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Between Birthdays and Deathdays: How to Live a Peaceful Life In-between

Between Birthdays and Deathdays

Learn How to Live in Peace Every Day: Birthdays and Deathdays

25th July 2022

“Between Birthdays and Deathdays” may seem like an unusual article to many readers as it aims to explore our journey from birth to death. Contrary to some beliefs, the term ‘deathday’ is not incorrect in English; it signifies the day of a person’s death or its anniversary. This article delves into the relationship between birthdays and deathdays, the significance of the days that lie between them, the concept of living with personal inner peace, and ultimately, the core message of the article. So, what exactly are deathdays? They are the anniversaries of a person’s death, marking the date on which someone has passed away.

What Are Birthdays?

Celebrating birthdays is a concept that feels foreign to me. In our culture, such celebrations were unheard of because people traditionally did not keep track of their birth dates. Like many of my peers, I am unaware of my exact birthday. We often choose our own dates of birth simply to complete various forms, both online and offline.

In contrast, in Europe and other parts of the world, it might seem odd for someone to not know their birthday. It’s possible that there are individuals in America who are also unaware of their birth dates. Not everyone in the West may prioritize literacy.

Nowadays, birthdays have become significant occasions. Our children are encouraged to celebrate them, adopting a modern culture that has spread worldwide, much like wedding gowns. Often, the origins of these customs are unknown to many before they are adopted in Africa.

Nonetheless, these practices from the West are worth embracing, similar to how I am utilizing this computer system to type. Computers, developed in the West, have become beneficial tools here in Africa. Similarly, wedding rings hold significance as symbols of love and commitment.

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It is often said that an inner ring is more significant than the outer one, which can be easily left behind in a bathroom. The true wedding ring comes from within; the external ring merely symbolizes the internal commitment. Remembering birthdays is important; being born is a wonderful event. However, some believe that dying holds even greater significance than being born.

What Are Deathdays?

When I typed the word “deathdays,” my computer highlighted it with zigzag red lines, indicating that the word is unrecognized in its English dictionary. However, a “deathday” refers to the day someone dies. It should be celebrated even more than a birthday, if we are to embrace this concept.

Humans often fear death because we understand so little about life, associating it with loss. But is death truly synonymous with loss? Do we really lose those who die? What does the Bible teach us? Should Christians, in particular, mourn the dead as if we are ignorant about death? These questions trouble me whenever someone passes away.

The circumstances of our demise—how, when, where, or why we die—are less significant than the fact that we do die. We are unaware of what follows death or where we go after our final breath. Some may say that death is akin to a profound sleep. This view might be controversial among the religious, but who truly knows what occurs post-mortem? “We don’t know” is perhaps the most honest answer; anything else is speculative or potentially deceitful.

Religion, however, was established for a noble purpose: to provide solace. We yearn for a world superior to ours, yet we are uncertain of its location or the path to it. In response, religious beliefs, doctrines, and teachings offer solace to our yearning hearts.

If death is akin to a deep sleep, then it could be considered the ultimate rest, couldn’t it? If life on earth entails suffering for many underprivileged individuals, then death might be seen as an escape from that anguish. Could this be a valid reason to celebrate one’s deathday?

I believe my siblings, mother, and father have all found rest in death. This is my assumption. The true nature of death will remain unknown to me until I experience it myself. Perhaps I will not even realize that I have died if it is like a deep sleep, devoid of dreams and consciousness.

However, if death is a passage to another form of existence, then it could be considered blissful! Why then do we mourn those who are transitioning into what could be the greatest joy? Do we not trust the scriptures that say the dead will rise first at the world’s end? Whether this is true or not, our mourning seems to contradict these beliefs.

What Are the Days Between Birthdays and Deathdays?

As I pen this article, I find myself navigating the journey between birth and death. From my first breath to this very moment, I am traversing this finite existence. The pressing question is: How am I utilizing this limited time? Am I channeling my energy effectively? This inquiry fuels my writing career. My ethos is to live, learn, teach, and serve.

I’ve come to understand who I am and what I’m meant to do. I am actively living out my purpose in this life, all through the grace and intent of God. I didn’t conjure or wish myself into existence; I simply uncovered who I was meant to be, recognized my calling, and now I strive to fulfill it for the duration of my time on earth.

Peace is the cornerstone of my existence. I embody peace and abhor any form of conflict. Yet, I find myself generating conflicts in the pursuit of my own tranquility, as the world is not always a peaceful place. This struggle is a form of enmity, a conflict in itself. To me, the essence of life is to exist in peace, free from disturbances, embodying calmness, quietude, and a profound personal serenity.

What Is Peace?

Peace signifies calmness and joy, representing the absence of conflict or violence. Conflict does not always result in violence but can manifest as any form of disturbance. With peace comes tranquility, calmness, and joy. Peace begins within an individual, often stemming from the realization that life is fleeting; we are here today and gone tomorrow.

Yet, the awareness that life is brief can bring either peace or pain, influenced by the individual’s personality. To me, life is good and should be lived simply as it is. Life need not be complicated, for it is not inherently so. When I attain inner peace, I do not harm dogs, cats, lizards, or other creatures, including snakes, understanding that they are generally benign. A snake often bites not out of malice but fear, triggered by our actions.

Peace involves living harmoniously with oneself, God, humans, and other creatures. But how can I be at peace with myself when I persist in actions I later regret? How can I be at peace with God when I feel burdened by sin? How can I be at peace with others when they often bring me pain and trouble? And how can I be at peace with creatures when they flee or attack without apparent reason? Continual engagement with positive nonfiction material will, over time, lead to the discovery of personal inner peace, which in turn fosters external peace with God, humanity, and all creation.

Summary of Birthdays and Deathdays

Ultimately, we have gained insights into the significance of birthdays, deathdays, the days that fall between, and what it means to find peace in a world filled with turmoil. I hope you’ve gleaned some understanding about yourself, God, fellow humans, and other beings. Yet, this knowledge is not sufficient on its own. We must continually nourish ourselves with this wisdom throughout our lives.

Discovering your personality type and identity is crucial. What distinguishes you from others? Subsequently, determine which career aligns with your identity and personality type. By doing so, you are on the verge of embracing the life you were meant to lead.

For me, it’s about cultivating an inner peace that is unassailable. This peace cannot be stripped from me; it is mine alone. This same peace is what I embody, learn, impart, and offer as a service to you and to others in my sphere.

Who are you?
What is your pursuit?

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