creation. When avoidance is not possible, finding a resolution or confronting the conflict is necessary. Thus, there are various methods people employ to resolve conflicts, including those of a political and inter-political nature.

Why Do We Resolve Political and Inter-Political Conflicts?

Conflicts, in all their forms, are detrimental to human life, yet they persist. While we may wish for all conflicts to be resolved, this remains a mere aspiration. It is said that even in heaven, there was a conflict between God and Satan, along with their angels. Most people dislike conflicts because they bring additional problems. Conversely, some individuals may find conflicts advantageous. As many strive to prevent or resolve conflicts, there are those who profit from them.

This is exemplified by the historical actions of Britain, France, and other Western powers, who instigated conflicts among tribes and nations in Africa, only to pose as peacemakers while actually being the provocateurs. Our goal, however, is to resolve conflicts to sustain peace and harmony among all parties involved. I seek peace within myself, with God (psychologically), with fellow humans, and with other beings, including animals like cats and dogs.

Peace, unlike conflict, brings a multitude of benefits, including prosperity. No nation or household can thrive without peace. As Jesus stated, “No kingdom divided against itself will ever stand,” underscoring the imperative to resolve conflicts of every nature.

What Is the Importance of Conflict Resolution?

The reasons stated are compelling. Conflict is lethal and ruins lives, both human and animal. Due to the conflict in Sudan, our wildlife has fled to neighboring countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Congo, Central Africa, and Chad. Peace in our homeland would encourage their return.

This indicates that conflict is detrimental, and even animals recognize the perils of residing in war-torn nations like Sudan and South Sudan. Living in peace is crucial. However, if global powers like the United States of America profit from our conflicts in South Sudan, achieving peace and harmony at home becomes a daunting task.

Let me share a thought with you, the reader. There is no entity such as the ‘International Community.’ The UK and the US alone do not constitute the International Community as they do not represent the entire global population. Moreover, the concept of democracy is not singular, as there are various forms.

These factors complicate the pursuit of peace. When we gained independence, the US anticipated controlling our resources, which, at the time of writing, has not occurred. Subsequently, they instigated conflict and then offered aid under the guise of assisting the people of South Sudan oppressed by their government. Nevertheless, despite these challenges, it is incumbent upon us, the South Sudanese, to strive for peace independently. We do not require external forces, including the US, to impose peace or conflict upon us. We seek peace, starting with inner personal tranquility, progressing to interpersonal harmony.

My Final Words

We have covered much ground, yet as Napoleon Hill stated, “knowledge alone is only potential power.” It’s not just about learning; it’s about applying that knowledge, otherwise, it remains theoretical. Reflect on what you’ve absorbed from this article and consider how you will apply it. We must each confront these questions. Personally, I’ve chosen to live in harmony with myself, God, others, and all of creation. How will you address your own conflicts with these entities? May God’s blessings and protection be upon you during and beyond the pandemic. That is my hope and prayer for you. Peace!

Further Readings

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