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Humans: Your Third Awareness Level and Its Importance for Your Personal Development


Become Aware of Humans Today!

This article aims to elucidate the fundamentals of human existence from a creationist perspective, rather than an evolutionist’s stance. Regardless of the viewpoint we adopt, our essence remains unchanged; we are humankind. Belief or disbelief in a deity does not alter this fact. We are, fundamentally, human. Continue reading below for more insight.

Who Are Humans?

My book doesn’t delve deeply into our origins, but it does shed light on human nature. It suggests that there are two primary perspectives on human origins: the creationist and the evolutionist views. Creationists believe that God is responsible for the creation of humankind, while evolutionists, based on what they consider compelling evidence, assert that humans evolved from simpler life forms to our current state.

The stance one adopts is significant on a personal level, as both creationist and evolutionist perspectives are, in a sense, educated conjectures. Even the interpretation of fossil findings is speculative and not definitive proof. The concept of macroevolution, such as animals evolving into birds, lacks concrete evidence, a fact not universally acknowledged among science students.

Similarly, from a human perspective, we cannot employ scientific knowledge to definitively trace the actions of God or the process of human creation. The age of the Earth is estimated differently by biblical scholars and scientists, making it a subject of debate. Our origins, if we subscribe to the belief in a deity, suggest that we come from God and are part of the physical universe, created like all other beings. However, the certainty of our creation or evolution hinges on individual belief systems.

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Why Is It Important to Know Humans?

Understanding ourselves as human beings, both individually and collectively, is crucial. We are not delving into every human characteristic, but rather considering humans as a single species, a unique type of creature. Grasping our human nature is essential for living our best lives, yet it’s challenging due to our dynamic nature.

There are numerous methods to study human nature, such as exploring our personalities and their traits. These approaches provide a general perspective on us as humans. It appears that God shapes His creation, both seen and unseen, spiritual and physical. This creation then defines the creatures within it. The creatures, in turn, define nature. Our natures shape our mindsets, words, and actions.

Everything is interconnected, directly or indirectly, indicating an order to things. For instance, dogs live and behave according to their canine nature. Similarly, we humans live and act according to our human nature.

Our religiosity, or lack thereof, stems from our human nature. While I’m uncertain about the religious beliefs of birds, as I do not comprehend them, I have a better understanding of humans than other creatures, simply because they are more familiar to me.

How Do You Know Humans?

There are numerous ways to understand humans. We can examine human behavior, which in turn enlightens us about human nature. However, as previously stated, we cannot completely understand human beings since every group consists of distinct individuals, such as introverts and extroverts.

Regardless of whether we believe humans evolved or were created, they are tangible beings, and if you are reading this, you are likely one of them (although a bot can read as well). I trust you are a human. As mentioned, there are various methods to delve deeper into our human nature.

Observation is the key to learning. We observe and learn, listen and learn, and read and study, including self-study. This article serves as a source of information about human beings and their nature, irrespective of our beliefs about their evolution or creation with a purpose.

Contemplating any topic, including the essence of humans, is the first step towards understanding our nature. I firmly believe that without taking time for self-reflection, one cannot fully realize and then enhance their personal and professional life. It is imperative to embark on this journey of self-discovery and self-improvement now, as they are two crucial aspects of the same entity: you.

Your Personal and Professional Development

Through God’s grace, I have authored and published multiple books titled “Personal and Professional Development.” These works aim to assist you in exploring and enhancing your personality and career. In this article, however, I encourage you to view yourself as a member of the entire human race and to reflect on your identity, significance, and contributions to the advancement of humanity. This reflection is crucial, irrespective of your religious beliefs and convictions.

I advocate for reading articles of this nature as they are among the finest methods for self-discovery and career advancement. Fostering personal and professional growth benefits not only you as an individual but also us as a society.

For those familiar with my work, you may have encountered my previous article, “Individualism vs. Collectivism.” It serves as an insightful resource in an increasingly individualistic world, which presents its own set of challenges. Indeed, you can embark on a journey of self-discovery and improvement through reading, watching pertinent videos, participating in teams, and seeking mentorship.


In conclusion, it is evident that humans are a distinct species, humankind. Regardless of whether we evolved from simpler life forms or were created by a deity for a purpose, we remain human beings with our own intrinsic natures and types. Understanding humanity should enlighten us about our third level of relationship.

The first relationship exists within oneself, the second with God, the third with fellow humans, and the final one with the rest of God’s creation. I trust this article has been beneficial to you on a personal level. If it has, I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments section below. Shalom!

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