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Stress: What It Is and How to Manage It for Your Personal and Professional Development


Learn Stress Management Today!

This article examines stress to understand its nature and how to manage it, enabling us to enhance ourselves and our diverse careers. Stress and depression, indeed, are major contributors to misfortune, leading to the detriment of individuals, families, and societies. Below, we delve deeper into the subject of stress.

What Is Stress?

Modern English dictionaries, both online and offline, offer various definitions of stress. In this article, stress refers to the excessive contemplation of a matter or individual to the point of concern. Often, stress is closely linked with depression, as it may lead to depression if not addressed promptly. It is a universal condition; no one is exempt from stress or stressful circumstances.

In Africa, while we may not express stress or depression by pulling out our hair, we have other ways of manifesting our frustration and disappointment. Stress has been a constant presence, even in ancient times, and its prevalence is on the rise today due to shifts in our beliefs, social structures, and cultural practices.

Stress, much like depression, appears to be more prevalent among the young and among females. Nonetheless, the intensity of stress varies individually, indicating that it is influenced more by personality types and traits rather than by gender or age. It is important to note that personality traits are aspects of personality types; they reveal our personality types but are not types in themselves.

Have You Ever Been Stressed?

Indeed, the issue is clear, yet it warrants reflection. Contemplating the personal impact of stress is crucial, as it is a tangible concern in our lives, even in the 21st century.

Stress manifests in various degrees, complicating the recognition of depression and stress based on one’s current state. Nevertheless, there are numerous indicators and symptoms that those around us may notice, signaling when we are becoming overwhelmed.

Stress arises from myriad sources, both internal and external. As Sadhguru insightfully states, “The world outside you can never happen your way,” implying our lack of control over others’ thoughts, words, and actions towards us. This concept merits deep consideration.

Triggers may also stem from our own thoughts, words, and deeds, or from others’ perceptions and comments about us. They may arise from others’ actions that lead us to overthink rather than act appropriately.

Reflect deeply on this straightforward question and respond truthfully before moving forward. Such honesty is the first step towards recovery from stressful thoughts, which may stem from any of the aforementioned causes. Our past serves as a caution for both the present and the future.

Are You Currently Stressed?

You may already know, or perhaps you should know the answer if you don’t yet. As previously mentioned, depression and stress often act as silent killers, meaning you could be suffering from them right now without any awareness. However, numerous signs and symptoms can indicate that you are not at ease. You might distinguish between times when you are depressed and stressed and when you are not.

So, what can you do if you are stressed? You can reflect on and consider the potential consequences of depression and stress before they manifest in your life. This approach of contemplation and advice generally works at lower stress levels, not at higher ones, which is why it’s crucial to conduct a thorough self-assessment at this moment.

If you’re feeling stressed currently, consider engaging in an activity that keeps you occupied, something that diverts your attention from the present issues exacerbating your stress. This strategy is effective if you’re aware of the specific problems troubling you. Nevertheless, this remains one of the best pieces of advice available.

A friend once remarked that I seemed stressed by the manner in which I spoke to him, but I was unaware of any trouble since I believed I was merely voicing my concerns. It’s also easy for others to misinterpret your state and assume you’re stressed when you’re actually feeling normal.

I’ve been informed that many South Sudanese appear stressed in their speech even when they are not. The environment and circumstances you find yourself in can influence your reactions to surrounding issues. For instance, it’s unreasonable to expect a genuine smile from someone who is truly very hungry. While it’s admirable to be strong and resilient, it’s undeniable that hunger can lead to irritability.

How Do You Manage Personal Stress?

Even if the onset of depression and stress is forgotten, the methods you or someone you know used to manage stress in the past can still be remembered. This question serves as an evaluative tool, prompting us to reflect on depressive and stressful thoughts.

Let me share my personal experience as an example. I once believed that I was immune to depression and stress, but that was a self-deception. I am human, just like you or anyone else, and I experience depression and stress, whether I’m aware of it or not.

Nevertheless, I have my own distinctive ways of handling these challenges. Keeping busy with activities I love is one of the most effective strategies for managing stress. Writing is a passion of mine. Engaged in writing, I’m occupied and distracted from minor concerns that otherwise preoccupy me when I’m idle. Indeed, how often do idle individuals exacerbate their stress over trivial matters and thoughts!

Why Do You Need to Manage Personal Stress?

Understanding the grave consequences of stress and depression might lead one to consider preventative measures. Our contemporary world abounds with sources and triggers of stress and depression. Hence, I wrote this article to assist you in preventing or managing these age-old deterrents to motivation on your own.

The primary reason to manage stress is simply that it’s unnecessary. If a task is within your capabilities, tackle it; if not, let it go. This concept may seem straightforward, yet implementing it is often easier said than done. Logic dictates our actions, but stress and depression are illogical by nature. So, I pose the question to you, dear reader: Why do you believe it’s important to manage your stress?


In essence, stress is perilous and can affect anyone, irrespective of age, gender, race, or background. It is indiscriminate, impacting individuals of any tribe, language, wealth, religion, belief, and social standing. It shows no regard for any person and can be both a relationship and motivation destroyer.

Nonetheless, understanding your personality type and enhancing your life are crucial in preventing and managing personal stress. If prevention is not possible, then remediation is key. The method of doing so is the challenge. This is the reason you are reading this and other articles, both online and offline.

I trust this article has been beneficial to you, especially in terms of stress management. Would you be willing to share your insights with me and other readers in the comments section below?

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