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Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing: How to Publish Your Book in Kindle, Hardcover, and Paperback Editions

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Learn Self-Publishing for Free Today on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing is a service designed to educate users about KDP’s purpose, how to publish books in three different formats, and the features available to expand global readership. Are you familiar with the Kindle Direct Publishing platform?

What is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing?

Amazon KDP is a self-publishing service provided by Amazon, enabling writers worldwide to become published authors. Individuals can either utilize the service themselves or seek assistance from someone like me to upload their book. At the time of writing, KDP offers publishing in three formats: Paperback, Hardcover, and Kindle.

Additionally, with services like Audible, authors have the option to publish their books in audio format through KDP. Although I have not personally published an audiobook at the time of writing this article, offering a book in various formats can increase the likelihood that customers will purchase it in their preferred format.

Related: Self-Publishing Ultimate Guide

In today’s world, the abundance of choices can be overwhelming. For introverted empaths seeking tea in Nairobi, the experience can be daunting due to the barrage of questions from service staff. For instance, requesting milk tea might lead to inquiries about the type of milk you prefer, followed by a series of additional questions. Similarly, when it comes to reading, people choose formats that suit their preferences, from Kindle eBooks to paperbacks and hardbacks.

Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing allows for rapid book publication, often within hours. This platform is ideal for those who prefer a hands-on approach to publishing.

Self-publishing doesn’t necessitate going it alone; one can enlist the assistance of cover artists, blurb writers, keyword researchers, interior designers, illustrators, and others to help upload the book files to the platform.

What Is Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing features?

Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) provides a suite of features, including the ability to enter book details, upload content, and set pricing. It also offers marketing tools to assist authors in selling more books, which may be free or paid, with ongoing updates to introduce new features.

Previously, until 2016, Amazon’s KDP was solely for Kindle book publishing, while paperback publishing was handled by CreateSpace Publishing (CSP). Since then, KDP has grown to encompass paperback publishing and, starting in 2021, has also begun supporting hardcover publishing directly, suggesting the possibility of future expansions.

In addition to uploading book details and content, KDP offers promotional tools to enhance a book’s visibility to readers. Authors have the choice of a countdown deal, a five-day free book promotion within a 90-day window, or paid advertising campaigns for increased visibility on Amazon.

Furthermore, KDP maintains a community forum for queries, providing a platform for authors to seek support. Another significant feature is the account management area, where authors can manage payment options for their book sales in any format.

Some of the features are:

  • Kindle Countdown Deals
  • Amazon Marketing Services
  • Kindle Matchbook
  • KDP Select
  • Kindle Legend Library

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How Do I Publish My Books on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform?

This section is crucial to the article. How exactly does one publish a book on KDP? What are the initial steps? I’ve authored a comprehensive guide on this subject, accessible on the Amazon book page. However, before you head there, this article will provide you with some insights and strategies for publishing a book on the Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing platform.

First step

To begin, create your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing account. If you have an existing Amazon customer account, you can use it to log in to the Kindle platform. Once you’re logged into your account, we can proceed with additional tips.

Second step

To set up your Amazon publisher/author account, you must input your personal information, such as your residential address and bank account details. This step is required before you can proceed to enter your book details into the system, as will be explained subsequently.

Third step

After completing your account information settings, proceed to the dashboard to enter your book details. Here, you must decide on the format of the book you wish to publish: Kindle eBook, hardcover, or paperback. Select the appropriate option and click the corresponding button to begin the publishing process.

Next, provide the book’s title and, if applicable, a subtitle. Not all books require a subtitle; for instance, “The God Delusion” by Richard Dawkins stands alone without one, as the title sufficiently conveys the book’s content.

Further details such as categories, keywords, book description or blurb, age range, publication date (if not today), and other relevant information will also be required. It is crucial to ensure accuracy in these details, particularly for hardcover or paperback editions, as certain elements like the author’s name cannot be altered post-publication.

Once all book details are entered, navigate to the next tab by clicking the ‘Save and Continue’ link at the bottom-right corner of the screen. In the second tab, you will upload the content details of your book.

Fourth step

You can now upload your book file in supported formats like Microsoft Word or PDF. You have the option to create your cover using the Online Cover Creator Tool or upload a pre-designed cover from your computer. Additionally, you can preview your uploaded files, which is applicable for both eBooks and print books.

On this page, you can opt for a free ISBN number provided by Amazon or input your own if you’ve previously purchased one. Here, you can also select your book’s trim size, paper type, and cover finish options, though these choices are only relevant for print books. This indicates that Kindle and print editions of your book have distinct options available.

After completing all the steps in this second tab, proceed to the final tab on the right by clicking ‘Save and Continue.’ This button becomes active only after you’ve previewed (for print books) and approved your book.

Fifth step

In this final tab, you can select your royalty options and then set your book’s retail price in relation to the printing costs. Ensure that the royalty isn’t set too high, as it will increase the retail price, potentially affecting sales. Researching book pricing strategies can aid in making an informed decision.

Once everything is finalized, press the Publish button. Your book should go live within a few hours or a couple of days, allowing people to purchase copies. This process can be repeated for different formats of your book, such as hardcover, paperback, and Kindle, each requiring a separate publication and possibly different interior files, even for the same title.

For eBooks, converting to a filtered HTML file is preferable. If your book includes images, save the folder and the HTML file in a zipped folder, then upload it to the KDP website. It’s also advisable to save your paperback and hardcover files separately due to the distinct ISBN numbers and other specific details. Ensure your book is fully edited before publishing in any format to maintain consistent content.


Finally, we’ve explored the meaning of Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing, its features, and the detailed process of publishing a book on this platform. I encourage you to read the recommended book to gain a deeper understanding of book publishing, complete with illustrative images.

Additionally, below is a list of other suggested readings for your benefit. I hope you find this article personally valuable. I would love to hear your thoughts on it, so please leave your feedback in the comments section below. If there’s anything I’ve missed, do let me know. Wishing you a very successful journey in self-publishing. Shalom!

Further Readings

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