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Fiction Writing: How to Write and Publish Fiction Stories

fiction writing

Learn How to Write Fictional Stories Today – Fiction Writing

18th July 2022

Fiction writing aims to illuminate the core aspects of creating fictional narratives. It delves into the reasons behind writing fiction, the processes it entails, and provides actionable guidance for producing captivating stories or articles. By the end of this article, you should be able to evaluate your potential for fiction writing. Initially, however, what exactly is fiction writing?

What Is Fiction Writing?

Fiction writing involves crafting stories from the imagination rather than recounting real events. The purpose of fictional stories is to entertain the reader or evoke emotions such as anger, happiness, regret, or others, depending on the writer’s intent. Thus, fiction writing stands in contrast to nonfiction writing.

While all writing should engage the reader, fiction writing demands it, which can make it challenging. Crafting fiction is difficult because it requires precise vocabulary and the ability to convey much with few words, necessitating a strong command of language.

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Fictional stories can be inspired by real-life events, yet they retain a fictional format. Even when characters are based on real individuals, the narrative or events may be embellished for dramatic effect.

I gravitate more towards nonfiction both in writing and reading. My preference is intentional, as I subscribe to the idea that we are shaped by what we read, much like how our diet shapes our physical form.

For those who write fiction, I urge caution. Without it, there’s a risk of misleading rather than inspiring readers to think creatively. Of course, who am I to dictate one’s fate? It’s said that all is predetermined, and we merely live out these preordained paths. Nevertheless, my advice stands: approach fiction writing with awareness.

Why Do We Write Fiction?

Fiction is primarily written to entertain readers, but the definition of entertainment varies. Different groups are entertained in different ways. For instance, women and children may enjoy different forms of entertainment, even within the realm of writing.

I grew up in a society where women and children are often seen as similar in their mental and physical strength. In my community, a woman’s tears might signify joy or sorrow; her mood can shift rapidly without apparent reason. Consequently, there could be many things that entertain both women and children.

However, this perspective is not universally accepted. Culture is a formidable force. In my region, at the time of writing, there are things women are believed to be incapable of doing, possibly because they are conditioned to think so. Similarly, women may seek different forms of attention.

Conversely, men may not find humor in certain writings or performances, as they often prefer facts over fiction. This tendency could also be culturally influenced, and the significance of culture in human society cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, we must tailor our stories to our audience. Are we writing for women, children, or men? What are their ages?

Age is a crucial consideration in writing both fiction and nonfiction, as comprehension varies with age. Exposure to literature at a young age can also impact a reader’s future life. Personally, I wasn’t introduced to fiction, football, or contemporary plays as a child in the 1980s.

In summary, our audience dictates the purpose of our fiction writing. Identifying the audience can be challenging, particularly with adult readers, as some men display traditionally feminine traits, and vice versa.

How Do We Write Fiction?

As previously stated in this article, personality is significant in any writing form, be it fiction or nonfiction. Some writers meticulously plan their work in advance, while others, like myself, do not. So, how does one write fiction articles or books?

The method of writing fiction varies in structure from nonfiction. However, certain elements are common to both. For instance, fiction typically requires a storyline, characters, and plots, all of which are influenced by various factors.

My debut fiction novel, “Life Cure,” drew inspiration from Leila Aboulela’s “The Kindness of the Enemies.” I don’t outline my writing, so I composed this book within a week, drawing on experiences from my autobiographical work, “Sudan Civil Wars.” I mentally crafted headings that represented the key scenes or plot points throughout the narrative. The book presents an autobiographical tale woven into a fictional framework.

When crafting a fiction story, start by outlining the plot. Create compelling characters with memorable names. Next, envision the sequence of events and their triggers.

You might opt to employ various literary techniques, but initially, try focusing on just one or two, such as dialogue. There’s a plethora of literary devices, each serving a unique purpose.

In contrast to nonfiction, fiction doesn’t require a structured introduction, body, and conclusion. Nonetheless, your narrative should have a clear progression from the beginning to the end, which will become apparent to your readers as they delve into the story.

Final Fiction Writing Tips and Tricks

We’ve discussed some fiction writing tips previously, but here are additional ones. Before you begin writing, set a goal. Consider what you want your readers to feel after finishing your story. Do you want them to be happy, or perhaps relate to a character?

Contemplating your audience is vital as it guides your choice of topic and title. Understanding your audience’s demographics, such as gender and age, is crucial.

Knowing where to find your readers is also important. Are they predominantly online or offline? Their location will influence your distribution methods. I posted this on my website, assuming you’d read it there. However, if you’re reading this in print, that’s fine too, although my intended platform was my blog.

Reading more fiction can enhance your writing skills. My limited fiction reading means I’m less skilled at writing fiction. In contrast, my extensive reading of nonfiction, particularly motivational material, has honed my ability to write in that genre to assist people like you. Indeed, you are shaped by what you read, and frequent fiction reading will significantly improve your fiction writing skills.


Finally, we have explored the essence of fiction writing, its purpose, the process, and how to enhance our skills. I trust this information has been beneficial to you. Below, you will find additional tips and tricks that I believe will further your understanding of the subject. Before you leave, I want to express my gratitude for your dedication to reading this far.

Have you decided whether you are a nonfiction or fiction writer? This decision is crucial, as the intent of this article is to assist you in making that choice and in improving your writing. My goal is for you to craft better fictional narratives, although this article has not delved deeply into practical examples.

I hope this article has achieved its goal: to enlighten you about the nature of fiction writing and what it entails. If you have gleaned a thing or two from this piece, please take a moment to share your thoughts with me and other readers in the comments section below. Your feedback is valuable to me and my team, as it will guide us in creating more insightful articles in the future.

I wish you good health and peace.


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