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Religious and Interreligious Conflicts: What They Are and Why They Matter

Religious and Interreligious Conflicts

Understanding Religious and Interreligious Conflicts Is Key to Resolving Them

21st March 2022

“Religious and Interreligious Conflicts” is an article designed to educate us about the nature of these conflicts, their causes, and the methods of resolution. It also explores the reasons for resolving such conflicts and their significance. A persistent question is whether human conflicts can ever be completely resolved. Read on to learn more.

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What Is a Religious Conflict?

Conflict within or between religious organizations or groups is termed religious conflict. For instance, conflict within Christianity, or between Christians and other religious groups, is referred to as religious conflict.

Religious conflict includes intolerance of other religions and discrimination against members of other religions, religious war, intellectual conflict and conflict between church and state. Such conflict is harmful to the overall credibility of religion and may cause religious apathy or disintegration. It may arise in the attempt to religiously convert tribal society and may result in ethnic disintegration and loss of cultural heritage. Religious conflict can ensue from political conflict.

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The initial Sudanese civil wars were predominantly rooted in racial and religious differences. The conflicts arose from tensions between Arabs and indigenous Africans, both racially and religiously. The existence of distinct entities such as ‘Arab’ and ‘African’ is a complex issue that this article will not address. However, we are exploring the nature of religious conflict, which can intersect with racial identities, supporting our earlier point. Additionally, inter-religious conflicts exist alongside the type of religious conflict currently under discussion.

What Is an Interreligious Conflict?

Conflicts between two or more different religions are referred to as interreligious conflicts. For instance, disputes between Muslims and Christians fall under this category because they involve two distinct faiths. However, conflicts within the same religion, such as between different sects of Islam or Christianity, are classified as religious conflicts rather than interreligious ones.

Similarly, conflicts between African Religion and Christianity or Islam are considered interreligious. I choose not to call African Religion ‘Traditional African Religions’ as many scholars do, because it implies a collection of separate religions rather than a single religion with various sects. Moreover, all religions have traditions; thus, they are all traditional in some sense.

Describing African Religion as ‘traditional’ can be misleading, as it may suggest it is outdated or irrelevant, which I do not believe. Not all aspects of African Religion are demonic, satanic, or evil. They could represent unique ways in which God has revealed Himself to Africans. This is my perspective.

God was present in Africa long before the arrival of Westerners. Africans have known and related to God in their own ways, making African Religion one of the earliest means for people to understand and connect with the divine as they perceive it.

What Causes Religious and Interreligious Conflicts?

Just as there are numerous causes for various types of conflicts, the same is true for religious and interreligious conflicts. These can stem from personal, familial, clan, tribal, national, or international issues, reflecting the complex nature of human societies comprised of individuals.

Our objective is to discern the root causes of conflicts within and between religions. In Christianity, issues of leadership and resources are prominent. Individuals seek to have their voices heard. When leaders recognize that someone wishes to express a perspective that deviates slightly from the orthodox view, conflicts may arise.

Similarly, when a church leader secedes from the main body to establish a new church, they become the principal leader of that congregation, gaining access to power and wealth. This dynamic of resources and power also contributes to conflicts among different religious groups in Africa and globally.

How Do We Resolve Religious and Interreligious Conflicts?

Numerous methods exist for resolving conflicts, regardless of their nature or type. These methods include prevention, as well as win-win and win-lose strategies.

Preventing conflict before it escalates is always preferable. However, this approach may not always be practical for various reasons. Nevertheless, there are always methods available to resolve conflicts. People have the ability to resolve conflicts just as readily as they can create them, employing a multitude of strategies.

The initial step in resolving any conflict is to identify its root causes. Understanding the cause is crucial as it guides individuals towards sustainable solutions. Uncovering the root causes facilitates dialogue between the conflicting parties, leading to the admission of wrongdoing, forgiveness, reconciliation, and healing.

This principle likely informed the South Sudan government’s decision to initiate a National Dialogue following its war. The conflict in South Sudan was both tribal and political. Initially political, it quickly devolved into tribal conflict within a short span of time. For more detailed insights, my book, “The Conflict Management Principles,” provides further information.

Why Do We Resolve Religious and Interreligious Conflicts?

Resolving religious and interreligious conflicts is crucial for achieving and sustaining peace in society. When conflicts arise between or within religions in a country, it signifies a broader national conflict.

Each conflict leads to property destruction and loss of life. It breeds violence, which in turn spawns numerous problems too extensive to list here. Therefore, resolving any religious conflicts, whether internal or external, is imperative.

Similarly, we must address conflicts between and within tribes in our country. While several methods have been previously discussed, another effective strategy is to engage people in activities. If everyone is as occupied as I am, there will be little room for initiating and perpetuating unproductive conflicts.

What Is the Importance of Conflict Resolution?

The resolution of conflicts within and outside religious organizations is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, conflict generates discord both internally and externally, which can spread throughout the country. Given the destructive nature of conflicts, it is imperative to seek resolution wherever possible. Doing so fosters peace and harmony not only within the religious organization but also across societies and nations.

I hold the view that religions are human interpretations of God’s identity, preferences, and abode, and fundamentally, they are unified. However, conflicts arise within and between religions due to the human element. For instance, reading both the Bible and the Quran reveals no inherent conflict; rather, the strife exists between Christians and Muslims, often taking on racial overtones.

My Final Words

It is commendable to aim for the prevention of all forms of conflict, yet such an aspiration often remains idealistic. Conflicts have existed throughout history, are present today, and will likely continue into the future. Nevertheless, this does not imply that we should not attempt to resolve them.

So, how can we address conflicts? The approach varies depending on the type of conflict in question. This article has focused on religious and interreligious conflicts and their resolution. In conclusion, it appears that neither prevention nor complete resolution of all conflicts is feasible as long as humanity endures on Earth, given that human nature itself is often cited as the source of many evils.

Further Readings

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