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Serving: What It Is and Why It Matters


Understanding Serving Is Key to Serve Both God and Others Better

28th March 2022

“Serving” is an article designed to enhance your comprehension of what it entails to serve God and others. The article explores the various ways we can serve, the reasons behind our service, and the impact of serving others. Service manifests in diverse forms, including commercial, mandatory, or voluntary work. It can be directed towards God, our fellow humans, or other living beings. As you read through this article, you will gain a deeper insight into the significance of serving others.

What Is Serving?

To serve is to perform an act of service for others or for a cause. For instance, teaching serves both the students and the institution where one teaches. Writing serves those who enjoy reading and are eager to discover new knowledge, ideas, and methods.

I engage in a serving ministry. Creating websites, translating from English to Dinka, Juba Arabic, and Nuer is a form of service. Similarly, interpreting from English into these languages serves the community. Publishing books for other authors on Amazon and in print is another way I serve.

Service can take various forms and sizes, and it aligns with one’s identity and passions. As mentioned, my natural inclination towards linguistics leads me to translate and interpret between languages. An unexpected task once had me translating from classical Arabic to Dinka, which was well-received by Arabic speakers. Consider for a moment what your service to the world is. Discover it.

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How Do We Serve God and People?

Service to God and others can take many forms. Sharing God’s message is one way to serve both divine and human interests. I find joy in teaching what I know, like God’s word and computer skills, which is why I author and publish computer guidebooks.

Your unique abilities allow you to serve humanity and God in your own capacity. This service can extend to other living beings and the environment, impacting creatures like animals, birds, insects, and worms. Humans have a responsibility towards these creatures, serving them in various ways. Yet, not everyone harbors affection for other beings or their fellow humans, often due to inherent traits or upbringing.

Nonetheless, we are summoned to serve both our fellow humans and God, as well as all of creation. My service is tailored to my personality and capabilities. As a freelancer, I pursue work that aligns with my passions, recognizing that sometimes survival necessitates taking any available work.

Why Serving?

The fundamental reason for serving ourselves, God, other humans, and the rest of creation lies in our inherent ability to do so. We act because we possess the individual capacity for action. Recognizing that each of us is called to serve in our own distinct ways is beneficial. I write and disseminate these thoughts across various platforms because I am capable and feel a sense of duty to share knowledge. This doesn’t imply my writings are unknown, but rather that I can express them in my unique style.

You, too, can serve God and His creation, including humanity, in your own special ways and for your personal reasons. For me, there’s a sense of fulfillment in serving God and others with my talents and resources. Pursuing my passion is my primary motivation for helping others.

Do you believe my writing and sharing of these articles constitutes good service? If so, please share your views with me and others in the comments section below. Otherwise, feel free to express your opinions. I might be available for discussion on my website. You’re welcome to send me a message through the chatbot, email me, or call me using the contact details provided on my website’s contact page.

What Is the Importance of Serving?

For me, serving God, fellow humans, and all creatures while doing what I love is paramount. It signifies life, fulfillment, and living rightly through sharing. Being a teacher doesn’t mean I have all the knowledge; there’s always more to learn.

Finding fulfillment in my passions surpasses the desire for money, fame, or other worldly pursuits. It’s crucial for me to serve in my unique way, which ties into discovering one’s career and self. Understanding our actions is essential for meaningful service to God and humanity. As a writer, you possess a unique voice; no one can replicate your style, even on identical topics, highlighting the value of your contributions.

As an example, I wear many hats: freelance teacher, translator, interpreter, web designer, motivational speaker, and book publisher. My activities largely revolve around educating and sharing knowledge. Interpreting aims to foster better mutual understanding, while translating facilitates communication—both forms of teaching.

Web design and development serve as additional channels for exchanging ideas, linking back to education. Speaking about life and our capabilities is an extension of teaching, encompassing personal and professional growth. Thus, I am fundamentally a teacher. Similarly, you can uncover your identity and talents to serve others, embodying the essence of service: leading a fulfilling life on Earth.

My Final Words

We have covered all that is necessary regarding service to God and others in our world. We’ve explored the definition of service, the methods of serving, the reasons behind it, and its significance. Now, ask yourself if you are prepared to serve in your distinctive way—yourself, God, other people, and all of creation.

Have you found your true self? Have you found your vocation? Are you dedicating yourself daily to acts of service? These are crucial questions to consider at this moment, as you reach the conclusion of this article. If you find this article beneficial, please feel free to share it with those in your circle. Wishing you a joyous new month of April 2022. Peace be with you!

Further Readings

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