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Internal Relationships: What They Are and Their Importance for Your Personal Development

Internal Relationships

Learn Internal Relationships and How to Relate from Within

Beyond our connections with the world through other beings, we also foster internal relationships that are deeply personal. These involve how you relate to yourself and to God from within. This article explores the intimate relationship between you and God. In the following article, we will delve into external relationships. Discover more in the sections below!

What Are Internal Relationships?

Internal relationships pertain to the way we connect with ourselves and with God from within. This occurs irrespective of our belief in God. It transpires whether our relationship is flourishing or deteriorating. Thus, even if one’s belief is that God does not exist—which ironically requires faith—one might still ponder over this perceived void, as the rest of creation extols His virtues incessantly.

Indeed, we engage in self-dialogue internally. I penned this article after a series of introspections and dialogues with myself, which led to the decision to write it. This signifies an inward connection with oneself. Even if you were seated beside me as I composed this, my thoughts would remain private unless shared.

Similarly, as you read this, you are engaging in self-conversation. The internal dialogue never ceases throughout life. This continuous self-talk while reading, watching, listening, or engaging in activities is indicative of an ongoing internal relationship with oneself.

My conversations with myself and with God surpass any I have with others, for they are matters of internal affairs. While I cannot speak for others in this regard, I am aware of my inner peace when conversing with myself or with God. Answering my own queries is a chance for learning, free from external judgment, although self-critique is a frequent practice.

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What Are Your Past Internal Relationships?

Now, consider your past internal relationships. Is there a difference between the past and the present? What is this difference? What causes the change in your internal relationships with yourself and with God? These questions are intended to guide you as you reflect on your past internal relationships.

Let me use my own experience to better illustrate this concept. My internal relationships have been improving each year as I learn more about God and myself. It appears that the more we know, the more manageable things become; even the intense becomes less overwhelming. I am referring to both internal and external relationships.

This implies that my past relationship with myself was not as strong as it is now because I knew less about myself a decade ago. However, as I continue to learn about myself, I understand that there are aspects I cannot change, nor do I need to, as they are what make me unique and distinct from others.

Over time, I’ve realized that there are things I can handle on my own, without needing to involve God or others. If it’s within my power, I’ll do it myself. If not, I’ll seek guidance from God. If it’s impossible, there’s no point in lamenting over it. I accept that some things are beyond my capability, and I don’t fault myself or God for them, as blame does not provide a solution.

What Are Your Current Internal Relationships?

As evident from the discussion above, my current internal relationships with God and myself have significantly improved compared to ten years ago. Yet, this does not imply they have reached perfection; I am still learning. Each day, I learn more about God and myself. I am ever-changing, a peculiar being, and perhaps you’ve noticed this within yourself too.

We are enigmatic even to ourselves, often blaming ourselves for our frequent mistakes. Indeed, everyone errs. Even Amazon Kindle articles and guides contain numerous spelling, grammatical, and other errors. They are human, as are we all. Avoiding writing your life story for fear of making mistakes is no excuse.

I am confident that your current relationships can and will improve substantially, provided you continue to enrich yourself by reading articles and books. Your choice of reading material may also be influenced by your personality type. It is widely believed that reading quality novels is one of the best ways to broaden your mind and enhance your relationships.

However, in a human sense, we become what we read. Depending on the nature of the books you read, you may find yourself enacting them in your life through autosuggestion, without conscious thought about the book or its narratives. This is why I advocate for reading positive and constructive stories. Our world is already saturated with negativity, and immersing oneself in tales of death and despair only worsens it. It’s no surprise that suicide rates are climbing globally, particularly among teenagers exposed to the detrimental content in many acclaimed worldly novels.

Why Do You Need Internal Relationships?

Indeed, it’s inherent to possess these inner relationships, whether we are conscious of them or not. But the question arises, do we actually need them? This inquiry is deeply personal and seeks individual reflections. Take a moment to ponder before responding hastily, as the most profound answers often reside within the depths of your heart, soul, mind, and spirit.

It is my belief that we require internal relationships that are nurturing, rather than just any kind of relationship. This is the essence of the discussion: the importance of nurturing relationships. These are the bonds you form with yourself, and with a higher power, which may be God for some.

Such relationships naturally extend to those around us: our partners, children, siblings, other relatives, friends, colleagues, neighbors, and even broader connections with other people and living beings. If our internal relationships are unhealthy, it inevitably affects our external interactions. This is a natural consequence, isn’t it? Hence, the necessity for strong, positive internal relationships with oneself and, depending on one’s beliefs, with a higher power.

There are numerous reasons to foster healthy internal relationships, all of which are crucial because they influence our interactions with the world at large.

How Do You Develop Internal Relationships?

Experts believe that our traits come from both nature and nurture. I aim to enlighten you on the significance of nurturing positive internal relationships, as they shape your interactions with others and the world around you. I encourage you to think and speak words of peace.

You inherently understand yourself from within, which is the natural foundation of your relationship with yourself, often without conscious thought. However, the time has arrived for you to examine this relationship more closely and consider ways to enhance it on your terms. Cultural experiences and life’s circumstances may have impacted your internal and external relationships negatively.

Your environment is a primary factor where you’ve formed your inner relationships. Literature and discussions like this one are additional resources. Individuals such as parents and friends are also influential in developing your internal relationships, a process you’ve engaged in over recent years.

This indicates that your inner relationships have evolved under the influence of both internal and external factors. These sources interplay, impacting each other regardless of our awareness. Consequently, you cultivate your relationships drawing from both internal and external influences.

Your Personal and Professional Development

In the realm of personal and professional growth, the way you interact with yourself internally is crucial. It’s been established that this internal relationship impacts how you connect with others, for better or worse. Indeed, positivity and negativity are fundamental elements of nature.

Begin by understanding your true self, including your personality type and identity. Next, explore your desires, skills, talents, and career path. Subsequently, ascend by enhancing your self-perception, identity, and professional life. Resources like “Your Self-Discovery Guide” and “Your Self-Improvement Guide” can be invaluable, steering your thoughts towards your objectives.

Typically, self-improvement and career advancement can be achieved through reading, observing, listening, and engaging in activities. These four methods are the primary ways humans learn, and using a mix of these approaches often yields the best outcomes.

For instance, you may excel at reading and listening, making them your optimal learning combination. Conversely, another person may learn more effectively through observation and hands-on experience, needing to see actions performed and to attempt them personally to grasp the concept.

Similarly, some individuals don’t consider it reading unless the book is tangible. Often perfectionists, they prefer to physically handle and even smell a book to acknowledge its authenticity. Yet, there are those who are content reading text in any form.


In summary, we have explored the nature of internal relationships and the personal journey to understanding them. We’ve recognized that these relationships exist within us and with God, independent of our belief in God’s existence. Indeed, our inner feelings significantly influence how we handle external matters, including our relationships with others.

I suggest that balance is crucial in life. There is no single idea that fits all. Our diversity and uniqueness mean that we cannot simply blend into one another. However, self-awareness is beneficial for nurturing both internal and external relationships. Harness your strongest internal connections to enhance your interactions with others, including all living and non-living entities. Shalom!

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