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God: Your Second Awareness Level and its Importance for Your Personal Development


Become Aware of God Today!

This article seeks to delve into the notion of a second tier of awareness that succeeds our personal consciousness. The initial level is self-awareness, while the subsequent one pertains to the awareness of a higher power. This discussion does not challenge the existence of a deity or deities; rather, it recognizes the profound conviction many have in such beings as an existing reality in 2022. Further exploration on this topic will follow.

Who Is God?

The inquiry emerges: Who is this God? Are we speaking of Thor, the thunder god? Whether Thor or the God of heaven and earth, we’re referring to the Creator of the world, the God depicted in the Bible. Our views of Him might differ significantly, but in the end, it’s about His existence.

Numerous religions founded by humans provide perspectives on Him, including Judaism, Christianity, African Traditional Religion (ATR), Buddhism, and others. He is not limited by religion, yet He has opted to reveal Himself to various human cultures in distinct ways throughout history.

As an African Christian who also recognizes elements of God from African traditions prior to Christianity’s arrival, I maintain a personal faith in the Creator. My beliefs might appear pagan to some, owing to the variances in our religious beliefs, traditions, doctrines, teachings, and societal impacts.

In my view, God’s existence is apparent in ourselves and the cosmos around us. I believe that the physical universe cannot exist without a cause, which must be external, a conscious mind of some kind. Apart from what we can infer from creation, there are claims from different religions that He has revealed Himself to mankind throughout our history, with Jesus Christ being the sole figure to assert divinity.

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How Do You Know God?

As mentioned before, He has revealed Himself to humanity in various ways throughout history, including through Jesus Christ, as recorded in the first four books of the New Testament. Even before Christianity reached Africa, people had known Him through different means and revelations. Our world encompasses both physical and spiritual realms, which is undeniable. I have personally seen phenomena that are inexplicable, as they pertain more to the spiritual than the physical realm.

Could the events I’ve witnessed be mere illusions or, in the worst case, intentional deceptions? I do not subscribe to the view that those said to be demon-possessed were simply mentally ill, as might be assumed today. Despite scientific progress and the knowledge it provides, our world is becoming more complex, in part because we often neglect fundamental truths, such as the existence of a spiritual realm beyond our sensory perception. Thus, this question can have various answers for different reasons. I recognize Him through nature (general revelation) and Jesus Christ (special revelation).

The Bible offers direct accounts of His interactions with humanity in ancient times. We each face a personal choice to either accept or reject these accounts. Nevertheless, the reality of God will be disclosed to us, either individually or together, after we die.

My own experiences contribute to my strong belief in the existence of God, Satan, demons, angels, and other spiritual beings. My aim is not to prove the Creator’s existence; His reality does not depend on belief. Yet, we all come to know Him in our own unique ways, as He intends.

Why Is It Important to Know God?

Understanding God means recognizing His existence and His role in creation. Acknowledging the Creator is a conscious act, a second level of awareness. Belief in God suggests a divine order; He is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end of all humanity understands. Recognizing that my life was purposefully designed before I was aware of it is crucial. I am not an accident. This belief depends on God’s existence. With God, there is order; without Him, chaos ensues.

To me, God is the source of life and everything in the universe. Without Him, existence would not be possible. Our existence, including yours and mine, is due to God’s presence. He is the essence of life and the foremost relationship. Engaging with God and others are fundamental relationships.

I am aware of my existence, God’s existence, your existence, and that of other beings, which defines the levels of relationships. Understanding these relationships brings a sense of order and responsibility on Earth, offering hope and courage in tough times. Although I may not understand all theological aspects of God, I accept that some reasons are beyond my comprehension.

Therefore, there is an inherent order to all things, be they tangible or conceptual. I am conscious of myself, God, you, and other beings. I value them naturally as they are. I live contentedly in inner peace with myself, the Creator, you, and all of creation. This is the essence of truly knowing Him.


In summary, this article has examined the notion of self-awareness as the foremost form of consciousness. While some may hold the Creator in the highest regard, it is argued that one’s immediate experience is primarily of oneself, prior to any contemplation of the Creator. Even though it might seem as though God is an internal presence, He is, in fact, a separate entity.

The article encourages contemplation of several philosophical questions: Is God simply a concept? Does God actually exist? What evidence is there for or against His existence? Can belief in an afterlife be justified without concrete evidence in our current reality? These questions are profound, and this discussion provides enough material for thoughtful consideration.

Further Readings

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