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Personalities: What They Are and Their Importance for Your Personal Development


Individuals exhibit a wide array of personalities, and there are compelling reasons for this diversity. Psychology suggests that personalities arise from a combination of innate traits and environmental influences. This article will explore the concept of personality, its origins, the significance of individuality, and the impact of personality on personal and professional growth. So, what exactly is a personality? Read on to find out.

What Is a Personality?

Personality encompasses a blend of thoughts, expressions, actions, and behaviors, forming what the Oxford English Dictionary describes as “the combination of characteristics or qualities that create an individual’s distinctive character.”

These traits are referred to as a person’s personality or character. There’s a debate whether nature precedes nurture, or vice versa. I subscribe to the former because if nurture were predominant, then individuals raised in the same family and environment would share identical personalities.

It appears that personality is shaped by what might be considered the software aspect of human nature, often referred to as the spirit, soul, heart, or mind. This facet distinguishes me, rendering me unique among my siblings, despite us sharing the same womb and upbringing in the same household by the same parents.

A person’s personality shapes how they interact with others. Their thoughts, words, and actions are directly influenced by their personality type. This distinguishes them from others, including siblings from the same parents.

I hold the view that the Creator influences Creation, which in turn shapes the Creature (us), which then defines Nature (human nature), which then informs the Mind (human mind), and this governs our feelings, thoughts, words, and actions—our personalities.

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How Do People Get Their Personalities?

It is commonly held that personalities are shaped by both nature and nurture. This suggests that individuals inherit traits from their biological parents, grandparents, and relatives. Conversely, nurture refers to the influence of the environment on behavior and development, also known as upbringing.

Both nature and nurture significantly impact personality and character. The debate over whether nature or nurture has greater influence is ongoing. In my view, they operate in tandem, though nature may have the initial influence.

Despite our inherited differences, the role of nurture cannot be overlooked. My thought processes are influenced by those I grew up with. Legally identified as Dinka but biologically Nuer, I was born and raised in Nuer lands, moving to Dinka territory at 18. Consequently, I think, speak, and act in ways characteristic of the Nuer, reflecting not tribal identity but the power of social influence and shared thought patterns among those who live in close proximity.

Similarly, if a black African child is raised by a white American family, they will likely adopt American ways of thinking, speaking, and acting. This is attributed to the significant role nurture plays in shaping an individual’s personality, a fact that cannot be ignored.

Many South Sudanese children born and raised in the US speak with an American accent. The same is true for those born in the UK; they may have a British accent, though they are biologically Dinka or Nuer. Their accents and thought processes are influenced by their upbringing rather than their biological heritage.

Nevertheless, personality traits can transcend culture. Individuals often share perspectives regardless of their birthplace or upbringing, suggesting that nature has a precedence over nurture. Certain aspects, such as physical appearance and voice quality, are biologically inherited and remain unaffected by nurture.

However, the accent of one’s language is shaped by nurture and upbringing, while the tone of voice is innate. It may even resemble that of distant ancestors, indicating a genetic, natural origin, rather than one shaped by nurture.

The Importance of Personalities

Personalities are crucial because they prevent the world from descending into chaos. It’s personalities, rather than appearances, that distinguish people, making them unique and special. Without individual personalities, all humans would think, speak, and act identically, leading to immense conflict.

This implies that no two individuals are exactly alike in character, affirming the importance of each person. Even those who seem to thrive on causing trouble have their place in our lives, and we may find ourselves needing them at times. Some of my relatives may not appreciate my personality, but that is their prerogative. I cannot transform into someone I am not, nor can I recreate or redesign myself. I am who I am, capable of doing what I can and having what I may. Similarly, you are already who you are; your task is to discover yourself.

In the realm of personal development, your personality is significant. It distinguishes you from others and is vitally important to those around you. Your uniqueness stems from your soul/spirit, not your physical form. In my experience, because I speak the truth from my heart, many relatives deem me foolish. Their opinions do not trouble me, as I understand myself better than they presume. Some label me as crazy, which I accept, for I differ from them due to various factors, including education and nature.

Your Personal and Professional Development

Personal development involves self-discovery and self-improvement, while professional development pertains to advancing one’s career. Personality significantly influences both personal and professional growth. Initially, one must identify their true self. Subsequently, they should enhance this self-awareness through various methods.

Additionally, it is essential to determine one’s life career and diligently work towards its enhancement, known as career discovery and improvement. I have authored and released four concise booklets on Personal and Professional Development, available on Amazon.

With divine guidance, I have realized my identity and found serenity. Likewise, I have pinpointed my vocation: teaching. To teach effectively, I must learn; to learn authentically, I must lead a fulfilling life. Through living, learning, and teaching, I serve others, embodying both personal and professional development. What about you? Are you aware of your fundamental values? They define your identity and personality type.


By now, we’ve explored personalities, their origins, their significance in our lives, and the ways to foster personal and professional growth. The question remains: what do we do with this knowledge? Action is necessary. For instance, understanding your personality type is a key aspect of self-discovery and personal development. It’s presumed that you’ve learned to analyze your personality and comprehend its importance.

Recognizing your identity is the first step towards discovering your purpose, which aligns with your career. It’s my belief that everyone has a unique reason for being here. Finding and living according to that purpose is a personal journey. I trust this article has been beneficial to you. I encourage you to share your insights in the comments section below. Your contributions are valuable to me and other readers. May you and your loved ones be blessed and remain safe during and beyond the global pandemic. Shalom!

Further Readings

2 thoughts on “Personalities: What They Are and Their Importance for Your Personal Development

  1. […] article is meant to help us understand a personality type—introvert, and how this information can help us in our journey of self-discovery and […]

  2. […] Where are you in this? Do you love it when you find yourself in a large group? How do you feel when you are alone? Do you love working in a group or alone? These are important questions and you have to answer them, yourself, your way. Just be honest with yourself as you answer them. They will guide you through this journey because it is important to learn more about your personality type. […]

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