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Thanksgiving: What It Is and Why It Matters


3 Things Worthy of Our Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is a concept that warrants exploration for the many reasons we should be grateful. In collectivist societies, giving thanks is often seen as a personal obligation, integral to one’s role within the family, clan, tribe, or nation. Nonetheless, it is crucial to express gratitude to anyone who has positively impacted our lives, whether individually or collectively.

In this essay, my focus is on giving thanks to God. This emphasis does not preclude the importance of showing appreciation to our fellow humans. I propose that we extend our gratitude to inanimate objects and other living beings when appropriate. Thanksgiving is fundamentally about our disposition and outlook on life. With this understanding, let us delve into the subject.

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1. Creation

Gratitude for creation is paramount. Without it, our existence would not be possible. We are a part of God’s creation, and some believe that humans are its pinnacle, highlighting our significance in the natural world.

Yet, creation extends beyond the tangible world we interact with through our senses. It encompasses the spiritual realm, which, although invisible to our eyes, is as authentic as the physical one.

Believing this to be true, we owe our thanks to God for both the physical and spiritual realms. Our understanding of the spiritual may be limited, just as our knowledge of the physical is incomplete, but this does not diminish our need to express gratitude. We give thanks to God for the gift of creation.

2. Revelation

Revelation is the second reason to be grateful to God. Without it, we would not be able to understand God, ourselves, or our world properly. Throughout human history, God has revealed Himself in various ways. The Bible stands as one of the written records, providing a clear document to aid in understanding the Creator. Revelation represents a supernatural intervention in the physical realm.

Revelation knowledge contrasts with discovery knowledge, with the former being spiritual and the latter physical. God has revealed Himself and continues to do so in numerous ways to different individuals. One method is through the documented revelations of Himself. Additionally, He communicates with each of us through an inner voice and also uses other people and creatures to convey His messages.

3. Provisions

God’s providence is His provision to all His creatures, both physical and spiritual, visible and invisible. God grants us life and all that comes with it. We must express gratitude to God for bestowing upon us life, health, companionship, possessions, and experiences. These events are provisions, for they teach us much about God, ourselves, others, and the rest of creation.

Even when we obtain things through diligent effort, that effort is a gift of life and the chance to work. Our health is not merely a result of medical professionals, medicines, and man-made instruments; it is a gift from God. God furnishes us with all that is necessary for life. In Him, we exist and move. If this holds true, and indeed it does, then we have every reason to be grateful to God.

In addition to thanking God, we should also be grateful for events, people, animals, fish, insects, birds, reptiles, and even microbes, both benevolent and malevolent. As I pen these words, a young frog has just leapt from my foot. It had been resting on my right foot for about ten minutes before departing. It remained there, sensing the peace and love present.

There are three principal reasons to be grateful to God: creation, revelation, and provision. However, it’s also my belief that humans are not and should not be identical. If we were, it would suggest a lack of creativity on God’s part. This implies that gratitude may not come naturally to everyone. Nonetheless, this doesn’t mean that no one will feel thankful to God and His creations, our neighbors. Birds, animals, fish, reptiles, plants, insects, worms, and germs are all part of this neighborhood.

I count myself among those who praise God for His creation, revelation, and provision. I express gratitude for all His creatures, even though some may not seem friendly to us, perhaps because we do not appear friendly to them. Some may be naturally dangerous or even deadly for various reasons.

Yet, if science allows us to delve deeper into creation, we might discover our connection with the Creator and all His creatures. We are a part of creation, and in some ways, other creatures are akin to us. I hope this essay of personal reflections inspires you. May it help you view the world as it should be seen: a world created and sustained by God. I hope it gives you a reason to be thankful, regardless of your experiences.

The joy I speak of may not be easily understood or embraced by everyone, but it is attainable for those who seek it. It represents a different perspective, although many already share my views on the world. Moreover, there are individuals, places, objects, and animals that hold a special place in our lives for what they represent to us personally. Let’s be thankful.

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